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Great and Powerful Turtle
Thomas Tudbury

Fighting Good
Agility Good
Strength Typical
Endurance Remarkable
Reason Remarkable
Intuition Good
Psyche Remarkable
Health 56
Karma 70
Resources Excellent
Popularity 75




Telekinesis: Shift-Z

  • Flight: Unearthly
  • Force Field: Unearthly
  • Kinetic bolt: Unearthly
  • Squeezing the air out of someone: Unearthly
  • Attack up to 6 times around: Unearthly rank or less
  • The above powers will not work outside of his shell


  • The Shell: Is made of Incredible material strength and provides the following
    • Amplifiers to be heard of a 7 block radius
    • Police scanner
    • Fridge
    • Circular vision due to camaras
    • Radar set: Good rank
    • Infrared camaras: Good rank
    • Computer to moniter all systems
    • The Turtle can easily fly the shell and do multiple things at the same time with out any strain on his Telekinesis



    Comic book history, Electronics, Repair/tinker, Business/Finanace, Engineer



    Dr Tachyon and most of the other aces in NYC



    Tudbury grew up in Bayonne, New Jersey, in a federal low-income housing project. He was a fat, shy, only child who did well in the classroom and poorly at sports. He was tormented constantly and beat up frequently. A lonely, imaginative introvert, Tudbury spent most of his time in his room reading comics and playing with his pet turtles. His TK manifested itself quite early, but he used it in public only once in his childhood, when some bullies shoved him around and killed his pets. It was then he also discovered that his powers deserted him whenever he was nervous or frightened or hurt. Through most of his childhood he used his power as a toy, and then only surreptitiously.

    The one person who knew the secret of Tudbury's power was Joey diangelis, his only real friend. They became close when Tudbury used his TK to save his coniic book collection from a hysterical PTA-organized bonfire, and then gave it to diangelis for safekeeping in his father's junkyard. Tudbury became the Great and Powerful Turtle in late 1963, spurred by the assassination of John F. Kennedy, an event which made Tudbury realize the need for heroes to stand up for justice and the rights of the oppressed. With the help of Joey diangelis and the example of the pet turtles from his childhood, he built a shell to protect himself.

    This first shell was the hulk of a derelict Volkswagen covered with armor plate salvaged from World War 2 battleships. DiAngelis did the body work, Tudbury the electrical outfitting that included TV cameras focused outside the shell, a ham radio to monitor police calls, and an amplifier, mike, and speakers to communicate with the outside. Later models were larger, more comfortable, and more sophisticated, with off-the shelf equipment such as refrigerator, radar set, infrared scopes, and a computer to monitor all system. A shell weighs approximately four tons. The shell has became an important psychological crutch for Tudbury.

    His TK will work only under the most extraordinary situations, and then only very weakly, outside the shell. DiAngelis's junkyard has served as the Turtle's secret headquarters throughout his entire career. Joey very occasionally goes with the Turtle on a mission, disguised in a frog mask; of course, nobody knows who "Froggy" is either, so that provides no clue to the Turtle's identity. Tudbury flies the shell with his TK. This has become second nature to him over the years and he has no problem dividing his concentration to keep his shell aloft and use his TK offensively.

    When in action he simply snatches and lifts his target off the ground. In more dangerous situations he can use his TK to throw things, or even to smash or crush. He never lets anyone else in his shell and is determined to keep his identity a secret. Although in the mid-1980s Tachyon discovered that the Turtle is Tommy Tudbury, he has no idea who Tudbury is or where he can be found. Tachyon and the Turtle remain friends, with a "tough love" attitude toward each others' faults.

    The Turtle has had a long public career. It began in 1963 when he was 19 and continues into the late 1980s. In 1963 Tudbury was an insecure, rather timid adolescent, full of power fantasies and melodrama. His self-applied ace name, The Great and Powerful Turtle, originated in this period. By the late 1980s, Turtle is older and wiser. He has the same ideals, but they've been a little tarnished by experience. He's more confident, but also more cautious. His power has grown through the years, and he's become more accomplished in its use. He has changed through time from a nervous rookie to a flamboyant hot-dog to a tired and mildly cynical veteran. Nevertheless, he remains committed to his ace career; he faked Tom Tudbury's death for the insurance money to build the best shell yet, and now has no public identity except the Turtle. All his wealth, like his powers and his self-image, is tied up in that steel shell.

    by bob malooga