Profile: Ares

Fighting: Unearthly (100)
Agility: Excellent (20)
Strength: Monstrous (75)
Endurance: Unearthly (100)

Reason: Typical (6)
Intuition: Excellent (20)
Psyche: Excellent (20)

Health: 295
Karma: 46

Popularity: Good (10) / Amazing (50) among soldiers ()
Resources: Class 1000 (1000)


Real Name: Ares Aliases/Nicks: God of War; Mars (Roman name); John Aaron; Mr. Talon; Warhawk.
Class: Greek Pantheon Identity: Publicly Known
Age: Immortal/Long-Lived Gender: Male Height: 6 ft. 1 in. Weight: 500 lbs.
Hair/Fur: Brown () Eyes: Brown () Physical Form: Deity Race: Olympian ()
Marital Status: Married () Citizenship: Olympus
Place of Birth: Olympus Base of Operations: Formerly Avengers Tower, New York City; Olympus.
Education: Tutored by Olympian scholars. Occupation: God of War; registered super hero, former construction worker, carpenter.
Origin of Powers: Olympian God of War. Group Affiliation: Champions of Europe; Formerly Red Team; Dark Avengers; Mighty Avengers (Initiative); Olympic Pantheon; Warhawks; Kingdom of England; Fisk Construction.

Known Relatives

Father: Zeus (father) Mother: Hera (mother)
Siblings: Hephaestus (brother); Erida; Eilethyia; Hebe; Eris (sisters); Apollo; Dionysus; Hercules; Hermes (half-brothers); Aphrodite; Artemis; Persephone; Pallas Athena (half-sisters). Children: Alexander; Deimos, Phobos (sons, deceased); Monstro (alleged son); Harmonia; Hippolyta; Alcippe; Antiope; Penthesilea (daughters).
Additional Information

Enyo (wife); Alexander (son); Deimos; Phobos (sons, deceased); Monstro (alleged son); Harmonia; Hippolyta; Alcippe; Antiope; Penthesilea (daughters); Zeus (father); Hera (mother); Hephaestus (brother); Erida, Eilethyia; Hebe; Eris (sisters); Apollo; Dionysus; Hercules; Hermes (half-brothers); Aphrodite; Artemis; Persephone; Pallas Athena (half-sisters); Aeneas; Cupid (nephews); Neptune; Pluto (uncles); Demeter; Hestia (aunts); Chronus (grandfather); Rhea (grandmother); Ouranos (great-grandfather); Gaea (great-grandmother).


  • True Invulnerability: As one of the more powerful Olympian gods, Ares has Amazing protection from physical and energy attacks.
  • Immortality: Class 1000 true immortal; Olympians are immortal on the Earthly plane, and as such, if reduced to 0 Health and Shift 0 Endurance, do not die. Their Karma reserves (including that in pools with others) are reduced to 0, and they automatically began healing, in the dimension of Olympus and in other planes, the immortal Olympians (including Ares) may be slain. If an Olympian is wounded, his or her godly life force will enable him or her to recover at a superhuman rate. It would take an injury of such magnitude that it incinerates an Olympian or disperses a major portion of his or her bodily molecules to cause him or her to die. Even then, it may be possible for a god of greater or equal power, or several gods acting together, to revive the deceased Olympian before the god's life essence is beyond resurrection.
  • Invulnerability: CL1000; like all Olympians, Ares is immune to Disease and Aging.
  • Regeneration: CL1000
  • Dimensional Travel: Unearthly
  • Allspeak: Do to the Allspeak (also called All-Tongue), Ares can communicate in all languages, Earth's dialects, and various alien languages.



All Weapons; Thrown Weapons; Strategist/Tactician; Intimidation/Interrogation; Military; Warfare; Politics; Ares also has extensive knowledge of Ancient Greek Lore, Olympian Lore and Mythology as a Olympian god.

Physical Features

Ares previously had a thin Mohawk receding over his head.



Ares is one of the most talented and ruthless soldiers that has ever fought on Earth.
Ares is the God of War in every sense of the word. He will gladly enter into personal combat with any divine forces. On Earth, he perfers to work through his worshippers scattered among Earth's armed forces. However, he will come to Earth to battle other gods or similar beings. He will begrudgingly listen to Zeus, his father, or Aphrodite, his half-sister and would-be mistress.




• Battle Armor: The armor is made of a Shift-Y material that provides Amazing protection from all Physical and Energy Attacks (Olympian battle armor forged by Hephaestus).
• Gauntlets of Ares: +1CS maximum of Unearthly rank; Ares has since passed the gauntlets on to his daughter Hippolyta.


Olympian Gods (any that he is on good terms with, at the time).

Special Notes

• Ares has carried a variety of different weapons as needed including swords, spears, batleaxes, daggers, guns, rifles, grenades, and anything else that can be used as a weapon.

Personal History

Ares is the son of Zeus and Hera. He was disliked by both parents. He is the god of war. He is considered murderous and bloodstained.