Profile: American Eagle

Fighting: Remarkable (30)
Agility: Incredible (40)
Strength: Amazing (50)
Endurance: Incredible (40)

Reason: Good (10)
Intuition: Incredible (40)
Psyche: Good (10)

Health: 160
Karma: 60

Popularity: Typical (6)
Resources: Typical (6)

American Eagle

Real Name: Jason Strongbow Aliases/Nicks: Unrevealed
Class: Hero Identity: Secret
Age: Adult Gender: Male Height: 6 ft. 0 in. Weight: 200 lbs.
Hair/Fur: Black () Eyes: Brown () Physical Form: Mutant Induced Race: Native American (Navajo Indian)
Marital Status: Single () Citizenship: Citizen of the United States, with no criminal record.
Place of Birth: Kaibito, Arizona. Base of Operations: Navajo Reservation, Arizona.
Education: Unrevealed Occupation: Tribal leader
Origin of Powers: Induced Mutation Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives

Father: Unrevealed Mother: Unrevealed
Siblings: Ward (brother, deceased). Children: Unknown
Additional Information


  • Enhanced Senses: Amazing
  • Lightning Speed: Good 4 areas per round, can run without tiring as if possessing Monstrous Endurance



Bows, Martial Arts E, speaks Navajo and English, receives a +1CS when dealing with Navajo Indian Lore.

Physical Features






  • Crossbow: has specially designed bolts that do Excellent blunt damage. He can fire up to six areas away; carries 15 bolts, one is connected to a 50' line of Remarkable strength and can swing up to 3 areas on it.
  • Helmet that resembles eagles beak.


Wyatt Wingfoot

Special Notes

Personal History

Jason Strongbow, a representative of the Navajo tribe of Indians, attempted to stop a mining company from excavating a mountain sacred to the tribe by obtaining a court order. Failing in that, he led a peaceful protest group at the mining site. When the night watchman panicked and shot a protester, Strongbow followed him into the mine. There he discovered that the mining company was in league with Klaw, the master of sound, who sought uranium to fortify his sonic powers. He also found his brother Ward, who did not share his ideas of preserving the tribal grounds, an argument erupted between the brothers, and Klaw which led to violence. During the fight, Klaw used his sonic blaster on the two brothers. The bombardment of sonic energy and the exposure to an unknown isotope of uranium found in the mine combined to mutagenically enhance the strength and senses of the Strongbow brothers. Klaw, who had contracted the mining company to acquire uranium with which he hoped to fortify his powers, fled with his hirelings to the Savage Land in Antarctica, where Klaw hoped to acquire Vibranium.

Strongbow emerged from the mine and was hailed as a champion of his tribe. Taking the flight of a nearby eagle as an omen, Strongbow fashioned for himself the costumed identity of the American Eagle. Learning that his brother had gone to the Savage Land with the mining company, he set out in pursuit In the Savage Land, the American Eagle was met by Ka-Zar, the Thing, and Wyatt Wingfoot. The four of them opposed and defeated Klaw and his hirelings. In the course of the battle, Strongbow's brother Ward, who had allied himself with Klaw, was killed by one of the miner's bullets. American Eagle has since returned to his people to be their champion.

Recently American Eagle is once again seen in action when he tried to convince Steel Spider not to keep so high profile as Civil War was over and government was hunting unregistered heroes. Thunderbolts arrived to arrest Steel Spider, American Eagle and Shadowoman tried to stop them. American Eagle didn't manage to save Steel Spider from being captured but he made sure Bullseye wouldn't hurt anyone ever again beating him up so badly that he was rendered paralyzed from the neck down. American Eagle then made his escape and hasn't be seen since.