Barbara Ann Minerva
Fighting |
Incredible |
Agility |
Incredible |
Strength |
Remarkable |
Endurance |
Incredible |
Reason |
Remarkable |
Intuition |
Remarkable |
Psyche |
Excellent |
Health |
150 |
Karma |
80 |
Resources |
Good |
Popularity |
-15 |
Cheetah Form: Barbara is able to transform into the Cheetah, giving her the statistics listed and the following powers:
- Claws: Incredible
- Teeth: Excellent
- Hyper-Leaping: Typical
- Hyper-Running: Remarkable
- Body Resistance: Good
- Enhanced Senses: Monstrous smell and Incredible hearing
- Prehensile Tail: Use as additional arm, an extra attack with Good fighting.
- Berserker: Ignore stuns and Unearthly resistance to mind control.
When not in cheetah form Barbara has no powers Typical ranked ability scores. Her health is 24.
Possessing an animal spirit causes Minerva to rage in battle failing a yellow Psyche FEAt.
Acrobatics, Stealth, Tracking, Thief, Martial Arts A, C
Secret Society of Super-Villains