Judge Dredd |
Real Name: Joseph "Joe" Dredd |
Aliases/Nicks: "Old Stoney Face" |
Class: Hero |
Identity: Publicly Known |
Age: Middle Age |
Gender: Male |
Height: 6 ft. 2 in. |
Weight: 200 lbs. |
Hair/Fur: Black () |
Eyes: Other (Unknown) |
Physical Form: Cyborg Mechanically Augmented |
Race: Caucasian (Human) |
Marital Status: Single () |
Citizenship: Citizen of Mega-City One. |
Place of Birth: Mega City One. |
Base of Operations: Mega-City One, North Atlantic Seaboard, 21st Century. |
Education: Academy of Law Graduate. |
Occupation: Mega-City Judge. |
Origin of Powers: Joseph Dredd was cloned from the bloodline of Judge Fargo in 2066. Dredd grew up in the Academy of Law and soon proved to be the finest Judge in Mega-City One history. As Judge, jury and executioner, Joe Dredd is empowered to dispense instant justice. When it comes to crushing crime, Judge Dredd is the embodiment of zero tolerance. |
Group Affiliation: Mega-City One Justice Department. |
Known Relatives |
Father: Judge Eustace Fargo (was the template for Dredd's DNA) |
Mother: N/A |
Siblings: Rico Dredd (brother, deceased) |
Children: None |
Additional InformationRico Dredd (brother, deceased); Vienna Dredd (niece); Judge Eustace Fargo (was the template for Dredd's DNA). |
Powers |
- Iron Will: As a result of 7 years of continuous "conditioning" Dredd has a very high level of will power. He has Incredible resistance to Emotional and Mind control.
- Bionic Eyes
- Night Vision: Excellent
- Telescopic Vision: Good
Limitations |
As Mega City One's top Street Judge, Dredd holds the Law above everything else. If he ever breaks ANY laws (from littering to murder) or turn a blind eye he loses ALL his Karma. |
Talents |
Weapon Specialist: Lawgiver; Martial Arts-ALL; Leadership; Military; Knives; Marksman; Guns; Law; American History; Criminology; First Aid; Intimidation/Interrogation; Motorcycle (Law Master MK III); Animal Handling (Riding). |
Physical Features |
Judge Joe Dredd is the Law. He’s a big muscular man, with a large pugnacious jaw, and a habitual scowl; which is the source of his nick-name among the younger judges: “Old Stony Face”.
He is never seen out of uniform, or even without his helmet. The uniform is based on a black skin-tight body-suit, of a leather-like synthetic material. Boots, knee-pads and gloves are olive green, and thickly reinforced. At the left shoulder is a large pad, balanced on the right by a stylized eagle. A badge on the left breast bears his name, “Dredd”. A chain hangs in a loop from the badge. A belt, with eagle buckle, carries ammunition, hand-cuffs, etc. Shoulder-pad, eagle, badge, chain and belt are all colored gold, as are his elbow-pads. The helmet is black, with red trim and a darkened visor. |
Clothing/Uniforms/Costumes |
Personality |
None, really. Dredd is pretty much a cipher, a tool in the brutal machine that is the Law in Mega-City One. He doesn't have many friends, or a love life, or any other kind of a life really. From the moment of his artificial conception, his life has been dedicated to the law. He has shown occasional signs of human sentiment, but they never seem to last for very long. |
Strengths |
Weaknesses |
• Dredd's eyes are bionic implants which can be rendered useless by an electromagnetic pulse. |
Equipment |
- Helmet MK II: The helmet is made from bonded Kevlar and Plastisteel. Standard Street Judge head gear incorporates a Respirator, Anti-glare Visor and Radio Microphone.
- Provides Excellent protection vs Physical attacks.
- Contains sealed systems Respirator gas mask EX (20 minutes of oxygen) , communications radio RM.
- Armour: The distinctive shoulder, elbow and knee pads of the uniform, along with a Judge’s badge, are advanced armour components, designed to act as symbols of office but also to provide much needed protection. Made from a mixture of Plasteen and foamed Kevlar, the armour components are light, do not inhibit movement and offer optimum protection without burdening the judge. Provides Excellent protection vs Physical Attacks and Good vs Energy Attacks.
- Gloves and Boots: Reinforced to allow +1CS to blunt damage attacks for slugfest.
- Body Suit Uniform: Plasteen-Kevlar fabric; Good vs physical and energy.
- Lawgiver MK II (Gun): Standard issue to all Mega City One Judges. Self Destructive Charge: The Law Giver MK II is DNA coded so that if it detects an unfamiliar handprint from the highly sensitive ultrasonic palm scanner set in the pistol grip (on either side, to allow left or right-handed firing) scans the user’s hand print every time the Lawgiver is fired, the scanner is powerful enough to penetrate any standard glove. If the scanned hand print does not match that of the owning judge, or is unreadable, the Lawgiver on board computer will automatically detonate the high explosive charge also set within the grip when the trigger is pulled: Remarkable damage (possible Kill).
- Through-barrel Targeting Computer: A sensor array located at the rear of the pistol, behind the grip, provides an accurate targeting mechanism for the Judge, offering a precise image of where a standard execution round will strike when the Lawgiver is fired; +2CS to Agility.
- The Lawgiver fires the following ammunition:
- Standard Execution Round (SE): Excellent damage; Rounds: 30 round magazine; Range: 6 areas.
- The Lawgiver fires six (6) separate types of special ammunition; To calibrate and load the appropriate ammunition type the Lawgiver always provides a verbal confirmation of the round selected to ensure the right choice has been made.
- Rapid Fire: Fire rate 10 rounds Good damage per round.
- Armor Piercing Round (AP): Excellent damage; Ignores up to Excellent body Armor (AP rounds cannot be Rapid Fired).
- High-Explosive Round (HE): Remarkable damage; Explode on impact, causing catastrophic (grenade like effect) damage to all targets in that area; Effects 1 area. (HE rounds cannot be Rapid Fired).
- Incendiary Round (IC): Incredible fire damage; Filled with a highly unstable chemical compound, IC rounds shatter on impact and ignite any flammable materials they contact; Range: 1 area effect (IC rounds cannot be Rapid Fired).
- Ricochet Round (RC): Is a Standard Execution round calibrated and fitted with a Rubber tip, used as a stun round. The Ricochet round is used to best effect in enclosed spaces or where there is the capability to rebound the shot from a wall or ceiling to hit a concealed target. Can bounce off up to 3 targets, Yellow FEAT roll (RC rounds can be Rapid Fired).
- Heat-Seeker Round (HS) or Hotshot: Remarkable damage; Is a miniature heat-seeking warhead missile and is designed to home in on the human-normal heat signature that is targeted (HS rounds cannot be Rapid Fired).
- Integral Stun-Shot Pulse System: The weapon emits an electronically-generated subsonic pulse designed to stun and disorient targets rather than deliver physical injury. Range: 1 area
- Daystick: Used for clubbing perps. Remarkable damage (See Utility Belt).
- Boot Knife: Excellent Edge Damage.
- Chronometer: Built into the wrist section of the glove, the chronometer displays local time, data and ambient temperature. It is self adjusting to different time zones.
- Utility Belt: Birdy lie detector (detects lies), Pollution Meter (detector), and (x4) Bleepers (using a molecular adhesive, bleepers are micro transmitters that emit a continuous signal capable of being tracked at up to a range of 10 kilometres). The following is also stored:
- Infra-red Lawgiver sight.
- Lawgiver Silencer (used only to muffle the shots).
- Override Card: An electronic skeleton key. The override card is a wafer of plasteen encoded with a universal override command to open all electronic security systems for most of Mega-City One businesses and residences.
- Medipak (first aid)
- Handcuffs (x2)
- Daystick (See Above)
- Breathalyser: The breathalyzer instantly evaluates the condition of suspect’s breath, displaying the consumption of any of the following substances made in the past twenty four hours: alcohol, Class A, B or C drugs, Synthi-Calf and Umpty Candy.
- Stumm Gas Rounds (x2): Stumm gas is typically used as an anti-riot and crowd control measure. Stumm gas causes nausea and discomfort when inhaled. Stumm gas rounds can be thrown into an area or launched using the Lawgiver or Scatter gun. RM, Chemical attack with Fog used for cover reduces visibility -3CS; Chemical Attack is Combined with and active throughout the Fog; Effects 1 area.
- Scatter gun: The shotgun-like back-up weapon is pump-action and fires either standard 12-gauge plastisteel shot (Lethal Kill), plasteen baton rounds (stun) or stumm gas rounds. The Scattergun can hold up to 12 rounds in its magazine and different rounds cam be mixed in the same magazine or individually loaded into the breech (This weapon works the exactly the same as a shotgun). EX damage; Rounds: 12 round magazine; Range: 6 areas. Can use its Range to launch Stumm gas rounds; Effects 1 area (See Above).
Law Master MK III (bike): Tough All terrain bike. With 2 foot wide tires, this heavy duty vehicle is a Judge's preferred mode of transport.
o On Board Computer allows bike to be remote controlled (patched into helmet radio).
o Cyclops Phylon laser TX cannon: Incredible damage.
o Twin-linked Bike Cannon: Remarkable damage.
o Tikkra TT cable winch: Mounted under the rear fairing, just behind the wheel is a Tikkra TT cable winch with 20 yards of line. Fully motorized, the cable is stressed for weights of over one ton, though the Lawmaster can realistically pull only half of that before losing stability.

Contacts |
Mega City One Justice Department; Street Informers; Psi-Judge Anderson; ex-Judge Galen DeMarco. |
Special Notes |
Cursed Earth Map

Personal History |
Mega-City One, where crime runs riot. This urban sprawl is home to 400 million citizens, everyone a potential criminal. The city is spread down the Eastern coast of what was once the United States of America. Unemployment is endemic, boredom is universal and only the Judges can prevent total anarchy.
As Judge, jury and executioner, Joe Dredd is empowered to dispense instant justice. When it comes to crushing crime, Judge Dredd invented zero tolerance.
Joseph Dredd and his brother, Rico, were cloned from the bloodline of Judge Fargo in 2066. They both grew up in the Academy of Law and soon proved to be two of the finest cadet Judges in Mega-City One history. Nevertheless, Joe was always marginally behind his brother when it came to skill and achievement throughout their training, although Rico's extra flair came with a fatal flaw in his personality.
After their graduation with honors in 2079 Joe found out about some illegal sidelines that Rico had set-up for himself. Joe was forced to arrest his own brother and have him sent to Titan, and it was only then that the Justice Department realised what a special Judge they had in Dredd.
Dredd soon achieved the status of Senior Judge and rapidly became not only the most feared and respected Judge in Mega-City One, but also a powerful figurehead for justice in the wild and dangerous world of the 22nd century. |