Cosmic Adventure Awaits!

Posted by DorkLord 
Cosmic Adventure Awaits!
July 31, 2013 03:05AM

"In the wake of the Annihilation Wave, the Marvel Universe is in turmoil. The Skrull have been decimated and the Kree struggle against the malevolent collective of the Phalanx. The Nova Corps have been all but destroyed... pirates and worse roam the galaxy preying on the weak and wounded. Earth has it's own concerns and can't be bothered with matters beyond what it's citizens know. The galaxies need heroes... those who would do what they can to defend the downtrodden and helpless from their potential fates. Or perhaps you are doing what you know is best for the innocent with a heavy iron hand.

Cosmic adventure awaits you"!

This will be a group game using the old TSR Marvel Super Heroes Advanced System and is of an epic scale. Earthly concerns are nearly beneath characters of this magnitude. This is not, however an excuse to powergame as everyone should end up on relatively equal footing. Your characters will be exceptionally powerful. You'll be the Thors, Silver Surfers and Gladiators of the Marvel Universe, but there are many things which can be perilous even for beings such as you.

A few things...

1. Yes, there will be plot. Oh will there be plot.

2. Your characters may not start in the same places. A given character might find him or herself in their own thread for awhile before they interact with any fellow PCs. I'll start your character out where it makes sense for them to start out based on the plot and your character's history. I promise you will have plenty to interact with if you begin the game in your own thread.

3. Knowledge of the Marvel Universe is not required but it helps a lot. If nothing else you can always play a character who has no knowledge of the galaxies outside of his or her own planet.

4. Feel free to be creative in your character backgrounds. Don't be afraid to tie into existing canon Marvel characters. I will have the final say whether a concept will work in my setting, but don't be afraid to ask!

5. We will not be using the standard rolling method for generating characters. Instead, we will be using a point buy system. I will elaborate more on this below. I do want people to create their own heroes rather than use existing canon Marvel characters.

The creation rules are thus:

Many thanks to a friend who helped to make this creation system, and who runs quite an awesome game himself. I've slightly modified his system to work for this game. Much of the system and text below was written by Mr Happy.

This creation system was derived by Carlos aka The_Rook (from CMF) from the creation system from the Marvel Phile article written by Dale Donovan. In my opinion this is a great system that lets you tailor your character absolutely to your concept.

Or CPs as I’ll refer to them from here on out is a point buy system with a value given at the beginning of a game for the players to work from that is appropriate to said game’s level of power. In the case of this game the points given will be 2000 as this is a cosmic level adventure. I have found this number to be more than adequate to create a VERY powerful character. The max rank you can purchase for any trait, whether it be a Power or an Attribute (FASERIP) is Shift X. Note that if you feel a very high rank like Shift X is appropriate for an attribute or a power, there should be justification for it. Abilities like Reason in particular I'm really going to watch like a hawk. The smartest people on Marvel Earth (Reed Richards and Doctor Doom) have Amazing Reason. The smartest people in the galaxies (Thanos and the Watcher) have Monstrous to Unearthly Reason. Shift X Reason would be insane. I'm not saying you can't have it... but keep in mind what a Reason that high would mean. When you're that smart, everyone else can seem less than intelligent to you.

The MSH rpg standard rules for creation do not apply when using the optional CP creation method: to whit, if a character was rolled up as a Random Mutant the typical +1CS (Column Shift) to Endurance and —1CS to Resources no longer apply.

The same goes for selecting body types that normally have assumed powers or limitations with that form. Example if you were to choose an Ethereal Form as your body type as per the UPB you must purchase powers like Intangibility which would normally come for free with such a character. Essentially you pay for everything! There are no freebies, that’s just the price of total creative freedom.

Now its time to buy your physical and mental stats. This is a point for point buy, in other words if you want 75 (Monstrous) Strength you’ve spent 75 CPs to get it. Adding up your Health and Karma will allow you a quick count of how many CPs you’ve spent thus far. But I caution you not to blow all your CPs here, there’s still a lot of character creation yet to be done. Note there will be a cap of 150 for any stats or Power Ranks (Power Ranks will be discussed further down).

Resources are a very versatile asset in this game, so keeping that in mind Im going to make you pay for the privilege. Resources will cost double CPs. For example 50 (Amazing) resources will cost 100 CPs. Note: If you want to own your own starship you'll have to have at least Amazing Resources. Ships costa a lot of galactic credits to own and maintain.

Now to the good stuff eh? Ok all powers in the Advanced Players Book, Ultimate Powers Book and its Addendas are fair game except for high levels of True Invulnerability... Remarkable to Incredible is as high as I'd like to see that power. Also if there are any powers from any of the supplemental material, Marvel Philes or even the original Players Book that interest you point them out to me and I’ll make a ruling on whether or not you can use them or not. The same goes for any “original/custom” power you might have in mind. Run it by me for pre-approval. Now each power costs 10 CPs just to buy the power itself (we’ll get into Ranks in a bit). If a power is starred * that power will cost you double or 20 CPs and 2X the rank (this is because starred powers as rather powerful and even in the standard creation rules accrued an additional cost to purchase). Powers that have no Rank attributed to them (like Circular Vision) will cost a flat 30 CPs to purchase. Invulnerabilities cost 100 CPs.

One more point, this in conjunction with your FASERIP stats are the heart of your character, try not to be random in your selection just for the sake of being a super powered Swiss army knife (unless that is your concept), go for a theme here, make your character make sense. As an RPer and for me your GM it will make the game run far more smoothly as we’ll both have an idea of what you are going for in the long run with your character. I find it helps to create your origin first and go from there

Now that you’ve got powers, just how strong are they? You decide but remember the is a point cap of 150 per power. The rank like your FASERIP is a point for point buy so if you want Fire Breath at 100 (UN) you’ve already payed 10 CPs for the base power purchase and now you pay 100 more CPs for the 100 (UN) rank.

Given the epic nature of this game Travel Powers may be purchased at Shift Ranks for 20 CPs + 1/10 the Rank number. For example 500 (Shift Z) Hyper Running would cost a grand total of 70 CPs.

Class Rank Travel Powers will cost 20 CPs + 1/10 the Rank number. So Class 3000 Flight would cost a total of 320 CPs.

This is a VERY generous ruling, don’t abuse it! Don’t take every Travel Power in the book, pick ONE. Additional Travel Powers will be paid for in the usual manner. So don’t think you can buy a Shift Rank and a Class Rank Travel Power without paying through the nose for one of them!

The cost structure for creating unique items goes as follows:

10 CPs base cost plus 1.5 CPs per rank number of the item’s highest rank.

Say you want to create a blaster rifle that has the following attributes:

Range: 20 (EX) Damage: 100 (UN) Material Strength: 50 (AM)

You would pay a total of 160 CPs (10 base cost plus 100 x 1.5 for the UN Damage)

Items with multiple powers will have to pay an additional cost per power: ie; a gun that that fires radiation beams and lightning bolts would pay an additional 1.5 CPs x the Rank of the extra power.

Due to the nature of this game Im going to deviate from the normal CP method of creation here as this is a cosmic level game. Ok so you want Thor’s Hammer do you? Or Cap’s shield or maybe Wolverine’s claws/skeleton or any other impossibly strong or enchanted item that has a Class or Shift Rank to it here’s how you pay for that.

Base cost is 20 CPs plus 2x the cost of any powers the item possesses. In addition you will pay 1/10 the cost of the Material Strength of the item be it a Shift Rank or a Class Rank.

For example an unbreakable sword (Class 1000 Mat. Str.) that does 100 (UN) Edged Damage and shoots lightening at 50 (AM) rank would cost 20 CPs base plus 100 CPs for the Class Rank 200 CPs for the Edged Damage and 100 CPs for the lightening. That’s 420 CPs!!! But hey, that’s the price of power. Thor’s hammer don’t come cheap kiddies.

Ok things are looking grim, you’re running out of CPs but you want some more powers of higher power Ranks, what are you to do. Well you cripple yourself of course! Note this is COMPLETELY optional. However if you choose this option you can recoup some CPs. Now the amount is dependant on the severity of the Limitation/Weakness/Quirk chosen. For example a power that only works during the daytime is an 20 (EX) Limitation and will recoup you 20 CPs for your trouble (the EX rank for that limitation comes straight from the Advanced Players Handbook). Weaknesses and such not covered in the core books will be assigned a Rank by yours truly. Feel free to PM me about any questions regarding this. Note, you can give yourself as many Limitations as you want for character flavor but you will only be getting points back for the highest ranking Limitation you’ve saddled yourself with. So be creative and make it a good one.

Talents can be very useful attributes and are CHEAP! Combat Talents (Fighting and Weapon Talents) will cost 10 CPs each, all other Talents will only cost 5 CPs. Talents with an asterisk cost double the normal cost.

Who do you know? Contacts can be used to both flesh out your history and can even serve as a useful tool in certain circumstances. Contacts will cost 5 CPs per contact with a maximum of 5.

Ok now its time to tell me just who and or what you are. Cosmic beings run the gamut from incredibly powerful mortals to aliens and even gods! Be creative! You can be as brief or elaborate as you like just as long as you accept that the less you put in here the more free reign I have in interpreting things in game for your character to have experienced. That doesn’t mean I'm going to bend them to my will by any means but it gives me some sway. If you don’t flesh out your character in time I will. So if you don’t like that idea be comprehensive, plus I’ll award Karma for well written or compelling histories.

NOTE: Many Cosmic characters possess a form of specialized Telepathy at Good 10 rank that allows communication in the cold vacuum of space and to comprehend others' languages. This power would cost 40 CPs should you choose to take it.

Re: Cosmic Adventure Awaits!
July 31, 2013 03:08AM
This will take place on Relic's FASERIPPED boards. I'm trying to get some basic interest as of right now. We'll see where that goes.

Also note that I may be trying a couple house rules for this game like my rules for dodging/evading. They will be covered more comprehensively once we have solid interest.

If you're interested, let me know here in this thread. Thanks! smiling smiley

Re: Cosmic Adventure Awaits!
July 31, 2013 05:35AM
Oh yeAh definitely interested. Got a couple of ideas that's for sure.
Re: Cosmic Adventure Awaits!
July 31, 2013 07:51AM
Sweet and glad to have your interest, Chrono! smiling smiley

Re: Cosmic Adventure Awaits!
August 02, 2013 09:33AM
Looks interesting, how about Cosmic Energy Manipulation, I dont see it listed but its a common power in the Marvel Universe. Would it be 2X Cost 20 points and 2X Rank?
Re: Cosmic Adventure Awaits!
August 02, 2013 10:14AM
daver33gtr Wrote:
> Looks interesting, how about Cosmic Energy
> Manipulation, I dont see it listed but its a
> common power in the Marvel Universe. Would it be
> 2X Cost 20 points and 2X Rank?

You mean like the Power Cosmic? Yep that'd definitely be a double power. Original ex-heralds of Galactus are definitely viable concepts. You'd get an energy blast as your initial power stunt and then everything else would need to be bought or stunted from that.

August 02, 2013 10:18AM
"Wake, scum".

The voice came from darkness to the ears of the once tyrant of Lanlak... once herald of Galactus, the being who wielded a portion of the power cosmic that was Galactus' to command. Terrax the Tamer opened his eyes and found that he was bound in chains to a machine of unknown origin. Beyond about 20 feet out he saw nothing but darkness. Terrax was a massive being, standing easily seven feet tall by Earth measurements. His skin was grey and stony, his visage akin to a statue come to life, his head bald, his face adorned with what could only be described as a dark beard which seemed as hard and stony as the rest of him. He wore clothing that resembled armor, colored red and blue with a yellow belt and red and yellow gauntlets and boots. He felt weak and he could not sense his cosmic axe, a fact that disturbed him all the more. He struggled against his bonds, to no avail. Still, he would not show any sign of such weakness to his captors... he looked around and as his vision came into sharp focus, he beheld a sight he never thought he would see. There before him was Karlad, once captain of his 'royal' guard on his home planet of Brij. His eyes widened in surprise desite himself and he spoke in a voice that sounded like stone grating on stone.

"Karlad. The last time I saw you was just before"--

Karlad, a musclular being who stood a 'mere' 6'8" tall looked similar to Terrax, but was comprised of flesh instead of stone, so it seemed. He wore a suit of black armor with red trim that seemed like a combination of old Earth platemail and some fantastic alien style. He sneered at Terrax with obvious hatred on his face.

--"was just before you betrayed our entire race to the hunger of your wretched master, Galactus! Oh yes... I remember. We were so primitive... yet here we are now. Both gods in our own right. But you will bend knee to me now! ... right before I end your life and claim the power within your body".

It was Terrax's turn to sneer now. He didn't regret feeding his people to Galactus. He never did and he never would. He spit on the ground before his former Captain.

"You are a fool, Karlad. When I free myself, you will wish you had perished with all the others after the vengeance I will take on you! You have no idea the power you are trifling with"!

Karlad just smiled.

"You have no idea what I've become... of who I now serve. No matter. You will find out soon enough. Soon we will have wrought our vengeance and the universe will be ours"!

He turned and walked out of the light into the darkness as Terrax cursed and struggled, Karlad's laughter echoing throughout the area and the former herald was left alone.

August 02, 2013 02:00PM
Nice on the topic of powerstunts how much would they cost seeng as how you have already purchased tye power n question?
August 02, 2013 02:38PM
Very cool. Although I can't join, I wish you all the best with this.

And taking ideas and tips from Carlos is never a bad thing. He's definitely one of the best I've ever gamed with. smiling smiley
August 02, 2013 11:37PM
Chronomancer Wrote:
> Nice on the topic of powerstunts how much would
> they cost seeng as how you have already purchased
> tye power n question?

Same as standard. 100 per attempt plus any karma spent to ensure red FEAT success on the attempts... once it's been attempted 10 times you have the power stunt permanently. 1000-2000 karma for a new power is -cheap-. I'm toying with the idea of handling Advancement in one of two ways:

One, FASERIP Advancement costs current rank number times 5 and Power Advancement costs CRN times 10, with new powers costing 3000 + (Desired Rank Number x20).

Or Two, FASERIP Advancement and Power Advancement both cost CRN times 5 with new powers costing 3000 + (Desired Rank Number x20).

Redman II Wrote:
> Very cool. Although I can't join, I wish you all
> the best with this.
> And taking ideas and tips from Carlos is never a
> bad thing. He's definitely one of the best I've
> ever gamed with. smiling smiley

No worries Redman, and thanks. cool smiley

Re: Cosmic Adventure Awaits!
August 03, 2013 12:08AM
Alright, assuming that everyone who has expressed interest wants to actually play (bouncelot, psiman, nightguardian44, Relic, Tystates, Chronomancer and daver33gtr), that's about a full load for the game in my book. Recruitment is tentatively closed, but please keep the interest posts coming. If someone drops or decides not to play you may still have the opportunity to get in on this game. smiling smiley

Re: Cosmic Adventure Awaits!
August 03, 2013 09:33AM
If you'd like, you guys can begin to create your characters and send me your sheets. Remember, the max rank for any attribute or power is Shift X (with the exception of a single travel power). If you have any questions, feel free to send me a PM.

Re: Cosmic Adventure Awaits!
August 03, 2013 08:07PM
I meant to purchase a power stunt at the beginning of game.

For example say i had nightcrawlers teleportation and i wanted to at the beginning of game start off with the powerstun multiport. How much wwould that cost me to buy? Another example. Say i have phasing power (like kitty pride. I want to powerstunt a grab and release as an automatic feat. How much would that cost at start?
Re: Cosmic Adventure Awaits!
August 04, 2013 02:58AM
Say half what you paid for the power itself. So if you paid 110 CPs for Teleportation, for example, you'd pay 55 more CPs for each power stunt.

August 04, 2013 05:30AM
Please use the following sheet:



Nom De Guerre:






Place of Birth:

Current Nationality:

Known Relatives:

Current Occupation:

Current Place of Residence:




Origin of Powers:

Strength Level:











Re: Cosmic Adventure Awaits!
August 04, 2013 05:30AM
Also, Popularity will be assigned based on concept and history by myself.

Re: Cosmic Adventure Awaits!
August 04, 2013 06:18PM
sounds interesting and your using nova awesome,have fun with it.
Re: Cosmic Adventure Awaits!
August 06, 2013 07:38AM
> sounds interesting and your using nova
> awesome,have fun with it.

Thanks Gilgamesh! If you decide you're interested in playing, let me know. There are a couple players who had expressed interest before that I haven't heard from since.

Re: Cosmic Adventure Awaits!
August 09, 2013 09:27PM
Image for "The Seeker"
open | download - 66.jpg (115.4 KB)
Re: Cosmic Adventure Awaits!
August 10, 2013 08:11AM
I was curious if you still had any player openings left in this campaign. If so, I would like to join and become a part of it.
Re: Cosmic Adventure Awaits!
August 10, 2013 09:31AM
Aeshma Wrote:
> I was curious if you still had any player openings
> left in this campaign. If so, I would like to join
> and become a part of it.

Go ahead and work up a character with my guidelines and join the [] boards. I'd love to see what you come up with.

Any questions, feel free to PM me here or on the FASERIPPED site.

Re: Cosmic Adventure Awaits!
August 10, 2013 01:45PM
hope I'm not asking too many questions or being difficult with things..

"See what we learned today Mr. Scruffy? Solve a man's problems with violence help him for a day. TEACH a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a life time!" - Belkar Bitterleaf to Mr. Scruffy the cat

"Just because you post a lot doesn't mean you know what the hell you're talking about" - Me

"I say a lot of things sometimes that don't come out right, And I act like I don't know why I guess a reaction is all I was looking for. You looked through me, you really knew me like no one has EVER looked before. Baby on your own you take a cautious step, Do you wanna give it up?" Shine - Mr. Big

"Nothing's forgotten. Nothing's ever Forgotten" Robin of Locksley

Snake Eyes is Batman if Batman used an Uzi and Trench Knives when he wanted to be LESS dangerous. - Brotherless One
Re: Cosmic Adventure Awaits!
August 10, 2013 01:46PM
Nah you're fine, Chrono. smiling smiley

Re: Cosmic Adventure Awaits!
August 17, 2013 05:57PM
Ok here's a couple of other questions..

If we have a ship, can we design/build it?

And as to the Crew, for section heads (think bridge crew in Star Trek) can/do we create them as well?

"See what we learned today Mr. Scruffy? Solve a man's problems with violence help him for a day. TEACH a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a life time!" - Belkar Bitterleaf to Mr. Scruffy the cat

"Just because you post a lot doesn't mean you know what the hell you're talking about" - Me

"I say a lot of things sometimes that don't come out right, And I act like I don't know why I guess a reaction is all I was looking for. You looked through me, you really knew me like no one has EVER looked before. Baby on your own you take a cautious step, Do you wanna give it up?" Shine - Mr. Big

"Nothing's forgotten. Nothing's ever Forgotten" Robin of Locksley

Snake Eyes is Batman if Batman used an Uzi and Trench Knives when he wanted to be LESS dangerous. - Brotherless One
Re: Cosmic Adventure Awaits!
August 18, 2013 02:36AM
Chronomancer Wrote:
> Ok here's a couple of other questions..
> If we have a ship, can we design/build it?

To a point. Obviously the higher your Resources the better ship you can afford. Leave things like the armor of the hull and weapon systems/sensors to me, as well as the vessel's speed. All that will depend on your Resources.

> And as to the Crew, for section heads (think
> bridge crew in Star Trek) can/do we create them as
> well?

Sure thing. They can be very skilled crew members, just no heavy super powers for them. As in no equivalent to the Shi'ar Imperial Guard hanging on your ship.

Re: Cosmic Adventure Awaits!
August 31, 2013 09:51AM
how goes the game pun, are they shattering worlds yet.
Re: Cosmic Adventure Awaits!
September 01, 2013 03:29AM
We have not started the game as of yet because I'm moving very soon and have been busy with work and packing.

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