Batman |
Real Name: Bruce Wayne |
Aliases/Nicks: The Dark Knight, The Caped Crusader, The World's Greatest Detective, The Batman, Matches Malone, Thomas Quigley, Ragman, Detective Hawke, Sir Hemingford Grey, Frank Dixon, Gordon Selkirk, Mr. Fledermaus, The Bat, Bats, Gotham's Dark Avenger, Master Bruce. |
Class: Hero |
Identity: Secret |
Age: Adult |
Gender: Male |
Height: 6 ft. 2 in. |
Weight: 210 lbs. |
Hair/Fur: Black () |
Eyes: Blue () |
Physical Form: Human (Normal) |
Race: Caucasian () |
Marital Status: Single () |
Citizenship: Citizen of the United States, with no criminal record. |
Place of Birth: Crest Hill, Bristol Township in Gotham County. |
Base of Operations: Wayne Manor and The Batcave, Gotham City; The Hall of Justice & The JLA Watchtower. |
Education: College Graduate (Graduated with top honors), Has Degrees in Criminal Science, Forensics, Computer Science, Chemistry, Engineering, Human Biology, Physics, Advanced Chemistry, and Technology. Trained in various martial arts throughout the world. |
Occupation: Adventurer, Owner and Chairman of Wayne Enterprises, Billionaire playboy, Industrialist and Philanthropist, A successful Entrepreneur. |
Origin of Powers: Young Bruce Wayne was traumatized after witnessing the murder of his parents at the hand of a mugger (Joe Chill). Reared by the Wayne's faithful servant, Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce traveled across the globe honing his mind and developing martial arts and combat skills. Returning to Gotham City, Bruce created the persona of Batman to combat the criminal element of the city, that is, to fight his war on crime. |
Group Affiliation: The Batman Family, The Justice League of America, The Outsiders, Wayne Enterprises. |
Known Relatives |
Father: Thomas Wayne (father, deceased) |
Mother: Martha Wayne (mother, deceased) |
Siblings: None |
Children: Damian Wayne (son); Dick Grayson (adoptive son); Jason Todd (adoptive son); Tim Drake-Wayne (adoptive son). |
Additional InformationThomas Wayne (father, deceased); Martha Wayne (mother, deceased); Philip Wayne (uncle); Harriet Wayne (aunt); Patrick Wayne (grandfather, deceased); Charles Wayne (great-grandfather, deceased); Alan Wayne (great great-grandfather, deceased); Joshua Wayne (ancestor, deceased); Solomon Wayne (ancestor, deceased); Darius Wayne (ancestor, deceased); Damian al Ghul-Wayne (son); Dick Grayson (adoptive son); Jason Todd (adoptive son); Tim Drake-Wayne (adoptive son); Alfred Pennyworth (former legal guardian). |
Powers |
- The following should not be considered as powers as it falls more under the auspice of "Training".
- Stealth: Remarkable (30)
- Blending: Remarkable (30), In shadows only.
- Iron Will: Excellent (20)
Limitations |
Batman is a normal human being who does not possess any superhuman abilities, this is often something that his enemies try to exploit. |
Talents |
Weapons Specialist: Batweapons; Martial Arts A,B,C,D, & E; Wrestling; Boxing; Brawling; Acrobatics; Tumbling; Weapons Master; Oriental Weapons; Archery; Thrown Weapons; Thrown Objects; Sharp Weapons; Blunt Weapons; Law-Enforcement; Marksman; Guns (Does not use); Law; Criminology; Detective/Espionage(+3CS); Leadership; Psychology; Thievery; Sleight of Hand; Escape Artist; Intimidation/Interrogation(+2CS); Strategist/Tactician; Disguise/Actor; Vocal Mimicry; Ventriloquism; Resist Domination; Computer Science; Cybernetics; Electronics; Computer Engineering; Kit Bashing; Pilot: Helicopters to Jet Fighters; Horsemanship; Driver; Motorcycle; Underwater Diving; Medicine; First-Aid; Anatomy; Physiology; Forensics; Biology; Chemistry; Physics; Mathematics; Biochemistry; History; Geography; Occult Lore; Archaeology/Anthropology; Survival; Tracking; Stealth; Blending; Demolitions; Engineering; Heir to Fortune; Business/Finance; Multi-lingual: English, French, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Mandarin, Cantonese, Filipino, Korean, Arabic, Turkish, Polish, German, Latin, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Hebrew, Thai, Vietnamese. |
Physical Features |
His torso, arms, legs and back are covered by scars from gunshot wounds, knive cuts and other weapon attacks. |
Clothing/Uniforms/Costumes |

- Batsuit: The Batsuit is ergonomically articulated combat armor that is electronically cooled, made of Nomex fire-resistant material and lined with triple-weave Kevlar. His cape is also made of Nomex and triple-weave Kevlar, and its points are weighted for use as an offensive weapon (Excellent damage). The elbow and knee articulates are impact reinforced, effectively making them blunt weapons which gives Batman (or the wearer) the benefit of Strength +1CS blunt damage in Slugfest. The suit provides Excellent (20) rank Body Armor vs. Physical attacks/Energy attacks.
- The Batsuit has non-reflective black coloration and internal heat baffles, which provides Excellent (20) Blending in low-light/darkness, and supresses Batman's infra-red heat signature with Good (10) ability.
- The Batsuit also has a taser built into it, which delivers a Excellent (20) rank, low-amperage electrical shock to anyone who comes into contact with it. This taser is good for one use before needing recharging.
- Cowl: Batman's cowl is a Kevlar-lined helmet with Aramid-fiber and exotic-metal threads. Built into the cowl, in the forehead, between the eyes and across the throat are trauma plates for extra protection, impact dissipation and edged weapon attenuation (benefit of +1CS blunt Strength damage for Headbunts). The cowl provides Excellent (20) rank Body Armor vs. Physical attacks, Energy attacks, and Remarkable (30) vs. Fire, Heat.
- Starlite night vision lenses that collects & focuses ambient light, permitting normal vision in any are not completely devoid of light (Remarkable (30) Ultra-vision).
- A built-in throat microphone/broadcaster unit that scrambles and augments his voice (Incredible (40) rank).
- A radio receiver/transceiver.
- An audio processor with voice command equipment.
- A field of view display projector.
- An inertial GPS system with 2D/3D mapping systems.
- Cape: The cape is made of Nomex fire-resistant material and lined with triple-weave Kevlar. The cape can be made rigid with an electrical current provided by the microprocessor power source stored in his utility belt, to emulate Good (10) Gliding power rank when leaping from great heights. The points of the cape are weighted for use as an offensive melee weapon which do Strength +1CS blunt damage. The cape can be folded and snapped together to serve as a backpack that can carry Batman's costume and equipment. The Cape provides Excellent (20) rank Body Armor vs. Physical attacks, Energy attacks, and Remarkable (30) vs. Fire, Heat.
- Gauntlets: Batman's gauntlets are reinforced along the knuckles, metacarpals, fingertips, and palms effectively making them blunt weapons which allow Batman to do Strength +1CS blunt damage in Slugfest combat. On each gauntlet are three bladed scallops which can serve as climbing spikes (anchoring in up to Strength +1CS material surfaces), sword breakers (When successfully Blocking long melee weapons such as swords and staves, Batman may make a Grabbing FEAT to disarm or break the opponent's weapon), and when unlocked they can be launched at a single target as high tension spring loaded darts (all three bladed scallops on a gauntlet launch simultaneously, doing Typical edged damage, same area range against a single target). Batman's gauntlets can store various small items, such as lockpicking tools or extra pellet-based weaponry (See Below).
- Boots: The basic design of Batman's boots are modeled on Tactical boots, but they are made from lightweight rubbers and are much more flexible to allow for full extension when kicking. The boots feature a unique "slingshot" ankle reinforcement design that acts as both armor and as reinforcement for the ankle joint when kicking or landing from high distances. The bottom is a flexible split sole design and is textured for a variety of surfaces. The boots also have steel toes, making them much more effective when on the offensive (Strength +1CS Blunt damage from kicks). Located in a compartment in the left heel of Batman's boot is an Ultrasonic Batcall signaling device capable of attracting live bats to it as a form of protection and cover for Batman during a getaway. The Ultrasonic Batcall functions as a Remarkable (30) Animal Communication and Control power, limited to bats only, and merely summons all bats within a 10 mile range to converge upon the same area as the device. The pulses emitted by the Batcall can be heard by any character with at least Excellent (20) Abnormal Sensitivity or Hyper-Hearing. Batman's boots can store various small item, such as lockpicking tools or other based designed weaponry (See Below).
Personality |
- As a young child, Bruce tended to be solitary and withdrawn, a condition only exacerbated by the murder of his parents. This lead to his current state as a loner who would prefer to be on his own rather than rely on others. His difficulty in trusting others is a constant issue for him to overcome, and perhaps his only weakness.
- Batman has occasionally been arrogant and untrusting, treating many of his allies with various degrees of disrespect. He often imposes his exacting standards on others as he does himself. He also sometimes overestimates his own abilities, allowing foes to take advantage of that.
- The Bruce Wayne/playboy aspect of his character is a facade, while the masked and particularly dark, grim vigilante is marked as the "true" man. Usually, Batman is further separated from Bruce Wayne by the raspy and stony bass voice he usually assumes while costumed.
- Batman is often treated as a vigilante and is viewed as a dionysian figure, a force for anarchy that imposes an individual order. Dressed as a bat, Batman deliberately cultivates a frightening persona in order to aid him in crime fighting, a fear that originates from the criminals' own guilty conscience.
- Batman has a set of ethics, a moral code that he lives by and follows when seeking justice:
- Batman will not take a life, he holds life in high regard. He would do anything in his power to rescue an innocent life, including put his own life in jeopardy.
- Batman has a strong dislike for handguns do to the death of his parents, he will use a handgun if the situation calls for it, but never for lethal force.
- Batman believes in the ideals of the legal system, the guilty will be tried in a court of law. When the law fails, he is dedicated to bringing the guilty to justice, even if that means breaking the law to do so (the ends justify the means).
- Batman dealings with other superheroes and metahumans has been complex. Though a long time member of both the Justice League and the Outsiders, and a close associate of the Justice Society and the Teen Titans, he also does no fully trust them. This (warranted or not) has led to his keeping files on how to defeat allies and friends in case they ever cross the line.
Strengths |
Batman is a brilliant, virtually peerless, detective, strategist, scientist, tactician, and commander; he is widely regarded as one of the keenest analytical minds on the planet. Given his lack of superpowers, he often uses cunning and planning to outwit his foes, rather than simply "out-fighting" them. |
Weaknesses |
Although not a true weaknesses Batman has traumatic flashbacks and relives the deaths of his parents while he is within Crime Alley. |
Equipment |

Utility Belt: As Batman, he never goes into action without his utility belt. Equipped with eight pockets of varying size. Failsafe in the belt will cause it to explode (Remarkable damage) and be completely destroyed should the buckle or pouches be opened incorrectly. The utility belt contains a wide array of devices such as:
- Grapnel Gun (Grapple Gun): A magnetic gas-powered grapple gun dubbed the Batclaw or Batline by Batman. The grapple gun shoots out a claw shaped projectile on a retractable high-tensile cord which grabs onto a surface pulling Batman to his target in order to scale sheer surfaces and/or swing across gaps. A later boost upgrade launches him high into the air above the target point if he desires (so Batman can glide from there). The grapple gun can also pull down walls, grab enemies and pull them closer, or pull weapons straight out of a opponents hands; Range: 3 Areas. The grapple gun is not stored in the belt itself, rather it is magnetically attached on to the utility belt. The following items are components of the Grapnel Gun (Batclaw):
- De-Cel Monofilament Jump Line: Slows user's fall the further he descends. Remarkable strength, supports 400 lbs. indefinitely and 800 lbs. for shorter periods.
- Launching Grappling Hook: Fires a hook that snaps open after firing and clamps shut once the button at its joint hits its target. Contains 200 ft. of de-cel cord (See Above).
- Wall Penetrating Grappel: Fires diamond-bit piercing darts that can attach up to a Remarkable material. Contains 200 ft. of thermoplastic line (Incredible strength, can support up to 600 lbs.).
- Multifunction Binoculars: Magnifies up to 60 times. Equipped with infrared and limited ultraviolet imaging (-2CS to darkness modifiers), as well as frame capture, stop-motion camera, and computer uplink. Can be handheld or attached to Batman's cowl by electrostatic clips.
- Finger Light: Small flashlight that clips onto one finger. Negates all modifiers from darkness. Can project white, red, or infrared light.
- Nerve Agent Rated Gas Mask: Contains pullout face protector that seals itself over the nose and mouth opening in Batman's cowl. Allows for normal operation when exposed to nuclear, chemical, and biological toxins, and all forms of nerve gas.
- Conventional Gas Mask: Allows for freedom of operation under exposure to any airborne noncontact toxins. Normally always carried in magazines of six.
- Rebreather: Provides oxygen for 2 hrs.
- Crime Scene Investigation Kit: Contains sample bags, blood-drying bags, fingerprinting kit, odor-analyzing chromatograph, and independent detachable video camera. Linked directly to Batman's uniform, the Batmobile, and the Batcave computer.
- Taser: Delivers Incredible (40) electrical stunning rank shock.
- Batcuffs: Based on police-issue Ty-Cuffs, these restraint devices are made of sapphire-impregnated nylon with a stranded metal cable center. Considered to have Remarkable material strength.
- First Aid Kit: Mini medical kit to treat trauma related injuries.
- Acetylene Torch: A strong miniaturized laser used as an Amazing (50) cutting tool.
- Ultrasonic Batcall: Functions as a Remarkable (30) Animal Communication and Control power, limited to bats only, and merely summons all bats within a 10 mile range to converge upon the same area as the device (See Above).
- Incidentals (normally always carried): Keys, money, lock picks, first aid kit, mini-cell phone, antitoxin assortment, signal flares, wireless listening devices, small halogen flashlight.
- Mini Computer (Cryptographic Sequencer): Operates as a standard personal computer in game terms, used to remotely hack into nearby computer terminals and security systems. Equipped with GPS system, monitor communications frequencies, access to the Bat-Computer via microwave link, and can be used to remote control the Batmobile or other Bat-Vehicles.
- Universal Tool: Used to aid in electronics work. Tip contains various Phillips and flathead screwdrivers, wrenches, lock picking device, drill bits, and other implements. Inside the base are full lineman's kit, multiline analyzers, cell phone analyzers, and other electrical analysis gear. Can record and play back audio and video signals. Tool can be safely used as a hammer.
- Kryptonite: Stored in a lead box, it is reserved for emergency use against a rogue Superman and/or other Kryptonians. Exposure to Green Kryptonite causes Superman to lose all his powers at -1CS per round. He also loses 1 rank of Strength and Endurance (with its loss of Health) per round until death occurs at Shift-0 Endurance. Removal of the Green Kryptonite enables Superman's body to regain lost ranks at a rate of one per round.
- Pellet Grenades: Can be strung together with bungee-prima cord (See Below). Can be attached to surfaces with an internal contact cement reservoir or thrown for a 5-sec. delay. Remarkable EA damage, 12 ft. blast radius.
- Concussion Grenades: Can be set for explosive or flash-bang detonation and for a delay of 3 sec. to 40 min. Can also be set off by radio remote. Remarkable EA damage, 12 ft. blast radius.
- Bungee-Prima Cord: Ropelike explosive normally used to link larger charges. Must be set off by a separate charge. 6 ft. blast radius, Good EA damage.
Aerosol Sprays:
- Rapid Room-Filling Fogger: Fills an entire area with Remarkable intensity fog for 10 rounds. Single-use only.
- Infrared Paint Marker: Contains 8 oz. of paint, virtually invisible unless looked at through infrared optics.
- Foaming Explosive: Contains 8 oz., detonates when charged electrically. Incredible Edged Attack damage.
- Electronic Device Freezer: Disables electronics for 10 min.
- Quick-Acting Knockout: Renders targets unconscious for 3 hrs. and without memory of the 5 min. preceding exposure unless Incredible Endurance FEAT is made.
Tracer Devices:
- Burr: Just over an inch wide, attached by foil spring snags on each of its four corners. One-month battery life, 1,500-ft. range
- Throwing: Less than an inch in diameter, 3-mile range.
- Folding Batarang: Good Blunt Throwing damage. Four may be folded and carried in a single belt pouch.
- Close-Quarters Impact Batarang: Excellent Blunt Throwing damage, half standard throwing range.
- Hard Impact Edge Batarang: Excellent Blunt Throwing damage.
- Cutting Edge Batarang: Remarkable Edged Throwing damage.
- Radio-Controlled Batarang: Excellent Blunt Throwing damage, can be radio-controlled by device on utility belt (+3CS to accuracy Feats).
- Knockout Gas: Remarkable intensity, 1-area radius. Those in the affected area must make Endurance FEAT or pass out for 2 hrs. and lose their memory of the 5 min. preceding exposure.
- Regurgitive: Excellent intensity, 1-area radius. Those in the affected area must make Endurance FEAT or become violently ill for 10 rounds.
- Smoke: Excellent intensity, 1-area radius. All in the affected area at -2CS to performing actions.
- Tear Gas: Excellent intensity, 1-area radius. Must make Endurance FEAT or be unable to perform any action until one round after leaving the affected area or 15 minutes (10 minutes if outdoors or in a windy area), whichever comes first.
The Batmobile: His primary mode of transportation is the sleek and silent Batmobile. The current Batmobile uses one of Bruce Wayne's sports cars a basis and then redesigning it completely. The body is an advanced plastic/polymer composite with Amazing damage resistant properties. The windows are all bulletproof, polarized one-way glass, and the mirrors, headlights, and taillights are all bulletproof. The tires are self-sealing (two turns to seal and re-inflate, five to replace completely). The Batmobile has an internal computer that allows for limited voice-activated controls. It also has an internal navigation system with global positioning system hookup, video and radio receivers/transceivers, scanner set to monitor police, fire, medical, and military emergency frequencies at all times, and a satellite hookup to the mainframe in the Batcave. Room for 1 passenger, 6 cubic feet of cargo capacity, Speed 162 mph.
_Technical specifications_
- Length: 260.7 in
- Width: 94.4 in
- Height: 51.2 in
- Acceleration: 0-60 in 3.7 seconds
- Maximum Speed: 330 mph with afterburner booster
- Engine: Jet Turbine
- Fuel: High octane; 97% special (gasoline paraffin mixture)
- Torque: 1750 lbf.ft at 98.7% ROS
- Wheelbase: 141.0 in
- Wheels: Cast alloy, 15 x 6.5
- Tires: High aspect L60-15
The current Batmobile is a low slung two-seater sports car roughly the size of a .1985 Corvette. The headlights, located in the hood, contain powerful lasers, useful for disabling getaway cars or for vaporizing the occasional road hazard left by criminals. The body and undercarriage of the automobile, including the dual-bubble windscreen are coated with a unique bulletproof ceramic. The exhaust system allows for smokescreen generation. For quick maneuvers, the Batmobile has side-mounted grappling hook launchers and a central "foot" capable of lifting the car and rotating it 180°. A microwave-linked terminal allows Batman access to the Bat-Computer. The Batmobile is also capable of off-road movement.

- Smokescreen: From rear exhaust, Excellent rank and intensity.
- Machine Guns: 2x Browning machine guns forward-facing hidden behind retractable mounted flaps in each fender. Damage: 30 points; Range: 10 areas; Number of Shots: 20 bursts/clip.
- Laser-Beam Headlights: Causes Remarkable damage at a range of 5 areas.
- Portable-Lab (in trunk): Allows for Excellent rank chemical analysis.
- First Aid Kit: Mini medical emergency unit; containing medicial supplies, instruments and equipment.
- On-Board Computer: Excellent information storage/analysis/retrieval with satellite linkup to Batcave mainframe. May be preprogrammed to follow certain actions should the Batman be injuried or incapacitated.
- Sealed System: Internal air supply provided within the cockpit of the Batmobile contains sufficient air of 1 hour, should it need to be sealed from gas based attacks.
- Radio-Telephone: Excellent range, has direct link-up to Gotham City PD.
- Ejection Seats: Allows for Remarkable rank leap.
- Snow Tires: Allows Remarkable rank traction in snow and ice.
- Security Mode: May be self-sealed with bands of steel-alloy and wheel-sheaths allowing Amazing rank protection from outside forces.
- Self-Sealing/Inflating Tires: Takes 2 rounds to seal and reinflate in case of a blowout.
- Voice Command: Limited voice-controlled driving either while in the Batmobile or via remote control.
- GPS system: +2CS to Navigation.
- Bulletproof: Windows, Headlights, Taillights, and Mirrors.
- Multi-Band Scanner: Full range multi-band radio and communication system (including loudspeaker), may tie in with satellite and computer networks; Range: 200 miles.
- Audio and Video Transceivers: Digital video and audio recording/playback (including infrared and night vision) for live surveillance with built-in DVD recorder or the retrieval and manipulation of previously recorded footage.
- Sensors: Radar/Sonar detection sensors, including the complete electromagnetic spectrum from microwaves to hard radiation. The Batmobile is equiped with a Vital signs detector which may be keyed to specific individuals in advance; Range: 10 miles.
The Batwing: The current Batwing is the latest in a long line of planes. This one is a customized F-4 Phantom that has VTOL capabilities. It is capable of vertical take off and landing and silent running. In addition to its two-man crew, the Batwing can carry 25,000 pounds of ordinance on its wing pylons. The Batwing is armed with various weaponry, making it one of the most formidable aircraft in the skies. An on-board terminal access to the Bat-Computer via microwave link.

- Missiles: 8 missiles (4 in each wing); Range: 20 areas, Incredible explosive damage.
- Wing-Mounted Machine Guns: Range 15 areas, causes Remarkable damage.
- V/STOL Flight: Vertical and/or Short Take-Off and Landing capability.
- Countermeasures: The Batwing has full Aerial countermeasures: Electronic countermeasures; Infrared & Radar countermeasures (Flare & Chaff).
The Batboat: A modified two seat hydrofoil, is one of the world's fastest small warships, capable of speeds over 100 MPH. Its radar/sonar system is state-of-the-art. lt is coated with the same bulletproof ceramic that protects the Batmobile. It also shares the microwave link to the Bat-Computer.

- Bat-Torpedoes: Range: 10 areas, Remarkable rank sonar/radar tracking, Incredible explosive damage.
- Radar/Sonar: Remarkable rank and range.
- Ejection Seat: Allows a Remarkable rank leap.
- Diving Equipment: The Batboat also has full scuba and underwater gear onboard.
- Countermeasures: The Batboat has full Naval countermeasure as well as smoke-screens that can disrupt laser ranging, infrared detection, laser weapons, and visual observation.
The Batcycle: A modified heavy-duty motorcycle capable of high speeds. It also has a microwave link to the Bat-Computer. Batman sometimes uses this silent-running bike in his missions.

- Snow Tires: Allows Remarkable rank traction in snow and ice.
- Helmet: Batman also wears a helmet when riding this cycle that lessens the damage from impacts by -1CS.
The Bat-Computer: Perhaps one of Batman's most useful tools in investigation, is centrally located in the Batcave. It is a highly advanced computer network system built upon seven (7) linked Cray T932 supercomputer mainframes. It can upload information from various external databases including the GCPD's crime files, networks owned by Wayne Enterprises, and link to Martian/Thanagarian hybrid computers based on the JLA satellite. Batman carries a miniature PDA which can interface directly with the Bat-Computer. He can also connect to the Bat-Computer via the digital systems installed in all Bat-Vehicles (See Below).
Reason |
Incredible |
Inutition |
Excellent |
Psyche |
Feeble |
- Programmed with a rudimentary A.I. based on Alfred Pennyworth's personality, the Bat-Computer is fairly user friendly, and can collate vast amounts of information on any subject quickly and efficiently. Users enjoy a +1CS to Reason FEATs when using the Bat-Computer to research or process information.

_The Batcave_
The Batcave is Batman's secret headquarters, consisting of a series of subterranean caves beneath his mansion, Wayne Manor. It serves as his command center for both local and global surveillance, as well as housing his vehicles and equipment for his war on crime. It also is a storeroom for Batman's memorabilia. The cave was discovered by Wayne's ancestors and was used as a storehouse as well as a means of transporting escaped slaves during the Civil War era as part of the Underground Railroad.
- The cave's centerpiece is a supercomputer (Bat-Computer) whose specs are on par with any of those used by leading national security agencies; it permits global surveillance and also connects to a massive information network as well as storing vast amounts of information, both on Batman's foes and his allies. A series of satellite link-ups allows easy access to Batman's information network anywhere in the globe. The systems are protected against unauthorized access, and any attempt to breach this security immediately sends an alert to Batman or Oracle.
- Additionally, the cave contains state of the art facilities such as a crime lab, various specialized laboratories, mechanized workshops, personal gymnasium, a vast library, parking, docking and hangar space (as appropriate) for his various vehicles as well as separate exits for the various types, trophies of past cases, a large bat colony, and a Justice League teleporter. It also has medical facilities as well as various areas used in training exercises for Batman and his allies.
- The cave houses Batman's vast array of specialized vehicles, foremost being the famous Batmobile in all its incarnations (mostly for nostalgia as well as for contingencies, as all are serviceable and in excellent working condition). Batman keeps a fleet of regular cars of various models and utility vehicles such as an ambulance as well when the Batmobile would be too conspicuous for a mission. Other vehicles within the complex include various motorcycles, and various air and watercraft such as The Bat-Wing, a single occupant supersonic jet. Another vehicle found in the Batcave is the Subway Rocket, whick allows Batman to quickly enter Gotham, and electronically clear a path via Gotham Rail.
- The Batcave is sometimes powered by a nuclear reactor, but most often by a hydro-electric generator made possible by an underground river.
- Batman has incorporated safeguards against earthquakes and even a potential nuclear catastrophe; outfitting the cave as a virtual bomb shelter or an enhanced panic room. The city's earthquake redesigned the caverns of the Batcave, with eight new levels now making up Batman's secret refuge of high-tech laboratory, library, training areas, storage areas, and vehicle accesses. It also includes an "island" computer platform (built on the spot where the Batmobiles' hydraulic turntable once was) with seven linked Cray T932 mainframes and a state-of-the-art hologram projector. There's also a selection of retractable glass maps within the computer platform. Kevlar shieldings are prepared to protect the cave's computer systems from its seismic activity. With the cave's various facilities spread amid limestone stalactites and stalagmites, Batman built retractable multi-walkway bridges, stairs, elevators, and poles to access its facilities.
- There is a containment vault facility within the cave solely for the collection of the variety of forms of Kryptonite.
Security Measures
- The Batcave is rigged with the most sophisticated security system in the world in order to prevent all measure of infiltration. The security measures include motion sensors, silent alarms, steel and lead mechanical doors which could lock a person in or out, and a security mode which is specifically designed to stop if not eliminate all Justice League members in the event that any of them go rogue.
- The cave stores various memorabilia items, such as a defunct full-size animatronic Tyrannosaurus Rex, a giant replica of a U.S. (1947) Lincoln penny, oversized Joker playing card, Two-Face's original coin, Deathstroke's sword, the shroud of the vampiric Mad Monk, a Scarface dummy, Bane's mask, Mad Hatter's top hat, one of Harley Quinn's popguns, and a collection of the Penguin's deadly umbrellas.
- There is also a glass case display of Jason Todd's Robin costume as a memorial to him, with the epitaph "A Good Soldier", which remains even after Todd's resurrection. Barbara Gordon's Batgirl costume also remains on display.
- The skull of Hunter Rose (Grendel) is also put on display in the memorabilia room. A letter written by a Thomas Wayne from an alternate timeline addressed to Bruce Wayne is lain in a display case, as a reminder of Thomas Wayne's love for his son and encouraging him to move on from his tragic past.
Other Batcaves
- Central Batcave: Located fifty feet below the bottom of Robinson Park Reservoir, it is accessible through a secret entrance at the foot of one of the Twelve Caesars statues at the north of the park. This safehouse was put out of commission by Poison Ivy, her "Feraks", and Clayface.
- Batcave South: A boiler room of a derelict shipping yard on the docks across from Paris Island. This safehouse is accessible through a number of false manholes planted throughout Old Gotham streets.
- Batcave South-Central: Located in the Old Gotham prototype subway station, a four-block stretch of track sealed in 1896 and forgotten.
- Northwest Batcave: This safehouse is located in the subbasement of Arkham Asylum. Batman secretly stocked it with emergency rations, all-terrain vehicles, and battery-powered communication equipment.
- Batcave East: An abandoned oil refinery owned by Wayne Enterprises. It fell out of use during a gasoline crisis when the company moved all its holdings offshore decades ago.
- Arkham Batcave: Over the years, Batman gathered supplies for a batcave on Arkham Island, as a preemptive measure for any attack on the asylum. He finally utilized it during the events of Batman: Arkham Asylum but it was for the most part destroyed by the Titan powered Poison Ivy.
- Bat Bunker: Under the penthouse of the Wayne Foundation building, there is a secret bunker. The bunker is as well-equipped as the original Batcave, including the Subway Rocket vehicle stationed beneath the bunker.
Contacts |
Alfred Pennyworth, Lucius Fox, Commissioner James “Jim” Gordon, Barbara Gordon (Oracle), Gotham City P.D./Prison/University, Cassandra Cain (Batgirl), Richard Grayson (Nightwing), Tim Drake (Red Robin), Jason Todd (Red Hood), Damian Wayne (Rodin), Superman, The Justice League of America, Justice Society of America, Jean-Paul Valley (Azrael), Orpheus, Onyx, Arkham Asylum, and Helena Bertinelli (Huntress). |
Special Notes |
Wealthy philanthropist, Thomas Wayne, his wife Martha and their 8 year-old son, Bruce were coming out of a movie theater. The time was 10:47 p.m. as they stepped onto Park Row (now called Crime Alley) a masked gunman named Joe Chill came out of the shadows. Chill shot and killed in cold blood first Thomas and then Martha who was screaming for help right in front of their young boy. Bruce was traumatized at the sight of his parents' death and his life would never be the same. After his parents' death, Bruce was raised by his wise and loyal butler Alfred Pennyworth and inherited his family's vast fortune as well as his father's company, Wayne Enterprises. Facing his parents' gravestones, Bruce made a solemn oath to avenge his dead parents. He toured the world looking for experts on various fields, training himself mentally and physically.
After his parents' murder, young Bruce was comforted by Dr. Leslie Thompkins, who helped him to mourn his parents and find a purpose in life. At age fourteen, Bruce started a twelve year walkabout around the world to study and learn. For academics he studied at Cambridge in England, the Sorbonne in France, and in other famous European universities. He learned also more practical skills. A Frenchman named Henri Ducard taught him man-hunting, a ninja named Kirigi taught him stealth, an African bushmen hunting, and Nepalese monks healing.
He would return to Gotham City where he decided to become a vigilante but despite all his honed skills, he knew something was missing. Bruce believed criminals to be a "superstitious and cowardly lot", and in order to rid Gotham of evil, he needed to transform himself into a terrifying symbol that would strike fear in the hearts of criminals. While in his father's study, a large bat came crashing in. Bruce saw this as an omen, and recalled his fear of bats as a child and decided to use the bat as his symbol. Using his vast wealth, Bruce designs a costume and state of the art equipment based on bats. From this point on he lead a double life, playboy billionaire Bruce Wayne, and vigilante crime-fighter Batman.
-Wayne Enterprises is one of the oldest corporations in the world, established in the 17th Century. As owner and CEO of Wayne Enterprises, Bruce Wayne has access to well paid leading researchers in a variety of specialized fields, which generally accelerate Batman's research and investigations into newly encountered technologies and also provide him with innovative designs to modify or adapt to his crimefighting arsenal. Wayne Enterprises is split into the following subsidiaries, giving Bruce Wayne a net worth of $9.2 Billion USD.
Wayne Technologies
Wayne Technologies, also known as WayneTech, is the biggest division of Wayne Enterprises. It is involved in the retrieval and research of alien technology. Its main rival was LexCorp before its assets were liquidated and Wayne bought them out. The subsidiary is sometimes used by Batman as a means to acquire new technologies, or to use the medical facilities.
Other subsidiaries of WayneTech include: Holt Holdings Inc. (the company formerly owned by Michael Holt [Mister Terrific]), Wayne Biotech, Wayne Pharmaceuticals, and Wayne Healthcare, which runs Gotham City's healthcare system.
Wayne Biotech
Wayne Biotech is the company mostly responsible for the Gotham healthcare system. The company itself is a facility for researching and developing new medical procedures and systems, and also trains a large number of people annually. Wayne Chemicals and Wayne Pharmaceuticals work closely with Wayne Biotech to develop medicines for different diseases.
The current research at Wayne Biotech is focused on finding a cure for cancer. Because the human genome has already been unlocked, Wayne Biotech is studying cloning to produce organs for future transplants. The company is also involved in research into brain surgery methods, the fight against AIDS and HIV, and reconstructive plastic surgery.
Batman uses Wayne Biotech as a research tool for finding medical information, patient histories, and information on illnesses. Batman may access and search the medical records and profiles of virtually any patient that has sought medical care through a hospital that shares its database with Wayne Biotech. This database is programmed with a secret "backdoor" access root accessible by the Batcave's computers and Batman's ally Oracle.
Wayne Foods
Wayne Foods is a little known subsidiary of Wayne Enterprises with its headquarters based in downtown Gotham City. The firm was started in 1872 by an Irish immigrant, Patrick Toole, under the name, Toole & Sons Food Merchants. The business was successful in importing Irish products that could be sold at a higher cost in the US economy. By 1905, there were five Toole & Sons stores throughout Gotham City. Patrick Toole died at the age of 72 in 1919, leaving the business to his eldest son, Thomas Toole. Thomas was keen to expand across the US; however, the outbreak of war in Europe in 1914 severely impacted trade lines from Ireland to Gotham. At the end of the war in 1918, Toole & Sons Food Merchants was near bankruptcy. Thomas, unable to carry on his father’s legacy, committed suicide in 1922 at age 43. The second youngest Toole brother, Rory, took over the business and immediately set about selling all company assets in favor of entering liquidation.
The business was bought in 1925 by the Wayne family, who were keen to preserve an important part of Gotham’s retail history. The business returned to profit in less than a year, and by the end of the second World War, Toole & Sons stores controlled over 60% of all food retail across the city. This was achieved by diversifying the product range and opening up stock to new markets outside of Ireland and within the US. The company changed its name to Wayne Foods in 1956.
Today, Wayne Foods focuses on the high end market and specialty goods. Although it no longer has the dominance across Gotham as it did from the late 1950s to the mid 1980s, Wayne Foods continues to generate significant revenue for Wayne Enterprises and provides Batman with insight into potential threats to the public food supply.
Wayne Shipping
Wayne Shipping owns dozens of freighters and handles three-and-a-half billion tons of freight each month. It is used by Batman to gain an inside view on smuggling and drug trafficking. In 1986, Wayne Shipping merged with PAAL Ship Corporation, creating the world's largest commercial shipping operation for precious metals. The former PAAL CEO, Andreas Milanic, successfully floated Wayne Shipping on the New York Stock Exchange in 1988. The Wayne Family currently owns 57% of the company, with Milanic's second son, Dragoslav, owning 20% (and the remaining 23% is in public ownership). Despite a lack of investment in Wayne Shipping since the merger took place, the company still remains an important player in world ocean transportation.
Wayne Steel
Wayne Steel is one of the oldest steel mills and metal refineries in Gotham and supplies steel for shipbuilding. It also studies and replicates alien technology. This has led to Batman getting priority on technology and alloys for him to study. Wayne Steel's alliance with the US Navy and the government has produced numerous contracts for Wayne Enterprises.
Wayne Yards
Wayne Yards is responsible for the building of a large number of naval warships, commercial and private ships, and is currently building a Nimitz class aircraft carrier in Gotham. Wayne Steel and Wayne Yards facilities repair a large number of cruisers and destroyers, and also have contacts within the upper echelons of the Navy and the global maritime business.
Wayne Aerospace
Wayne Aerospace builds luxurious and exclusive corporate and private jets and airliners. Its experimental aviation branch produces experimental and research planes for the United States government and NASA. The military aviation branch designs and manufactures jet fighters and helicopters for the US military. The most notable models of these are the W-4 Wraith fighter and the Kestrel attack helicopter. Wayne Aerospace maintains competition with other aerospace corporations like Ferris Air and LexAir.
Wayne Chemicals
Wayne Chemicals controls Wayne Oil, Wayne Pharmaceuticals, and Wayne Botanical; and also has a small percentage of ownership in Tyler Chemicals, based in New York City. Wayne Chemicals and Wayne Pharmaceuticals are primarily research and development firms. Wayne Oil researches petrochemicals and alternative fuel sources. Wayne Chemicals was the first company to create a power generator that uses algae.
Wayne Industries
Wayne Industries is a research and development company used for industrial purposes. The company studies, researches, and develops cleaner, mechanical fission and fusion power plants; and also owns many factories and normal labor units, such as car manufacturing and cloth making. Wayne Mining is also a part of Wayne Industries, along with the few power stations the company owns. Wayne Mining mostly produces gold and some precious stones in Africa.
Wayne Medical
Wayne Medical is Wayne Biotech’s sister company, but each has different fields of study and work. Wayne Medical handles most of the healthcare system in Gotham and also studies cancer and AIDS with Wayne Biotech. Wayne Medical is focused more on researching illnesses than treating them. It maintains and runs many hospitals in Gotham City and helps the Wayne Foundation with the orphanages.
Wayne Electronics
Wayne Electronics is a large consortium that manufactures portable radios, stereo and Hi-Fi systems, movie cameras, cameras, measuring devices, scanners, surveillance equipment, computers, and other electronics devices. Its other branches of business include information technology, wired and wireless networks, and space exploration systems and satellites. It also has contracts with the aerospace, nautical, and military industries.
Wayne Entertainment
Wayne Entertainment owns many arenas and stadiums in Gotham and has leased out the Sommerset Stadium to the Metropolis Monarchs. Furthermore, Wayne Entertainment has working partnerships with several modeling agencies and multimedia houses, and provides a large number of contacts and information. The Daily Planet newspaper, where Clark Kent and his wife, Lois Lane, work, is operated by Wayne Entertainment. Wayne Entertainment is in direct competition with WGBS (run by Galaxy Communications) and LexCom (run by LexCorp). Those companies, along with other television and movie companies, provide the same services as Wayne Entertainment. Through Wayne Entertainment, Batman has contacts in the media and entertainment industries.
Wayne Foundation
The Wayne Foundation is the holding company for the Thomas Wayne Foundation and the Martha Wayne Foundation. The Wayne Foundation funds scientific research and helps people with research by providing facilities and training.
The foundation has its own building, called the Wayne Foundation Building, which includes a penthouse where Batman lived for a period of time. It also has a secret elevator that leads to a matching Batcave in a secret sub-basement under the building.
Through the Wayne Foundation and the organizations underneath, Wayne not only addresses social problems discouraging crime and assisting victims in a way that his Batman persona cannot, but the arrangement also provides a large network of connections in the world of charities. He finds out about the newest trends and newest arts, and at the same time maintains connections to the streets through the soup kitchens and social services groups, which augments his crime fighting efforts.
Thomas Wayne Foundation
The Thomas Wayne Foundation is a foundation for medicine and medical help. This foundation gives annual awards for medical breakthroughs and lifelong commitment, similar to the Nobel Foundation. The Thomas Wayne Foundation is also responsible for funding the Thomas Wayne Memorial Clinic in Park Row, Gotham's infamous Crime Alley. The foundation funds and runs dozens of other free clinics all over the city and in other trouble cities, such as Blüdhaven. Bruce Wayne's surrogate mother, Dr. Leslie Thompkins, ran the Memorial Clinic in Crime Alley and governed the other clinics until she left Gotham.
Martha Wayne Foundation
The Martha Wayne Foundation is a patron and supporter of arts, families, education, and tolerance. The foundation supports and helps to run a number of orphanages and free schools, and provides teachers for those who have learning difficulties. Artists can apply for grants from the foundation to help support them in furthering the arts. The foundation sponsors companies like Family Finders Inc. in Gotham. Family Finders is an organization directed at finding lost people and uniting families. The Martha Wayne Foundation also sponsors and runs dozens of soup kitchens within the city.

Personal History |
Gotham City was founded in 1635 by a Swedish mercenary Captain Jon Logerquist with a hand full of colonists that fled the religious wars that were ravaging Europe. The original settlement was named Fort Adolphus after a famous general. Later the fort was ceded to the British (who renamed it Gotham City) and during the revolutionary war as many Tories as Rebels lived there.
During 1779 a rebel raid on the Gotham Armory was saved from a British ambush by merchant Darius Wayne. He was initially captured, and was sentenced to hang until Rebel forces took the city. As a reward he was given a large parcel on land in the Bristol area, which is the present site of Wayne Manor. In the years that followed Gotham grew as a major industrial center making it the leading financial center in North America by the turn of the century.
With the invention of the automobile Gotham began to decline as trade moved away from it's railroads and ports. The Great Depression further hit the once great city forcing it into a slide behind such cities as New York and Metropolis. This environment began a slide of corruption and crime that slowly began to over take the citizens of Gotham. Crime lords began to move in and take over the city. This tide was held back for a time by such people as the first Green Lantern (Alan Scott), Black Canary I and the brutal Reaper.
Once prosperous areas fell into decline and the slum of Crime Ally was created. Corruption reached to the highest levels of the police force with Commissioner Loeb. The entire city was in a state of decay, with no hope or future out of the cycle of unending crime.
Young Bruce Wayne was the only son of prominent Gotham City doctor Thomas Wayne and his wife Martha Wayne. Two events in his childhood forever scared the future of Bruce. The first was when he accidentally fell through a hole in the grounds of his ancestral home Wayne Manor and found himself in a cave system that ran under the house full of bats. For years afterwards Bruce would catch sight of one particularly large bat over and over again.
The second and most tragic event happened just after the family had left a showing of the classic film "The Mark of Zorro" at the cinema and was walking back to their home. They were confronted by a mugger who demanded that they handed over their valuables. Thomas Wayne put up a struggle and in the process he and his wife was shot dead. The mugger ran off leaving the shocked Bruce alone with the bodies of his dead parents. First on the scene was physician Leslie Thompkins who sought to look after Bruce.
Thomas's brother Phil Wayne was named Bruce's guardian and with the help of Thompkins and the family butler Alfred Pennyworth they raised him as best they could. For days after the funeral Bruce was unsettled, it came to a head one night when he ran to his parents grave and swore his vengeance on the criminal world. On that night Bruce Wayne died and the Batman was born.
Bruce put his utmost into his schoolwork and upon graduation he left the US to travel the world learning from the brightest and the best in each field of specialty. He also traveled to remote schools on the far east and studied for years under the masters of the various martial arts. Upon returning to the United States, he set out on a fact finding mission into the depraved parts of Gotham's seedier districts to see how the criminal element had evolved. While there he became involved in a street brawl where he was seriously injured. He managed to make his way back to Wayne Manor and slumped in his study slowly bleeding he considered the situation. He was injured because the local criminals would not fear him as plain common man on the street, yet his father always maintained that criminals were a superstitious and cowardly lot. He needed to make them fear but how?
It was then at that instance that the large bat that had frightened him years ago flew in through the window, through his weakened state from the bleeding the answer was obvious. "Yes father. I shall become a bat!" It was then that the true idea of the Batman formed in Bruce's mind.
With the help of Alfred, Bruce dynamited a path from the house down to the massive caverns beneath, from there he began planning and designing the weaponry and costume that would give him the edge against the criminals and would instill terror upon sight. Before long GCPD began to receive reports of a large bat shaped creature attacking and harrying the local hoods and criminals. The corrupt police force at that time sought to hunt down the Batman but one lone lieutenant by the name of James Gordon who was one of the few straight cops began a long running professional relationship with the Batman that would lead to the down fall of the corrupt police commissioner and Gordon advancing to the rank of Captain.
Rapidly Batman started to grow more professional and competent, he became the focus of the fight against crime in Gotham and acted as a catalyst for the emergence of a string of similar vigilantes across the US such as the second Black Canary, that took their lead from the human figure in the night rather than the superhuman figure of Superman. Always operating on the edge of the law and inside of it when possible it was not long before Batman clashed intellects with the figure that would become his archenemy and one of the most deadly criminals in the world - the Joker. Also about this time Batman started to run into the mysterious Catwoman, while there was an attraction between them neither would admit to it and remained on opposite sides of the law.
In the second year of his career Batman faced the Reaper who had returned to Gotham City and sought to kill criminals whereas the Batman would seek to hand them over to the police. The following year proved to be a turning point in the Batman's career when he teamed up with the orphaned circus acrobat Dick Grayson who became the first Robin and the sidekick of Batman.
The next couple of years after the first appearance of Robin were a dramatic change of direction for the Batman who had previously spent most of his time fighting normal criminals but now he faced an entire pantheon of sociopathic criminals such as the Penguin, Riddler, the Scarecrow and the femme fatale Poison Ivy. Shortly after Dick Grayson left for collage (and began spending more time with the Teen Titans) Batman transferred his operation temporally to a penthouse in the city above the Wayne Foundation headquarters, it was during this time that Batman would first encounter Talia daughter of Ra's Al-Ghul a six hundred year old criminal mastermind who sought to rid the natural world of the infestation of mankind. There is a definitive romantic element between Bruce and Talia but she is so devoted to her father then nothing ever becomes of it. Ra's and Batman respect each other and Ra's has even asked Batman to join him, but Bruce's dedication to the law has meant that he has at times had to thwart Ra's' plans despite working with him against common enemies at other times.
The pairing of Batman and Robin was occasionally helped by a growing circle of other heroes that Batman tolerated/recognized such as Batgirl (Barbara Gordon, daughter of Commissioner Gordon) and the Outsiders, a superhero team that Batman was instrumental in creating. Shortly afterwards Batman and Robin split over a philosophical dispute (the criminals were getting more dangerous and Batman did not want to endanger Robin anymore than he had to). Robin changed his identity to Nightwing and returned to his position as leader of the Titans.
The Batman for a time operated with a second Robin, a young street kid by the name of Jason Todd whose father had been killed by Two Face, a fact that Batman kept from him for a period of time. Todd was more rebellious than Grayson and had a lot of misdirected anger than Bruce tried to channel into crime fighting. It reached the point where Todd was grounded by Wayne rather than let this hothead loose in the deadly world of Gotham City. Shortly afterwards Todd was murdered by the Joker while looking for his natural mother (who was also murdered at the same time) he never knew he had.
The loss of Todd turned the Batman into a darker figure than ever, he dived into his work returning to the solitary figure that he was before he teamed up with a sidekick. During this period the Batman developed a second wave of enemies such as the Ventriloquist and Kadver, he also took in a tragic figure called Harold once the Armour for the Penguin he now works in the Batcave designing and up keeping much of the Batman's weaponry. The dark drive of the Batman was noticed by young Tim Drake, a boy that had actually managed to work out Batman's secret identity via close observation of the gymnastic abilities of Robin I (Tim had been watching the circus the day that Dick's parents were murdered). Tim set out to try and convince Dick that he should return to being Robin because Batman needed a stabilizing presence, someone for him to watch out for. In the process Tim accidentally became the third Robin.
Refusing to make previous mistakes the Batman insisted that Tim train with the same people that taught himself, Tim also studied under some that Batman had never encountered. The result was the third Robin who is much nearer Batman's own abilities than that of the second and perhaps even the first.
Batman faced the toughest moment of his career when already pushed to the limit by a mass breakout of Arkham Asylum and then had to face the massively powerful Bane who broke Bruce's back. While Bruce recovered from his injuries Azrael took over the mantel of the Batman however his mental conditioning started to kick in and made him more and more unstable to the point where he was on the edge of executing criminals. It was at this stage the Bruce managed to take back the mantel by taking down Azrael.
Now back as Batman full time Bruce has started to date radio personality Vesper Fairchild. As the Batman he has also started working with more heroes again developing quite a circle of vigilantes in and around Gotham including Robin III, the Huntress II, Nightwing, Azrael II, sometimes the Catwoman and Oracle (the former Batgirl). The Batman also serves as an adviser and occasional active member of the new JLA.