Night Shift


Character NameAffiliationOrigin
Brothers Grimm Night Shift Marvel Comics
Dansen Macabre Night Shift Marvel Comics
Digger Night Shift Marvel Comics
Gypsy Moth Night Shift Marvel Comics
Misfit Night Shift Marvel Comics
Needle Night Shift Marvel Comics
Shroud Night Shift Marvel Comics
Tatterdemalion Night Shift Marvel Comics
Tick Tock Night Shift Marvel Comics
Werewolf Night Shift Marvel Comics


Night Shift is a group of supernaturally oriented villains organized by the Shroud. The Shroud's true purpose for the group is to combat evil that occurs during the night hours, sleazy underworld crime figures in particular. (Most superheroes and their foes are active during the day.) Because of their after hours schedule, the Shroud's group has become known as "the Night Shift." The group consists of an evergrowing and changing roster. The Shroud is its leader, and Dansen Macabre is his deputy. The group has seen major action on two occasions: first, when they assisted Captain America against Dr. Malus and the Power Brokers, whose experiments flooded Los Angeles's sewers with rejected mutations for the Unlimited Class Wrestling Federation. The second occured when Shroud was absent, and Dansen Macabre ordered an attack against the West Coast Avengers in retaliation for the arrest of Digger, a Night Shift member. The attack was unsuccessful, but Night Shift escaped with the Shroud's assistance. Their headquarters is a "haunted estate" in the Santa Monica Mountains, defended by traps appropriate to the setting.