Power Absorbtion: Uneathly ability to absorb powers and abilities on physical contact, If Parasite has contact with his target for a round, he abosrbs a maximum of 100pts per round and gains the targets' memories, powers, abilities and talents. The points are drained evenly from the
target's abilities and powers. The absorbed points are evenly distributed among his
abilities and absorbed powers. He cannot add points to his own powers. He must "feed" at least once every day to maintain his heightened levels. See chart below.
Duration of Contact
Duration of Absorbtion
1 round
1-10 rounds
2 rounds
11-20 rounds
3 rounds
21-30 rounds
4 rounds
31-40 rounds
5 rounds
41-50 rounds
6 rounds
51-60 rounds
7 rounds
61-70 rounds
8 rounds
71-80 rounds
9 rounds
81-90 rounds
10 rounds
91-100 rounds (maximum)
Shapechanging: Parasite has the Unearthly ability to change into other than humanoid forms who he has absorbed in the past. He gains the physical powers of the form he assumes and can increase his physical stats up to +1CS.
Machines and Energy beings are immune
If target's ranks are Shift-Y or higher, he must make an Endurance FEAT. vs. stuns and slams
If any absorbed abilities are Monstrous or higher, he must make a Psyche FEAT. or overcome that person's personality
Rudy Jones and Torval Freeman share the same body. They switch from time to time on who controls the body.