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I have used these to add instant morals to NPC's and even to help the novice hero game player. For those of use that have played Dungeons and Dragons (thats pretty much everybody), cnosider the following "Callings" like alignment.

Calling Description


Adventurer Your hero seeks to recapture a spirit of adventure that humanity has lost. He or she will go to often foolhardy to revitalize this hedonistic, adventuresome spirit. Hawkeye, Hercules, Nightcrawler, Wasp
Animal Nature Your hero has a savage side that must be kept in check. He or she must struggle to control these feelings, or give in and lose control Morbius, Tigra, Werewolf, Wolverine
Demolisher Your hero causes destruction for destruction's sake. Demonstration of raw power causes a sense of pride, no matter what the cost. Absorbing Man, Juggernaut, Sabretooth, Super-Adaptoid
Exemplar Your hero feels he or she symbolizes a race, class, historical legacy, or subgroup that needs greater visibility. He or she seeks a high profile, but not personal notoriety. Black Knight, Captain Britain, Falcon, Thor
Explorer Your hero devotes his or her life to the discovery of new ideas and environments. He or she believes the theoretical is often as powerful as the practical Giant-Man, Mister Fantastic, Moondragon, Stingray
Gloryhound Your hero seeks publicity for personal accomplishments. Only the adulation of the people will satisfy this individual's longings. Human Torch, Luke Cage, She-Hulk, Wonder Man
Greed Your hero is overwhelmed by desire for wealth. Even when great wealth is achieved, more must be gained. Electro, Kingpin, Rhino, Taskmaster
Guardian Your hero desires to protect beloved persons or places. Threats to those loved ones trigger the strongest responses in this individual. Daredevil, Doctor Strange, Invisible Women, Phoenix
Idealist Your hero stands for a cause for which he or she would gladly die. Challenges to those beliefs provoke strong reactions from this individual Captain America, Cyclops, Professor X, Sabra
Investigator Your hero loves to unraveling human mysteries, whether of crime, science, psychiatry, or another field of inquiry. It is especially satisfying when that work helps others. Beast, Black Widow, Doc Samson, Forge
Majesty Your hero leads a people and acts as the preserver of their interests. Personal power is wielded for their benefit. Black Bolt, Black Panther, Clea, Sub-Mariner
Mentor Your hero acts to encourage responsibility and competence among his or her charges. Testing the students' abilities is high priority. Agatha Harkness, Banshee, Stick, White Queen
Outcast Your hero is hated or feared for some quality, possibly a mutant power or a past allegiance. He or she may want to be left alone, or will only ally with those who are free of the bias. Hulk, Nate Grey, Polaris, Quicksilver
Peace of mind Your hero seeks self-perfection or freedom from inner demons. He or she may suffer inner conflicts, or overcomes them and keeps spiritually balanced. Iron Fist, Moon Knight, Shang-Chi, Wolfsbane
Protector Your hero lives to protect innocents from harm, regardless of who or where they are. Seeing folks in danger brings out in your hero an overwhelming desire to lend a hand. Angel, Colossus, Shadowcat, Storm
Repentant Your hero acts to gain redemption for past sins. Only through the doing of good deeds can your hero feel at least partially cleansed. Ant-Man, Elektra, Gambit, Silver Surfer
Responsibility of Power Your hero is saddled with undesired powers, but feels he or she must act selflessly. He or she may grab normalcy if it comes along, but otherwise will persevere. Iceman, Iron Man, Spider-Man, The Thing
Soldier Your hero prizes following or giving orders unless it conflicts with his or her moral code. He or she may fight for money or duty, but ultimately fights for personal validation. Bishop, Cable, Nick Fury, Silver Sable
Thrill Seeker Your hero acts because of a hedonistic desire for danger and risk. Events that heighten his or her adrenaline are highly prized. Black Cat, Nova, Psylocke, Sersi
Uncontrolled Power Your hero cannot control his or her powers without monitoring. This may overcome your hero's reason and force actions that he or she would regret. Franklin Richards, Havok, Rogue, Scarlet Witch
Vengeance Your hero seeks revenge against someone for some real or imagined slight. Any sacrifice to gain that vengeance is acceptable. Green Goblin, Loki, Super-Skrull, Venom
Vestige of Humanity Your hero isn't fully human, but envies the full emotions of others. The closer your hero can get to human, the happier he or she is. Adam Warlock, Warbird, Machine Man, Vision
World Domination Your hero wants dominion over as many people as possible. Resistance to his or her will can trigger violent responses. Annihilus, Doctor Doom, Leader, Magneto
Youthful Exuberance Your hero recklessly pursues the life of a superbeing with the wide-eyed joy of youth. Such an individual is bored easily, and not good at listening to instructions. Cannonball, Jubilee, Kymaera, Meltdown