Berserker: Ignore all Stun results, All attacks are at +1CS, and Unearthly resistance to mind control and other mental attacks. A successful Psyche FEAT must be made to come out of it.
Special Notes: Wolverine is often the projectile in a Fastball Special with Colossus or other super strong individuals (Power Stunt). When he is used as a projectile, Wolverine should be treated as a Unearthly material.
Special Notes: When in battle with Sabretooth all green and yellow Fighting hits are considered to be a "Hit". Red is considered a "Stun" unless a natural 100 is rolled which results in a "Kill"

Martial arts A, B, C, D, and E, Military, Detective/Espionage, Intimidation/Interrogation, Ninja Skills (Stealth/Blending), Oriental Weapons, Survival, Resist Domination and Bilingual (English/Japanese/Russian), Weapon Specialist: Claws
Department H, CIA, X-Men, Alpha Flight, Hydra, and Avengers.
In the late 1880's a child by the name of James Howlett was born. As a child James was a frail and sick boy. His allergies didn't allow him to go out and play much. His father had requested that a twelve-year-old girl be brought to their estate. That girl was named Rose and she was to be a friend and play mate to James. She read to him and looked after him. Along with the grounds keeper's son, Dog, James and Rose were the only children on the hill where the estate was. They had become close friends and played together as much as possible but Dog slowly grew away from them. Dog's father, the grounds keeper was named Thomas Logan, he was an alcoholic and abuse his son.
Over the next few years Dog started to follow in his father footsteps, becoming cruel and heartless. James was given more responsibilities by his father and grandfather. After a big fight, Dog killed James's K-9 companion, which resulted in the Logan’s getting kicked off the Howlett estate.
In a fit of rage and anger Thomas Logan and his son entered the estate armed. They then took Rose hostage and demanded that she take them to the masters' bedroom. There the elder Logan tried to persuade James's mother, Elizabeth, to leave with them. Before they could leave John entered the room and discovered them together. In a rage of hate and dislike Thomas shot John as James walked into the room. Seeing his father shot and killed shocked him so much that it triggered his latent mutant abilities. His claws extended and continued through Thomas.
After his mother shunned him for his unusual abilities he fled the house. Rose followed to see what she could do. She found James outside the house on the ground and cold. She brought him to the barn in order to try and warm him up. Not knowing what to do Rose brought James to his grandfather house. He ended up giving them cash and told them never to come back again.
Rose took James and went to British Columbia looking for a place that they could live in peace. Rose remembered her father talking of quarries in the Northern frontiers and she figured that would be a good place for them to start looking. Making it to a quarry, they met a man named Smitty who was the foreman. That is when Rose gave James the name Logan to hide his true identity.
By the second summer there Logan was providing for both Rose and himself. He had trained himself to be a fine hunter and he also worked hard at the quarry. Smitty even gave him a new job in demolitions. Shortly after that Smitty asked Rose to marry him. The proposal upset Logan but he finally realized that Smitty did indeed love Rose. Logan then helped Smitty get money for tickets away from the quarry.
Before Smitty and Rose could leave, Dog showed up. At the request of Logan’s grandfather he was to kill Logan and Rose for what he believed they did. In the fight that followed Rose tried to break it up but was struck by Logan’s claws and died. After that, not being able to live among people for what he did he left the camp and went off into the wilderness to live alone.
It wasn't until his first recorded encounter with the Hulk, as an agent of Canada's Department H, that anyone had heard of him or knew that he was interacting with people again.
Logan possesses memories of being a Samurai in Japan, a mercenary operative for the Central Intelligence Agency, and a "wild man" in the Canadian wilderness. Due to the extensive memory implants given to Logan through the Weapon X program, any and all of these memories are suspect. Logan has at least one memory of meeting Captain America in World War II, which was verified as true. It is possible that Logan's healing factor grants him an extended life span and has granted him the physical condition of a man in his prime, despite his age.
Sometime after World War II, Logan was taken by a group of scientists led by Dr. Cornelius as part of the Weapon X program. Cornelius was hired to perfect and use a technique that would bond the indestructible element adamantium to human bone cells. Logan's skeleton was bonded to the adamantium, and he was indoctrinated into the Weapon X assassin program.
After his encounter with the Hulk, Wolverine was conscripted by Department H to join and lead Alpha Flight, Canada's government-run super team. During his leadership of Alpha Flight, Wolverine was approached by Professor Charles Xavier, who was looking for mutants to help his students, the X-Men, escape from the island-being known as Krakoa, which had captured them. Wolverine left Alpha Flight to accompany Xavier and rescue the captured X-Men. After Krakoa was defeated, Wolverine decided to stay with the X-Men, for reasons which included that he had fallen for the X-Man known as Marvel Girl.
Logan remained with the X-Men for quite some time, at one time being their field commander, and encountering adversaries such as Proteus, Magneto, the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, the Brood, the Reavers, demons from the dimension of Limbo, the Marauders, the Morlocks, and even Dracula on one occasion.
After his encounter with the mutant assassin Omega Red, Logan began to question the memories he possessed, but his searches to find his true identity and memories proved fruitless.
During an encounter with the mutant Magneto on his space station called Avalon, Wolverine attempted to defeat Magneto using the claws presumably given to him by the Weapon X project. Magneto retaliated, using his powers of the magnetic field to tear the adamantium out of Wolverine's skeleton, causing extensive injuries. These injuries shorted out Wolverine's healing factor for a time, and Logan also discovered that the claws that he believed a result of the Weapon X project were in fact a natural mutation. The claws he now possesses are bone, and a natural part of his skeletal structure.
As a result of his injuries, Logan left the X-Men for a time, returning after he was asked by Xavier, who also asked the mutant Cable, to rescue the X-Men in Tibet, where they were captured during the Phalanx invasion.
Recently, Logan was kidnapped by Tyler Dayspring, calling himself Genesis, who wanted to make Wolverine one of his new Horsemen. Genesis had acquired adamantium by destroying the body of the mercenary known as Cyber, and had planned to recreate the bonding process used on Logan years ago. This time, however, Logan's body rejected the adamantium, and he regressed for a time to a feral-like state.
Logan regained his lucidity, rejoined the X-Men, and is now supervising the team while Cyclops and Jean Grey are on leave. Still without his Adamantium, Logan was kidnapped by the would-be conqueror Apocalypse, perhaps the world's first mutant, and forced to fight the savage assassin Sabretooth for the mantle of the Horseman Death. Viewing himself as a more merciful candidate than his fellow mutant, Logan fought hard to win the battle. As a result, his skeleton again was laced with Adamantium. Under the control of Apocalypse, Wolverine fought the X-Men ferociously in his Death persona. But with the help of his teammates, he eventually broke free from Apocalypse's control.
While on the Weapon Plus satellite, Logan was able to access detailed files on his past. However, it was a trap, and only Jean's manifestation of the Phoenix was able to save them. Wolverine greatly mourns Jean's loss, was not pleased with Cyclops and Emma Frost's relationship, but has remained a valued member of the X-Men, serving on as many missions as he can while also doing solo operations.
Wolverine was ambushed by the Hand and Hydra. Transformed into a killing machine and outfitted with several devices, he battled various other heroes and killed both Hornet and Northstar. S.H.I.E.L.D. was eventually able to deprogram Logan, and he was sent to oppose Northstar, who also had been resurrected by Hydra. While on a mission in the Savage Land, he met the recently reformed Avengers and eventually accepted membership.
Recently, Wolverine unnerved many high level officials, including those of S.H.I.E.L.D., by his sporadic movements in and out of the grid, with the tensions mounting in what seemed to be Wolverine's attempted assassination of the prime minister of Japan. Eventually it was revealed that Wolverine's true target was not the prime minister, but his bodyguard, the Silver Samurai. During an interrogation that began during their battle, and ended shortly after Logan severed the samurai's arm, Wolverine received some more information that led him back to Department H. Despite what he had originally thought, it was not the carelessness of his captors that allowed him to escape; rather, the Winter Soldier seemingly interfered with the operation in such a way that allowed Logan's escape. Wolverine tracked down the Winter Soldier in Serbia for information, but was rendered unconscious after a struggle after which the Winter Soldier revealed that he had earlier murdered Logan's pregnant wife.