Profile: Giant-Man

Fighting: Excellent (20)
Agility: Excellent (20)
Strength: Typical (6)
Endurance: Excellent (20)

Reason: Remarkable (30)
Intuition: Good (10)
Psyche: Good (10)

Health: 66
Karma: 50

Popularity: Good (15)
Resources: Excellent (20)


Real Name: Doctor Henry (Hank) Johnathan Pym. Aliases/Nicks: Doctor Pym, Formerly known as Ant-Man, Giant-Man, Goliath, Yellowjacket, Wasp, and Earth's Scientist Supreme.
Class: Hero Identity: Publicly Known
Age: Child Gender: Male Height: 6 ft. 2 in. Weight: 225 lbs.
Hair/Fur: Blonde () Eyes: Blue () Physical Form: Mutant Induced Race: Caucasian (Human)
Marital Status: Other (Widowed and Divorced from 2 marriages) Citizenship: Citizen of the United States, with a criminal record.
Place of Birth: Elmsford, New York Base of Operations: Avengers Compound, Los Angeles; formerly Infinite Avengers Mansion; Captive aboard a Skrull ship; Avengers Mansion, New York City, New York.
Education: College Occupation: Adventurer; Scientist.
Origin of Powers: Hank Pym discovered Pym Particles which allowed him to alter his size. Continued exposure altered his body allowing it to naturally produce Pym Particles. Group Affiliation: Avengers A.I., Avengers Academy; formerly Secret Avengers, Mighty Avengers, Secret Defenders, West Coast Avengers (resident scientist), Avengers (founding member), Defenders, Future Iron Man's Team.

Known Relatives

Father: Brad Pym Mother: Doris Pym
Siblings: None Children: William Nelson
Additional Information

Angela Pym (paternal grandmother, deceased); Maria Trovaya (1st wife, deceased); Janet van Dyne (ex-wife); Vernon van Dyne (father in-law, deceased); Ultron (creation, son, deceased); Alkhema (granddaughter); Jocasta (granddaughter); Victor Mancha ("grandson"); Vision ("grandson"); Vision (Jonas) (personality engrams of Vision); Thomas Maximoff (great grandson, deceased); William Maximoff (great grandson, deceased); Thomas Shepherd (Speed) (reincarnation of great grandson); William Kaplan (Wiccan) (reincarnation of great grandson); Wanda Maximoff (granddaughter in-law); Machine Man (grandson in-law); (all regarded by Ultron as part of his extended family due to their familial connections with the Vision).


Size Manipulation-Shrinking/Growth: Incredible ability. Hank Pym is able to shrink down to insect-size or grow to 60 ft. in height at this height, he is +2CS to be hit by all attacks from normal sized characters.

  • Projective Shrinking: He can generate a field of "Pym Particles" to alter the size and mass of any inorganic object he touches with Incredible Effect. Intelligent and/or organic targets touched by him can make a Green of better Material Strength FEAT Roll (for robots and animated constructs) or Green or better Psyche FEAT Roll (for humans and other living beings) against his Incredible Power to resist the size altering effects.
Rank Height Bonus to be hit
Feeble 48 inches (1/2 size) 0
Poor 24 inches (1/4 size) 0
Typical 12 inches (1/8 size) 0
Good 6 inches (1/16 size) +1CS
Excellent 3 inches (1/32 size) +1CS
Remarkable 1 inch (1/100 size) +2CS
Incredible .25 inch (1/400 size) +2CS
Rank Height Bonus to be hit Mass Increase Strength Endurance Body Resistance
Feeble 9 feet +1CS Good Remarkable Remarkable Typical
Poor 12 feet +1CS Excellent Incredible Remarkable Good
Typical 18 feet +1CS Remarkable Incredible Amazing Excellent
Good 24 feet +1CS Remarkable Amazing Amazing Remarkable
Excellent 36 feet +1CS Incredible Monstrous Amazing Remarkable
Remarkable 48 feet +2CS Incredible Monstrous Monstrous Incredible
Incredible 60 feet +2CS Amazing Unearthly Monstrous Incredible


Formerly Dr. Pym was very mentally unstable, but as of recent events, he has regained his confidence. It was even noted by Karnak that he currently has very few existing flaws.

Bi-Polar Disorder: After the supposed death of Victor Mancha, Pym locked himself up in his secret lab running numerous games and recording his brain activities at the same time, when Monica Chang confronted him with what he was doing he revealed that he suffers from Bi-Polar Disorder.


Biology: Incredible Reason when identifying plants and animals, finding cures for organic poisons and researching diseases and finding their cures.

Chemistry: Incredible Reason when developing new formulae, finding cures for inorganic poisons, and identifying chemicals based on touch, smell or taste.

Electronics: Incredible Reason in the field of electronics, their design, building of, and application.

Genetics: Incredible Reason in the field of Genetics; this is a branch of biology dealing with hereditary and variation of organisms. Genetics allows the recognition of signs of genetic tampering, ability to note genetic abnormalities, and conduct genetic experiments or projects.

Computers: Incredible Reason when dealing with computers, their installation, construction, programming and repair.

Repair/Tinker: Incredible Reason when attempting to repair and modify technology. If used with a specified field of study (Engineering, Computers, etc) then his Reason is Amazing to enact the modifications and repairs.

Robotics: Incredible Reason when dealing with Robotic or android construction, design, maintenance, and theory. When used with the computer skill, the character can design A.I. constructions.

Physical Features



Throughout his early career, Pym was quiet and studious, never quite feeling comfortable as a flashy super-hero. In his last days as Yellowjacket, he was abusive to the Wasp and finally acted to betray the Avengers. After a long period of soulsearching and an abortive suicide attempt, he finally put his life back together. His new outfit is deliberately non-heroic looking, the better to avoid falling into the same old behavioral traps, and his outlook is analytical, positive, and somewhat light-hearted.



Formerly Dr. Pym was very mentally unstable, but as of recent events, he has regained his confidence. It was even noted by Karnak that he currently has very few existing flaws.

Bi-Polar Disorder: After the supposed death of Victor Mancha, Pym locked himself up in his secret lab running numerous games and recording his brain activities at the same time, when Monica Chang confronted him with what he was doing he revealed that he suffers from Bi-Polar Disorder.


At various stages in his career, Hank Pym has used vastly different equipment which he still keeps available for use at a moments notice.

Ant-Man Helmet: This Remarkable strength material cybernetic helmet provides a number of abilities:

 Disrupter Sting: Remarkable rank energy bolt from the front of his helmet w/ a 1 area range.

Insect Communication and Control: Incredible ability to communicate and control insects.

    • Using Insect swarms to attack foes: up to Excellent damage.
    • Using insects to spell out messages on floors.
    • Using insects to free him from traps.

Gas Mask/Air Supply: The helmet has a retractable polycarbonate seal and Ant-Man can breathe for four hours with the helmet's normal air supply. This helmet gives Excellent protection vs. toxic gases.

Transitional polycarbonate polarized lenses: Provides Excellent protection vs. blinding attacks.

Loudspeaker: This allows Ant-Man to be heard at normal volume when he is reduced to ant-size.

Radio Communication and Control:  can receive and broadcast radio signals at a range of 20 miles.

• Ant-Man costume: made from unstable molecules and layered with chain-mail weave to protect from ant bites. Remarkable material, providing Excellent-20 vs. Heat/Cold/Fire/Ice and Good-10 vs. Physical.

• Flying Ant(s): Ant-Man rides on flying ants (which he has named Crosby, Stills and Nash) that provide Pr-4 air speed.

Googles: As Goliath Dr. Pym wore goggles that provided Excellent defense against blinding attacks after one round.

Yellowjack Gear:

Shrinking: Yellowjacket is able to shrink at Incredible rank with the aid of his helmet.

Insect Communication: The cybernetic helmet that Yellowjacket allows him to command insects at Remarkable rank.

Protected Vision: Yellowjacket wears goggles that provide him with Excellent protection against light-based attacks.

Flight: Anti-gravity devices in the Yellowjacket costume allow Pym to fly at Good air speed (8 areas/round) at any height.

Disruptor Sting: Disruptor blasters built into the costume allow Yellowjacket to fire disruptor beams which do Remarkable Energy damage at either 1 area range (when shrunk) or 3-area range (at full size).

Micro-Equipment: He maintains a variety of miniaturized equipment in his jumpsuit. Items can be enlarged to normal or greater size in 1 Round. Unless stated otherwise, these items have Remarkable Material Strength. He carries at least the following:

-Bat: Good Blunt Damage

-Chain Saw: Excellent Edged Damage

-Energy Gun: Remarkable Stunning or Incredible Energy damage.

-Pistol (3 Area Range)

-Rifle (6 Area Range)

-Flight Pack: Back-mounted jets allow him to fly at Typical Airspeed with Excellent Control. In a vacuum, speed is Good.

-Helmet: He carries an old Ant-Man helmet. It is the same as the one now used by Scott Lang, except that this one has no Helmet Disrupter.

-Laser Drones: Excellent Stunning or Remarkable Energy Damage (5 Area Range). These can fly at Poor Airspeed on remote control.

-Restraining Spheres: These reinforced glass globes are used to trap and restrain foes (Green or better Agility FEAT Roll to avoid capture). Some globes may be fitted with devices for particular enemies like energy dampers (Incredible Energy Absorption) or power inhibitors (cancel up to Incredible rank inborn powers).

-Vehicle: "Rover," which has been called the Pym-mobile, is one of Dr. Pym's more complicated devices. Rover seats two, flies at Excellent speed, climbs walls at Remarkable speed, and can make acid and gas attacks at Remarkable intensity and a range of two areas. Rover has gripper claws of Remarkable Strength and Fighting ranks. And, most surprising of all, Rover can speak, posessing Typical Reason and a childlike curiousity of the world around it. Although Pym could conceivably shrink it, he has yet to do so.

-Pager Jet: Pager Jet is the size of a pager and must be shrunk to 1/2 an inch

Control Speed Body Protection
Good Remarkable Typical None


The Avengers

Special Notes

Personal History

Henry Pym was a brilliant scientist who spent much of his time in his lab. Upon his creation of Pym particles, he found himself shrunk and had to escape from an ant hill. He began to adventure as Ant-Man, and often ran up against the villain Egghead. About the same time, he created the robot Ultron-1. 

Soon, he met and married the beautiful Maria Travonoya. Unfortunately, when in her home country of Bratislavia, she was captured by revolutionaries, and, despite Pym's efforts, she was killed. Later, he was contacted by the father of Janet Van Dyne to help Van Dyne in his scientific experiments, and he soon fell in love with Janet. When her father was captured by the aliens he was trying to contact, Pym as Ant-Man came to rescue him. Ant-Man revealed his identity to Janet, and Pym convinced her to join him as his partner, engineering her body to become the Wasp. 

Ant-Man and the Wasp were on hand to battle the Hulk with Thor and Iron Man, when the Wasp suggested they form a team, the Avengers. Pym continued to fight alongside the Avengers, but soon felt outclassed by the powerhouses of the team and created the identity of Giant-Man. Later still, Pym proposed to Janet, and the two breifly left the team for their marriage. One way or another, Pym found himself back in the Avengers, and in the other identity of Goliath. He usually wanted to stay in his lab, and adventured with the Avengers because the Wasp always wanted to. 

Trying to be more formidable still, Pym developed the Yellowjacket identity. He tried again to drift away from the Avengers, but Wasp offered their services again. Pym, at the same time, was undergoing severe mental stress, and began to have a nervous breakdown. At one point, he even struck Janet, and later, during battle with the Elfqueen, lashed out at the villain just as she was about to surrender. The Avengers began a courtmartial process for Pym, who, losing his sanity, created a robot to destroy the Avengers-- but built with a failsafe that Pym would activate to "save" his friends and regain his status. The ploy failed, and the Wasp, who discovered Pym's treachery, saved the team. Pym promptly quit, and the Wasp filed for divorce. Pym was further oppressed as his old enemy Egghead framed Pym for stealing nuclear devices, imprisoning him. Egghead led the Masters of Evil in freeing Pym from his trial, further implicating him in villainy. Pym soon defeated the Masters singlehandedly, redeeming himself but not rejoining the Avengers, although he later would ally with them if his expertise was needed. 

Later still, Pym found his body could not handle the stress of constant size-changing, and retired from costumed crime fighting. He still joined the Avengers, however, when they opened their west coast branch, in order to oversee the facilities and the scientific research. Growing more despondant, however, he soon decided to commit suicide, but was stopped by Firebird (then Espirita,) who helped him to reconcile the two areas of his life-- costumed crime fighting and scientific research. As plain Hank Pym, he would use his shrink field to shrink and grow equipment around him, and he joined the Avengers full time. 

Although he stayed with the west coast branch for some time, Pym soon found himself actively in the New York mansion. Later still, Pym and other size-changing heroes were caught up in an invasion attempt from their mass-displacement dimension. The outcome left Pym able to grow again (but not to shrink,) and he resumed his old Giant-Man identity. Pym was on hand with the other Avengers who seemingly sacrificed their lives to absorb the energies of Onslaught. Actually transported in another dimension, Pym's new self adopted the Ant-Man identity again, before being transported back to our dimension.

When he and the other heroes were restored to Earth, Pym found that he was capable of his full range of size-changing abilities, although he could not shrink and grow other objects unless he specifically treated them in his laboratory. Hank and Janet also returned to their previous romantic relationship, although he was initially distant due to his fear of another breakdown. However, on a trip to Las Vegas Jan turned down a proposal of Hank's. She said she would not marry him again.

Pym helped re-form the Avengers with the other restored heroes, stopping the menace of the sorceress Morgan Le Fay. He then agreed to stay on as a reserve member (in his Giant-Man identity), returning to his laboratory work full-time. During this time, his research was monitored by Ultron, who later kidnapped Pym and others of its so-called "family." Pym finally revealed that he had used his own brain patterns as a template for Ultron's intelligence, explaining his debilitating guilt at Ultron's decimation of the Baltic nation of Slorenia. Ultron intended to use the mental engrams of all the members of its "family" when building a new robot army with Pym's latest research. Ultron was confronted by the Avengers, but even their combined might was insufficient against the indestructible Ultron. The Grim Reaper, a fellow prisoner of the fiendish robot, was freed by The Vision, who had escaped, and subsequently freed Pym, Janet, Wonder Man, and Scarlet Witch. As the Avengers struggled, the injured Justice arrived with Antarctic Vibranium, the Anti-Metal. Pym used this amidst a furious hail of blows that finally destroyed Ultron.

Not long after this, Hank returned to active duty, and after a time returned to his Yellowjacket identity. His relationship with Jan was, as usual, turbulent, but came to be stable when he and Jan were both captured by the newest Scorpio. When Hawkeye returned from his own inactivity, however, Janet began a fling with him that left Hank reeling. When the Scarlet Witch had her breakdown that disassembled the Avengers, Hank rushed Janet to the hospital when she was put into a coma by an enraged She-Hulk, where he stayed at her side. After she had recovered, the two decided to give things another shot. Pym received a fellowship at Oxford, and they moved to England together. Taking a break from crimefighting, the two briefly reconciled.

After Hank and Jan's last attempt at reconciliation, she left him, so Hank began a relationship with a college student at Oxford University. His not having been invited to help form the New Avengers did nothing to help his self-esteem. After the woman learned everything from him, she revealed herself to be a Skrull and used the power of the Hulk to defeat him. Hank was replaced by a Skrull. After the Skrull invasion was repelled, the real Pym found himself returned to Earth. He did not like what he found: the aftermath of the Civil War and the death of the Wasp came as great shocks to the troubled hero. Seeking to affirm his place in the world and seeking to memorialize his late ex-wife, Pym adopted the identity of the Wasp, eventually building the Mighty Avengers alongside Jocasta, the robot harboring the brain engrams of van Dyne. Hank took part in attempting to bring the first Captain America back after he was discovered to be trapped in time. After saving young superhumans from Norman Osborn he formed the Avengers Academy and promised he would find some way to "cure" the teens. He led them and taught the kids how to control their powers. He recovered his title of Giant-Man after his fight with Absorbing Man. He inspected Tigra's child William Grant, who was fathered by Hank's Skrull imposter Criti Noll. Hank checked William over and found that he had no Skrull DNA in him because the imposter Hank Pym had copied him on a genetic level. Tigra asked if Hank would raise William should anything happen to her. He then told Tigra he was trying to revive Wasp.

It was revealed that the being he thought was Janet Van Dyne was actually the wife of Korvac. Veil revived her, which brought Korvac to the Academy. They were only able to defeat Korvac by using the future versions of the Academy students. When the Serpent invaded Midgard, Absorbing Man and Titania became a part of his Worthy. They attacked the Avengers Academy and forced the Infinite Mansion to be destroyed. The Academy was later relocated to the old West Coast Avengers compound and opened its doors to all young heroes, such as Lightspeed and White Tiger.They came into brief conflict then alliance with the Runaways, with Pym meeting his "grandson" Victor Mancha for the first time. Hank joined the Secret Avengers as their science expert.

Pym allowed the Academy to be used to hold the children of Utopia after the Avengers seized the island. He also helped Iron Man make the Phoenix-Killer Armor, and later assisted Pixie in damage control as Dark Phoenix ran rampant. Pym later joined the other founding members of the Avengers in a trip to the Microverse after an Avengers emergency signal was triggered there. Hank came to the realization that the signal could only have come from Janet Van Dyne. The group arrived in the Microverse and followed the signal until they found Janet who had just taken out an army. Their brief reunion was cut short by the Microverse gangster Lord Gouzar who was trying to kill Janet. The battle ended when Wonder Man intervened and helped the other Avengers escape, but Lord Gouzar followed them and tried to kill Janet but was stopped by the combined force of multiple Avengers members. After the battle the Avengers hosted a welcome back party for Janet.

Years ago, Hank Pym was approached by the Wolverine of an alternate universe, where Ultron managed to launch a massive and sudden attack on New York, and the rest of the world, quickly taking over the whole planet and annihilating humankind, and wanted to kill Pym in order to prevent his future from happening. But Logan was stopped by the Wolverine of a near future, whose actions of killing Hank Pym created a time-line where Earth was constantly threaten by Morgan le Fay, and the heroes struggled to survive. Pym was allowed to live, but he was tasked to create a hidden failsafe program to destroy Ultron when needed. In the present, after Ultron returned when he was found by the Intelligencia, Hank Pym managed to activate the failsafe program and shut Ultron down once and for all. In the present day, Pym continued to investigate what he did wrong with Ultron, and apparently found the answer. After the virus with which Pym destroyed Ultron evolved into the A.I. known as Dimitrios, S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Monica Chang was given the task to find a way to stop the evil artificial intelligence after it started mounting cyberattacks against secure military and intelligence targets. She ordered Pym to help her destroy this new threat, for which Pym created a new team of Avengers: the Avengers A.I..