Private messaging not working Seems like Private Messaging isn't working, at least it keeps crashing when I attempt to PM the mods wondering exactly when they're going to have Thrudjelmer remove his trolling tag line.,48791,48791#msg-48791 Wed, 15 May 2024 15:26:28 -0600 Phorum 5.2.22,48791,48805#msg-48805 Re: Private messaging not working,48791,48805#msg-48805
That would be the error I keep getting trying to PM btw, hopefully Kevin will hear of it and come fix the problem soon.]]>
Nightmask Web Site/Forum Revamp Tue, 15 May 2012 00:52:40 -0600,48791,48791#msg-48791 Private messaging not working,48791,48791#msg-48791 Private Messaging isn't working, at least it keeps crashing when I attempt to PM the mods wondering exactly when they're going to have Thrudjelmer remove his trolling tag line.]]> Nightmask Web Site/Forum Revamp Sun, 13 May 2012 22:05:49 -0600