if MSH RPG stats were music skill- who's the best rock band???

Posted by G.A.W. 
if MSH RPG stats were music skill- who's the best rock band???
March 13, 2023 03:21AM
Front man singer /vocalist has to have some of the following abilities, talents, powers , position
1- Leadership talent
2- experience being a leader
3- defensive protection such as body armor, armored tool, etc
4-ace in the hole tech tricks or gimmicks
The Drummer has to have some of the following abilities,talents,powers etc

1- High strength rank
2- good hands speed due to high fighting skill or combat talents like martial arts
3- very high body armor or protection from physical damage

The Bass player has to have these talents , powers or abilities etc
1- a power that can be used offensively and defensively
2- a high stealth skill or power that fills the role of stealth
3- the power allows them to move above walk/running
4- a ranged attack weapon or power.
The Guitarist player must have these talents . powers, skills abilities etc
1- Has to be able to fly
2- must resistance to physical attacks or body armor
3 must have a solid ranged attack weapon
4 an above average reason or agility rank
The Keyboardist/Synthesizer,mooog organ, piano needs these talents, skills and power
1- mystic arts background
2- can cast spells, mystical power
3- can use mystical artifacts and magic

The Worlds Greatest comic mag did have a kick ass line-up

On Lead vocals and song writting MR. Fantastic ,
On Drums one of the best The Thing pounding those skins
Bass Guitar the sly one - The Invisible Girl
And on Lead Guitar The Human Torch - Johnny Storm

rumor has it some rock role playing bands had better individual instrumentalists but did any have the run like the FF?

Solo musicians like bass player Spider Man had a great career as did Guitarist Iron Man a sort of Eric Clapton

The Early Defenders albums with DR. Strange on moog synth and keyboard - very prog metal / hard rock
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