Robot Body: The "Cat" is a 20 foot tall robot. It is strictly a mindless automaton lacking self-awareness.
Body Armor: The Cat’s outer shell has Monstrous material strength. However, the eyes and mouth are only Typical material strength.
Paralyzing Spray: The Cat can belch yellow paralyzing foam from its mouth. The range of the spray is two areas; accuracy is determined by the Cat’s Monstrous Fighting rank. The foam possesses Unearthly Paralysis. Targets must make an Endurance FEAT to avoid being paralyzed for 1 -10 turns. Those making the FEAT are only paralyzed for a single turn. The foam can penetrate cloth and most natural armor skins. It cannot penetrate force fields opposing physical attacks, sealed inorganic armor such as a space suit or Iron Man’s armor, or armor skins or Invulnerabilities of greater than Unearthly rank.
The Cat is a 20’ foot tall robot designed to patrol Taa II and capture any intruders or vermin.