A World Without Heroes, Is A World Without Hope! © 2001, 2024 Tue, 18 Jun 2024 02:43:17 -0600 Phorum 5.2.22,86121,86121#msg-86121 broken link to Conan sourcebook (1 reply),86121,86121#msg-86121 is 404
any chance to fix it or another place to find it? seems like a great sourcebook up my alley!

GenghisDon General Discussion Sun, 16 Jun 2024 07:49:41 -0600,86119,86119#msg-86119 Ultraverse (no replies),86119,86119#msg-86119 Silver_SamOnRye Canon Character Write-ups Thu, 06 Jun 2024 15:17:57 -0600,86116,86116#msg-86116 My name is Mudd (no replies),86116,86116#msg-86116

Identity: Mudd
Real name: Kyle Rollins
Group: unaffiliated at the moment
Origen of Powers: mutation
Citizenship: US citizen without a criminal record
Occupation: student

Appearance: Before his mutation manifested Rollins was tall and athletic, with a Hollywood smile. Now however, he has let himself go,and is quite the slob. His unkempt, disheveled appearance masks his formerly all-american good looks.
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 235 lbs.
Hair color: light brown
Eye color: blue
Age: 22

Fighting: EX (16)
Agility: EX (16)
Strength: EX (17) (IN (45))
Endurance: RM (26)*
Reason: GD (8)
Intuition: RM (26)
Psyche: RM (26)

Health: 75 / 103
Karma: 60

Resources: PR(3)*
Popularity: SH(0)* (unknown to the public)

* Random mutation: +1CS Endurance, -1CS Popularity, -1CS Resources

S14: Body Coating (Mud) AM (50) : Unlike some famous heroes who can wrap themselves in a firery wreath, or a nigh-impenetrable forcefield, Mudd can sheathe himself in a thick layer of… mud. Although unglamorous and better at keeping everybody at a distance than any forcefield, this mud offers considerable protection against attacks. This is secreted from the pores in his skin, and this coating allows for his other powers to manifest.

Note: All of Mudd's powers only function when he is covered in mud, whether his own body coating or any other mud (or, most often, a mixture of the two).

P36: Solar (Mud) Regeneration IN (38) : As per the normal power, except that the power only functions when he is covered in mud. These "mud baths," although extremely effective, have not endeared him to his teammates.

P27:Nonstick Coating IN (36) : Mudd's body coating makes him all but impossible to grapple or secure; many attacks simply slide off his muddy form, like "A greased pig, but ten times worse" according to one teammate.

P20:Hyper-Strength RM (28) : When "muddy" (Rollins' term for activating his body coating) his strength and health rise to the number on the right, boasting class 45 strength level.

P18:Hyper-Intake/Expulsion AM (46) : His most notorious power, Rollins has at the simplest level the "Super Breath" power similar to ohers such as Ben Grimm (Thing) and Bruce Banner (Hulk). Able to ingest solids, liquids, and gases equally well, he has shrewdly used this power in a number ways that likely never occured to Grimm or Banner. One example was when he emptied a jacuzzi right before departing on a mission; upon arrival he promply spit out the contents, creating an instant mud puddle at the battlesite. Another is to quickly incapacitate an opponent by swallowing him, and then either spitting him out with great force at other enemies or directly into a jail cell. Yet another tactic is his most infamous:

Spitball Special: A variant on the Fastball Special performed by Colossus and Wolverine, this tactic involves Rollins using Deadpool (everyone else flatly refuses to do it) as a projectile, swallowing him and spitting him out at the target. Use normal rules for this power, although the referee is absolutely within his rights to require an Agility feat roll to hit the target; keep in mind the power's range should Rollins miss. Deadpool hates this tactic, but only agrees to it because no one else will do it.

P11: Digestive Adaption AM (46) : Mudd's muddy coating, and his metabolism in general, is highly acidic. So much so, that he can break down and digest anything and extract nutrients and fuel. The origin of his nickname "Trashmouth" he has even used this in combat, swallowing a live grenade and thus harmlessly neutralizing it. He has yet to find a substance short of genuine Vibranium or Adamantium that he can't digest.

P25:Lung Adaptability IN (36) : His protective muddy layer also enters and covers his respiratory tract and , through a form of Osmosis, can break down any gas to provide oxygen (the rest is essentially assimilated into the mud). This permits Rollins to breathe normally in any gas or liquid environment.

Notes: 1) Both Digestive and Lung adaptations confer upon Rollins absolute immunity to poisons and toxins (at the ShY(200) level), whether solid, liquid, or gas.
2) A side effect of this is when "muddy" rollins has severely reduced senses of smell and taste, which undoubtedly contributed to his slovenly manners.
3) Another side effect is that his flesh and blood, to say nothing of his muddy outer layer, is extremely toxic. Some X-Men have debated (only half-jokingly) if a Predator-X could actually swallow Mudd before dying of a painful poisoning.

Student: Rollins was a student at the Xavier School for Gifted individuals, but since the move to Krakoa he has let his studies fall by the wayside. The only area that he never slacks off in is combat training. Still the gifted athlete he always was, this is the only area where he still shows any discipline.


1) Krakoa : Rollins became a citizen of Krakoa, and has lived there when not on missions. He is a mostly respected part of the community, but the Quiet Council has a policy of loaning Mudd out as much as possible to various teams. This is primarily to keep him busy, due to his tendency to get into trouble when bored. It is undeniable that he is one of the more notorious among mutants, for his antics like the Spitball Special (see above) and the like.

2) Logan ( Wolverine ) : This friendship is a result of the two men serving together on both the Unity Division and X-Force. The two have a synergy in combat , but also a love of excursions into the wilderness. On the other hand, Logan has gone on record as saying that some of his toughest battles have been trying to convince Rollins to take a shower.


Born to a reasonably successful middle class family Kyle Rollins had it all, or so he thought. A gifted athlete, he was an all-state pick for the state's All-Star football at only sixteen years of age. And again at seventeen, and a third time at eighteen. This was in addition to being a two-time state champion in the decathlon. As a result, offers of athletic scholarships from big name universities poured in. The future seemed bright, but then it all came crashing down. At his high school graduation party, Rollins got himself throroughly drunk; at one point he fell into a large puddle of mud and passed out. His friends, also thoroughly inebriated, simply laughed at their unconscious friend lying in the mud and continued their merrymaking. When Rollins finally woke up he was still lying in the mud but now oddly felt better than he ever had before. Further, he was now facing members of the infamous X-Men. With bemused expressions they explained to Rollins that he was a mutant and that they were there to make him an offer better than any university could. Knowing full well that his status as a mutant meant he could kiss all of the athletic scholarships goodbye, Rollins accepted their offer and accompanied them to Xavier's Institute for gifted youngsters.

Initially excited by the thought that he would wield powers like the X-Men, soaring through the sky or using superhuman strength to fight evil, Rollins would be sorely disappointed. Instead of "cool powers" Rollins inherited the ability to sheathe himself in… mud. While crestfallen, he nevertheless became a student at the school, eventually migrating to Krakoa. He was a good student at the institute, but the nature of his powers, combined with his degenerating personal habits earned him a bad reputation among other mutants. Rollins served in both X-Force and the Unity Division of the Avengers, the general theme each time being to send Rollins as far in front of everyone else as possible. His tenures on the teams was defined primarily by two things: the respect he earned from heavyweights such as Logan (Wolverine) and Steve Rogers (Capitain America) for his dedication. Both of the far more famous heroes have vouched for Rollins' determination in the face of adversity. The second defining aspect is the now infamous "Spitball Special." A hastily improvised variant of the famous "Fastball Special" that involves using Wolverine as a projectile, Rollins used his ability to swallow and forcefully regurgitate anything to literally spit Deadpool (Wade Wilson) at an escaping helicopter. Although the chopper was airbourne and gaining distance, Rollins accurately hit the helicopter with Deadpool, who proceeded to kill the occupants inside the chopper. The now legendary episode recounts that the entire team was still laughing with tears in their eyes when Deadpool returned from the now crashed helicopter. Wade Wilson himself has said that had he known what was going to happen he would have stabbed Rollins with both swords instead of accepting. Logan, for his part, still chuckles whenever the event is mentioned- a common event since everyone on Krakoa has heard about the Spitball Special.

Another defining period for Rollins was during the Hydra takeover: he answered the call by the Underground and fought against the Hydra forces. On multiple occasions he proved to be especially well suited for infiltrations, due to his ability to operate independently. It was also during this time his teammates began to worry about his mental health. On at least one occasion Rollins was seen to actually swallow a Hydra agent, not for a Spitball Special but to consume. Rollins has claimed that it was a mistake due to the heat of the moment, but some wonder if it is the start of a worrying trend...


Having come to terms with the nature of his mutation, Rollins has learned to live for the moment. He enjoys the superhero lifestyle, and is at his most animated when on a mission. Conversely, he is easily bored in the downtime between missions. His abilities give him a great capacity to live off the land, which he regularly does. These excursions frequently resulted in local alarms being raised by frightened locals concerning "Monsters in the woods." Since relocating to Krakoa the mutant community has had an easier time keeping Rollins out of trouble, mostly by loaning him out to X-Force, Avengers Unity Division, or anyone else who can keep him busy. In combat he is direct and absolutely lacking in subtlety; he will frequently scream and toss things in order to attract the enemy's attention, generally making an excellent distraction for the rest of the team. Most would blanch at the thought of serving as a decoy, but Rollins understands full well and couldn't care less. He has picked up the ( bad ) habit from Deadpool of cracking jokes and puns during fights, getting groans from even Cpt. Rogers.

Created with the"With great power..." generation system, 500CPs]]>
Lucho Your Favorites & Game Revisions Sat, 25 May 2024 10:37:55 -0600,86112,86112#msg-86112 gamer's handbook of the marvel universe mu9 (1 reply),86112,86112#msg-86112 wildguy General Discussion Fri, 24 May 2024 17:24:19 -0600,86107,86107#msg-86107 Has anyone else backed HEROIC the Role Playing Game (4 replies),86107,86107#msg-86107
LimeyDragon General Discussion Sun, 26 May 2024 13:28:53 -0600,86101,86101#msg-86101 Recovery question (1 reply),86101,86101#msg-86101 Recovery as a power.

I see Regeneration, but not Recovery. I've looked in the Player's Handbook and the Ultimate Powers Book, but don't see it. Am I just looking over it somehow? I seem to recall having read it before, but...]]>
RangerMatthias General Discussion Wed, 01 May 2024 21:40:27 -0600,86087,86087#msg-86087 !950's versions of films- movie trailers (3 replies),86087,86087#msg-86087





the comic book trailers have not been the strongest of the 50's movie AI has done but the color scheme and tone worked well on Batman and a couple of others.

One of the Best was Dune 1950's

G.A.W. General Discussion Sat, 27 Apr 2024 15:59:00 -0600,86078,86078#msg-86078 Tekkaman Blade (5 replies),86078,86078#msg-86078
Tekkaman Blade (episodes 1-6)

Takaya Aiba. alias D-Boy.

Fighting: Remarkable/Unearthly
Agility: Good/Incredible
Strength: Excellent/Monstrous
Endurance: Remarkable/Unearthly
Reason: Good
Intuition: Excellent
Psyche: Remarkable

Health: 90/315
Karma: 60
Resources: Poor
Popularity: 0


Tekkaman Physiology: D-Boy was one of a spaceship full of humans captured by an alien race called the Radam, and transformed into an alien super soldier called a Tekkaman. His very body provides the following powers

Alter Ego: By holding his Tek Crystal aloft in the air and screaming Tek Setter. D-Boy will transform into Tekkaman Blade with all his stats changing to the set on the right. In addition he gains the following powers.
-Body Armor: Unearthly protection vs Physical and Energy damage. To the point he was able to survive a point blank detonation of a tactical nuclear warhead with no visible damage.
-Flight up to Unearthly Airspeed. He has devloped the following power-stunt
--"Crash Intrude" While in Flight he can fold up his body and cocoon himself in a bird-shaped energy field causing his Charging attacks to do energy damage, and to potentially hit all targets within the same area as him.
-Grappling Cable: Located inside his left arm. This monstrous-strength line of wire can reach out to grapple or grab at a range of 3 areas.
-Voltekka: The signature attack of most Tekkamen. A powerful energy blast of a presumed anti-matter nature. Blade has them hidden inside his shoulders which open up to reveal the cannons. They inflict Unearthly energy Damage at a Range of 10 areas with the damage dropping -1CS for every area beyond that.
-Self Sustenance: Does not need to breathe, and can survive in the vacuum of space.:


-Time Limit: If D-Boy remains in Tekkaman form longer than 30 minutes he must make a successful Psyche FEAT every round to avoid falling into a Berserker state where he turns against Humanity and attacks indescriminately. A sucessful Red Psyhe FEAT must be made to come out of it.

-Radam Vulnerability Against Radam beast or Tekkaman weapons D-Boy's Body Armor is considered only 1/2 it's ability number rounded down..


Tek Crystal: Amazing Material Strength: Allows Transformation into Tekkaman Blade.

Tek Lancer: Unearthly Material. This weapon is stored in seperate halves inside Tekkaman Blade's shoulders. These weapons can inflict up to Unearthly edged damage with each strike, and can be thrown up to three areas away. Blade can use them both combined or as seperated weapons.

Talents: Martial Arts A, B, Sharp Weapons, Spacecraft Operation

Contacts: The Space Knights]]>
Howlet Canon Character Write-ups Wed, 22 May 2024 19:36:36 -0600,86073,86073#msg-86073 Ed Piskor / artist dead by cancel culture (8 replies),86073,86073#msg-86073
Cancel culture and the whisper network with the social media weapon killed a talented and very knowledgeable Comic Book Artist.

No coming back from this.

Hits close to home - I'm from the Pittsburgh area and now there is no more - Him - to speak with, enjoy his art, learn from...

Tired and disgusted with the many flaws of the comic book industry as it exists today.]]>
G.A.W. General Discussion Wed, 01 May 2024 21:43:51 -0600,86058,86058#msg-86058 Random Characters (13 replies),86058,86058#msg-86058
MajorSteel Canon Character Write-ups Mon, 25 Mar 2024 18:39:42 -0600,86049,86049#msg-86049 Charlie Angel's (7 replies),86049,86049#msg-86049
MajorSteel Canon Character Write-ups Sat, 23 Mar 2024 13:38:09 -0600,86048,86048#msg-86048 John Wick (no replies),86048,86048#msg-86048
MajorSteel Canon Character Write-ups Sat, 23 Mar 2024 13:13:19 -0600,86047,86047#msg-86047 Furio Giunta (no replies),86047,86047#msg-86047
MajorSteel Canon Character Write-ups Sat, 23 Mar 2024 13:09:24 -0600,86046,86046#msg-86046 Christopher Moltisanti (no replies),86046,86046#msg-86046 ]]> MajorSteel Canon Character Write-ups Sat, 23 Mar 2024 13:08:02 -0600,86045,86045#msg-86045 Big Pussy Bonpensiero (no replies),86045,86045#msg-86045
MajorSteel Canon Character Write-ups Sat, 23 Mar 2024 13:06:11 -0600,86044,86044#msg-86044 Paulie Gualtieri (no replies),86044,86044#msg-86044
MajorSteel Canon Character Write-ups Sat, 23 Mar 2024 13:03:42 -0600,86043,86043#msg-86043 Silvio Dante (no replies),86043,86043#msg-86043
MajorSteel Canon Character Write-ups Sat, 23 Mar 2024 13:01:48 -0600,86042,86042#msg-86042 Junior Soprano (no replies),86042,86042#msg-86042
MajorSteel Canon Character Write-ups Sat, 23 Mar 2024 12:59:32 -0600,86041,86041#msg-86041 Tony Soprano (no replies),86041,86041#msg-86041

MajorSteel Canon Character Write-ups Sat, 23 Mar 2024 12:57:42 -0600,86034,86034#msg-86034 Earth Force (no replies),86034,86034#msg-86034
It's been a while since I read the books, but as I recall, there seemed to be a hint that Earth Lord's wife was either having an affair with his partner, or at least his partner wanted that. And, as time went on, it seemed as though Earth Lord and Wind Warrior were becoming...chummy. I wonder if I'm misremembering that or reading too much into it, or was it something DeFalco had planned to explore?

The character Skyhawk was written to not be liked very much, but I kinda felt sorry a little bit for him - of the three, he was a little underpowered. Earth Lord was almost a literal mountain. Stronger even than most of Marvel's Heavy-Hitters, like Thing, Wonder Man, Colossus, Doc Samson, etc. Yet, anything Skyhawk could do, Wind Warrior could also do. He didn't really bring anything special to the group.

A while back, I created a setting involving Earth Force. I had them relocate to Washington state (interestingly enough, it's mentioned in the 50 State Initiative that Skyhawk DID move to Washington state). It occurred to me that 2 of the 3 character's powers were based on the classic elements, so, I decided to redo Skyhawk and gave him the ability to shoot fireballs (changing his name to Firehawk) and giving him a full set of wings, rather than the feathers running along his arms - not sure how he could effectively fight like that. Then, just for funsies, and to complete the elements, the Atlantean, Andromeda, joined Earth Force.

Anyway, just a peak into one corner of my Marvel Setting (Earth 9653).]]>
RangerMatthias Your Favorites & Game Revisions Mon, 18 Mar 2024 22:19:07 -0600,86031,86031#msg-86031 When/Why did Iron Man stop... (3 replies),86031,86031#msg-86031
It seems that in all the profiles I have found on Iron Man armors I noticed that after a certain point (Post Mk. 51) Iron Man's armors stop having the ability to absorb energy?

Is there an in-universe reason in the comics ever stated for him to stop using that power? Did they ever even acknowledge it?]]>
Howlet General Discussion Tue, 26 Mar 2024 17:25:44 -0600,86030,86030#msg-86030 Endurance Checks (2 replies),86030,86030#msg-86030

Hero has an Endurance of Excellent (20), and Body Armor of Remarkable (30), gets hit by Villain who has Incredible (40) Strength. The roll result is Red (Stun). Hero loses 10 Health and 30 points of damage is absorbed by Hero's Remarkable Body Armor.

Can Hero resist the Stun or not?

Thanks in advance.]]>
Brymin General Discussion Tue, 19 Mar 2024 22:40:27 -0600,86008,86008#msg-86008 Kids love Super Hero RPG's!!! (5 replies),86008,86008#msg-86008
I decided to switch from D&D to FASERIP MSH's. I had the maps and the adventure and passed out the 4 color charts and we were off.

From saving mind controlled victims jumping off the dock to taking on Blacklash, Hobgoblin and the Beetle in the streets to even discovering the villain known as the Purple Man was behind it --- The kids loved it. They picked up the basics and did well interacting with the NPC's.

I even saw some concern from a few kids not to spend too much Karma!- save some for the next fight.

You know , I really miss playing this game. We here at this site/community should really try and play more than we do ( if some are like me and don't play as often as we would like )

PS: I printed up a good amount of popular characters and let my 4 teens pick who they wanted.

Here was their team: Doctor Strange , She-Hulk, Spiderman and X-23 ( my resident Goth-girl loved her costume and claws )]]>
G.A.W. General Discussion Tue, 12 Mar 2024 14:03:14 -0600,85980,85980#msg-85980 DC Heroes FASERIP Profiles (3 replies),85980,85980#msg-85980
I have always liked the resources on this site. Thank you to those who have made it possible.

I thought at one time there were much more than the 20ish number of DC Heroes given the full FASERIP character profile treatment I can click on from Profiles | Comic Book | D.C. Can someone point me to a resource here (or somewhere else) that has a robust treatment of DC hereos and villains in FASERIP?

I'd be much obliged. I played a lot of MSHRPG in the 80s. Recently I watched every Super Friends episode with my daughter chronologically. I'd like to introduce her to superhero RPG. I checked out the old DC Heroes RPG and it didn't seem as approachable. So, that's why I'd love to leverage a DC Heroes/Villains resource in FASERIP.

Thanks for any assistance!]]>
Terrex General Discussion Thu, 01 Feb 2024 18:28:23 -0700,85976,85976#msg-85976 Public Domain Day (no replies),85976,85976#msg-85976
Every year more works of literature, Music, Film and other content falls into the Public Domain!!!

G.A.W. Copyright Introduction & Forms Wed, 27 Dec 2023 07:46:49 -0700,85974,85974#msg-85974 AI art (no replies),85974,85974#msg-85974
See what the limits and qualities of AI generated art]]>
G.A.W. Artwork & Videos Mon, 25 Dec 2023 12:49:09 -0700,85966,85966#msg-85966 Images on my Site (no replies),85966,85966#msg-85966 BenRiely Canon Character Write-ups Sun, 03 Dec 2023 13:55:11 -0700,85959,85959#msg-85959 Punisher super stats???? (no replies),85959,85959#msg-85959
but this write up here at Classic Marvel Forever

is way too generous!!!??]]>
G.A.W. Canon Character Write-ups Tue, 28 Nov 2023 08:52:17 -0700,85951,85951#msg-85951 Mind's eye (3 replies),85951,85951#msg-85951
Fighting  Excellent
Agility  Excellent
Strength Good
Endurance Excellent
Reason Incredible
Intuition Monstrous
Psyche  Excellent

Health 70
Kamra 135

Resources Remarkable

A high tech hero

Powers  Eyesight.     Due to his advanced  understanding of genetics and optopitary, Mind's Eye transformed himself.  He has the following powers:

Dark vision  - Mind's eye can see in the total darkness as if it is daylight.
Infrared vision  -  Picks up heat in the infrared range.
UltraViolet vision - Picks up the unkta violet range.
Sonic vision -  Has sound feedback, and can " see " sound
Eagle eyes.  Can see like an eagle  Gains +2 on shooting.

Special Weapons: Magnetic light and engery gun.   DNA fighter printed, won't fire by anyone else. It focuses light and magnetism for the following effects.

Stun Gun  Up to  Incredible. Has settings from Poor  to  Increible
Laser gun -  Up to Incredible.  Has settings from Poor to Incredible
Push gun  -  Can push magnetism with force to any object or person. Settings Poor to Amazing.
Flash gun. Blinding light for 1 area. 6 turns or action.

WildSuit.  Designed for the DNA  of extinct animals, it  offers the following:

Dino body armor - Good
Mammoth warmth -  Good cold protection

Talents.    Energy and Particle Physics. Genetics,  Weapon Specialists with his gun.

Mind's eye  is a weapons specialists with his magnetic, light and energy gun. +2CS with a weapon. Also receives a +1 to initiative when using that weapon. Giving him  +4cs in total with his vision powers or Monstrous shooting ability. ]]>
Taarna Canon Character Write-ups Sun, 26 Nov 2023 16:08:22 -0700,85930,85930#msg-85930 The Bigass list of Superhero RPG's (3 replies),85930,85930#msg-85930]

It may rival the Sci-Fi rpg genre......

FASERIP is my preferred game but many of these may have cool rule mechanics or nuanced settings that make it shine!!

My one regret is I didn't try to play more of these games when I was younger ( and had more time for the rpg hobby ) because of my gaming Snobbery!]]>
G.A.W. General Discussion Thu, 16 Nov 2023 15:17:33 -0700