Arthur, Excalibur, and the Round Table

Posted by RealmJumper 
Arthur, Excalibur, and the Round Table
May 29, 2016 01:33PM
Has any done a write up for Arthur and his knights? Excalibur? Any other mythological or fantasy heroes (Sigurd, Cú Chulainn, or even Achilles, etc)?

Thinking more along the lines of Conan or Red Sonja and less like Camelot 3000.

Re: Arthur, Excalibur, and the Round Table
May 30, 2016 01:21AM
So Excalibur should be in here somewhere, and merlin.

As for the rest if the knights and Arthur himself, I don't think I have ever seen the written up.

I will tackle these over the next few days if no one else points out where they already exist in the site

A few notes though, I assume you want each character at their peak..

So do we want Lancelot will rival captain america, Percival won't be far behind, and Galahad will be beyond human norms somehow. Gawain will be the most interesting with his sun linked strength...

Or do we want slightly more normal human level stats? Akin to the black night perhaps?
Re: Arthur, Excalibur, and the Round Table
May 30, 2016 02:50AM
Yeah, I wasn't sure how to write them either. I was thinking along those same lines. The elite knights bordering Captain America levels and others, like Gawain, having more of a supernatural spin. I found Merlin and Mordred, but not Arthur or Excalibur.

Thanks for the help!
Re: Arthur, Excalibur, and the Round Table
May 30, 2016 04:01AM
This might help with Arthur and there are links to the other knights and cast. [])
Re: Arthur, Excalibur, and the Round Table
May 30, 2016 09:16PM
Started taking a look at this in more detail, thanks to carcerdominus for the wiki starting point: Excalibur (the sword) is odd, and with fairly little info. Are there any iron man fans out there who can shed more light on it? I'm more familiar with the Cap.Brit stuff.
Re: Arthur, Excalibur, and the Round Table
May 31, 2016 10:31AM
OK, at last found something useful for Arthur

Interesting mix of powers, I also wonder if some of the powers accredited to him actually come from excalibur/the Pendragon force/ the green night force (are they all the same thing?!)

This is now a work in progress smiling smiley but it will take a while

I will just put a few things here as I am on my phone, and don't want to forget them before I get back on a laptop

Lancelot. Sword = secace (same sword as his father Bran of benoic? = cerseace? Same sword Arthur used for knighting people?)

Gawain sword = Galataine

Notes on swords and things

Ebony blade
Excalibur + scabbard
Ebony knife

The sword of might
The amulet of right

Green Knight
Pendragon force

Need more info on interactions: ebony , might, right, Excalibur, pendragon force, green knight (all the same thing? Merlin you crazy old wizard!)

Arthurs knife
Arthur's sword in the stone
Arthurs Court sword (given to lance?) Secace?
Only a few named blades...
Re: Arthur, Excalibur, and the Round Table
June 01, 2016 01:20PM
I had these stats on my old website. Why not use the Excalibur stats from the Black Knight character sheet?

Arthur Pendragon

F- EX (20)
A- EX (20)
S- GD (10)
E- RM (30)
R- EX (20)
I- EX (20)
P- RM (30)
H- 80
K- 70

Powers: Magical Awareness AM ability, and perceive those in Astral form at RM

Unique Weapon: Excalibur

UN material strength, provides any rightful King of England the following:

the holder of Excalibur's scabbard cannot be cut, so all Edged attacks made against him should be considered Blunt attacks.

Magical attacks are +2CS vs. this sword (its primary weakness), and the extremely evil can substitute the absolute value of their popularity for their strength in trying to destroy it. Quid pro quo, it also allows the wielder the same bonuses when combating these foes (additional +2CS vs. magical, can substitute popularity for Strength). Does RM/MN vs. Magical/UN vs. evil damage in Arthur's hands, Strength + 1CS/Popularity + 1CS vs. (evil or pure, wielders choice)/Strength + 3CS vs. magical in anyone else's.

Armor EX
Horse EX land speed, EX control, GD armor

Talents: Equestrian (horse riding), Swords (+2CS with Excalibur).
Contacts: Merlin, Knights of the Round table, most everyone else in England of the Medieval era.

By Jason Pullman

Re: Arthur, Excalibur, and the Round Table
June 01, 2016 02:04PM
Thanks, Ty.

I don't see any Excalibur write ups for the Black Knight. I see the Sword of Light and the Ebony Blade. Both of which seem like very different swords to me than Excalibur. Am I looking at the wrong write-ups?

Re: Arthur, Excalibur, and the Round Table
June 01, 2016 05:06PM
I was pretty sure the Ebony Blade was in fact Excalibur, or supposed to be. Not the energy sword writeup. I could be wrong though.

Re: Arthur, Excalibur, and the Round Table
June 01, 2016 10:28PM
The ebony blade was made by merlin to be a 'companion' to Excalibur. There was a time when the black knight tried to weild both at once for a while... It drove him mad!

Excalibur has done some very odd things in the comics, and has been described as 'like holding the hand of god' and having the ability to destroy a reality! (I'm not sure that has been written about enough times to be cannon, or if its single author aberration from cannon)
Re: Arthur, Excalibur, and the Round Table
June 02, 2016 09:36AM
tystates Wrote:
> I had these stats on my old website. Why not use
> the Excalibur stats from the Black Knight
> character sheet?
> Arthur Pendragon
> F- EX (20)
> A- EX (20)
> S- GD (10)
> E- RM (30)
> R- EX (20)
> I- EX (20)
> P- RM (30)
> H- 80
> K- 70
> R- IN
> P- MN
> Powers: Magical Awareness AM ability, and perceive
> those in Astral form at RM
> Unique Weapon: Excalibur
> UN material strength, provides any rightful King
> of England the following:
> the holder of Excalibur's scabbard cannot be cut,
> so all Edged attacks made against him should be
> considered Blunt attacks.
> Magical attacks are +2CS vs. this sword (its
> primary weakness), and the extremely evil can
> substitute the absolute value of their popularity
> for their strength in trying to destroy it. Quid
> pro quo, it also allows the wielder the same
> bonuses when combating these foes (additional +2CS
> vs. magical, can substitute popularity for
> Strength). Does RM/MN vs. Magical/UN vs. evil
> damage in Arthur's hands, Strength +
> 1CS/Popularity + 1CS vs. (evil or pure, wielders
> choice)/Strength + 3CS vs. magical in anyone
> else's.
> Armor EX
> Horse EX land speed, EX control, GD armor
> Talents: Equestrian (horse riding), Swords (+2CS
> with Excalibur).
> Contacts: Merlin, Knights of the Round table, most
> everyone else in England of the Medieval era.
> By Jason Pullman


I'd up most knights at the round table to Remarkable level fighting. It's what they live and do. Arthur was better than most. You could also add the leadership talent for Arthur. It suits him, so to speak.

"To defend: this is the pact. But when life loses its meaning and is taken for naught... then the pact is to avenge."
Re: Arthur, Excalibur, and the Round Table
June 02, 2016 12:52PM
Agreed on the leadership, and some sort of military/tactics skill as well. Is there a politics/diplomacy skill?

Also he should have a few occult talents (occultism, latin, greek, ogham, faerie law, resist domination etc, ) his childhood tutor was Merlin after all.

He should probably have the weakness of 'skirt chaser' or something; the guy is a sucker for a pretty face!
Re: Arthur, Excalibur, and the Round Table
June 09, 2016 01:01AM
OK, sorry i have been a while on this - there is a lot going on here! I think i have untangled it all now. lets begin with Excalibur. Get the sword right, and then we can go on to stating up Arthur & Co (as I said earlier I have never read any of the Ironman/Doom Excalibur / Arthur interactions so I welcome any input from that story line). fyi i have excuded the no bleeding ruels as those powers are usuualy atributed tot eh scabbard of Excalibur, not the sword itself and, lets face it, once you unlock stage three in this write-up: Death and injury are not something you need to worry about any more!

Unique Weapon: Excalibur

Excalibur is more than a simple sword, it is fundamentally linked to reality and the multi-verse itself, and it is the symbol of authority of the king of the multi-verse, and the physical embodiment of the Green Knight across all realities. Excalibur has a mind of its own and seldom (never?) allows full control of its powers to a single user. This power, and the mind that controls it, is known as the Pendragon-Force or the Green Knight. Technically the Pendragon-Force is wielded by the Green Knight, but the force itself is often bestowed on an individual by implanting some or all of the personality of individuals who have wielded the power in the past. Typically this takes the form of one of knights of the round table. It is likely the Green knight takes this approach in order to ensure the power it bestows is used wisely and remains under its control at all times. The Green Knight is the mystical embodiment of the force of nature – the ‘green magic’ of the realms of Albion and Otherworld. It stands as an eternal guardian against the destructive force of the Bane (whose sole objective seems to be the destruction of the multi-verse itself).

To date King Arthur, the Black Knight (Dane whitmen) , Joe Chapman (Union Jack) and Captain Britain have been the most in-tune with the Pendragon-force, with King Arthur developing the strongest bond. The current wielder of Excalibur is Fazia Hussein (who fights to defend the UK from paranormal threats as part of the MI13 para-human response team ‘Excalibur’, and she also fights under the pseudonym ‘Excalibur’: So Excalibur wields Excalibur in Excalibur… )

Material strength – Class 1000
Reality control – Class 1000.

Typically there is a time based escalation in the abilities Excalibur provides to the person who wields it, and for the purposes of this write up we will list it in three stages

Stage 1 (squire):
+cs to sword skill (typically this will be +1cs per year as the sword grows to trust the wielder. There is no theoretical maximum to this, but most humans would be limited to +3cs by simple biology. + 10 damage edged attack

Stage 2 (Knight):
Light of victory – a light will emanate from the blade and any and all who look at it with the intent to harm the wielder must pass a yellow psyche test or be terrified of the wielder. Those who make a green [psyche roll may withdraw in good order, those who make a white role flee in terror
Aura of command - those loyal to the wielder will experience a +2CS to all actions whilst obeying the orders and (in spirit as well as in word and deed) of the wielder
+ 3 Cs to wield the sword
+50 damage (edged attack)
+/-2CS verses Magical attacks - the reality control powers of the sword make it very effective at penetrating magical defenses, but weakens the wielder against other magical attacks.

Stage Three (The Pendragon)
Full access to the powers of the sword – only King Arthur and Brian Bradock (Cpatian Briatain) of Earth 616 have ever attained this power. Both have shown a willingness to give the blade up and let it find a new successor to wield it, and Fazia Hussein is the latest ‘Squire’ to wield Excalibur.

Links to other items
Excalibur is in more than one place or time at once, and exists in multiple realities simultaneously. There are several other physical items that interact with it and seem to focus its attention on a specific user in a single reality – making more of Excalibur’s powers available to that individual

The Ebony Sword - The Ebony Sword (wielded by the Black Knight) is a companion blade to Excalibur. Its exact purpose is unknown but it seems to focus the attention of Excalibur and the Green Knight on whoever is wielding both blades at once. Dane Whitmen tried this at one point but became temporarily insane whilst doing so. It is likely that the tuition provided to Arthur (by Merlin) as a young boy makes him the only being who could safely wield both blades at once… but this theory has never been tested. The Ebony dagger was also created as part of this triptych of blades. The Ebony dagger was Merlin’s insurance policy in case the wielder of the Ebony Sword became too dangerous, and this dagger can slay whoever wields the Ebony Sword. At the same time as the ebony sword and dagger were manufactured, so where a chalice, a staff and a shield. It is clear these will also interact with Excalibur and/or the Ebony sword in some way, but there is as yet no record of what those interactions may be.

The Sword of Might – this blade may be an alternate version of Excalibur, or it may not. It is possible that the Sword of Might, used in the selection ceremony of the captain Britain corps, is a small facet of Excalibur that provides the corps with its powers

The Amulet of Right – again relatively little is known of this device, other than its use in the selection ceremony of the captain Britain corps. It is an established fact that the combination of a Captain Britain Corps member ‘Brian Braddock’, who was elevated by section of the amulet of right, can also wield Excalibur and makes him the rightful king of Otherworld and the Multi-verse (!).

Both the amulet of right and the sword of Might, when used together, have the power to “remake the cosmos” – it is likely they are both facets of Excalibur and wielding both at once is a way of unlocking the full power of Excalibur
Re: Arthur, Excalibur, and the Round Table
June 10, 2016 05:11AM
Ok, based on tystates stats for Arthur, here is my take based on what I have read of him. Most of the legendary stuff is included or at least talked about in the older comics, and with the newer information in Cap brit/knights of pendragon he is now a bit of a Mary Sue, but I guess thats OK for this version, it is marvel after all! I have expanded his skill set somewhat as well to reflect his time as a politician and as a student of Merlin

King Arthur Pendragon

F-RM (30)
A- EX (20)
S- GD (10)
E- EX (20)
R- EX (20)
I- EX (20)
P- RM (30)

H- 80
K- 70

Resources –Class 1000 / Typical (6): Arthur is the rightful ruler of the Multiverse and can reclaim the title from Brian Braddock at any time, however at the moment he seems content to live a more simple life and let Captain Britain and Faiza Hussein take on the duties of wielding Excalibur.

Popularity - Mn 75

Medieval weapons (+1CS to all knightly weapons), Weapons master swords (+2CS). Horsemanship, Etiquette, diplomacy, Military tactics, leadership, occult knowledge, Fairy Lore, History, multiple languages


Magical Awareness AM ability, and perceive those in Astral form at RM
Serial Immortality (Mn 75): If killed Arthur will be magically resurrected after a short duration of magical sleep. White roll sleep lasts for a year before another roll can be attempted, green sleep lasts for month, yellow roll sleep lasts for week, red roll sleep lasts for a day

Unique weapon – Excalibur (see separate notes)

Unique Item – Excalibur’s scabbard: no wound received will bleed whilst wearing this belt and scabbard. All kill results are reduced to a stun.

Unique item – Pridwen: A circular shield bearing a cross and the likeness of a woman. Some say it is the Virgin Mary, others that it is the mermaid of King Conchobar. Material strength Monstrous (75), provides Rem(30) protection from all attacks, including those of magical or psychic origin. Any person fighting the bearer of the shield, who looks upon the image of the Lady, must make a psyche roll at the start of combat or be at -1cs to all actions. Arthur often keeps the image of the Lady covered so as to avoid an unfair advantage in any personal disputes.

Unique weapon – Rhongomynyad: A spear of fearsome reputation: Amazing (50) material strength, +5 damage.. ‘Blood seeking’ (Ex 20) ‘Rhon’ will become self-propelled after the initial throw (consider it to have flight and homing abilities of Excellent rank) and can hit up to nine separate opponents in single turn. Any successful hit by Rhon is to be treated as a kill result.

Limitation in the “heat of battle” Rhon becomes viscous and uncontrollable and will always strike the full complement of targets, including the person who threw the spear in the first place, if no enemy targets are available. Prolonged exposure to violence and anger will cause the spear to take flight begin attacking people at random. This disturbing tendency can be overcome by immersing the spear in a container of blood. Its is only under the most dire circumstances that Arthur would ever consider using this awful weapon.

Unique weapon – Carnwennan, a small white handled throwing knife. This plain looking knife could almost be overlooked and that may be the last mistake an enemy would make.
Materials strength Unearthly (100), Magical damage Monstrous (+75), +3CS when thrown, life detection Amazing (50). The wielder of the blade can magically detect concealed life forms, even if they are using true invisibility.

Unique Item – Mantle of Invisibility - a cloak (typical material strength) that provides true invisibility (remarkable rank). Stolen by Morgan Lefay, whereabouts are unknown, but it has been hinted that Arthur recovered this item at some point in the past

Equipment – leather and chain armour Gd (10) protection from physical attacks
Re: Arthur, Excalibur, and the Round Table
June 10, 2016 11:56AM
Ok... so you know how I said Arthur was a bit of a Mary Sue?

Sir Galahad – The Perfect Knight

Sir Galahad is the ultimate human knight, and it shows!

F-Am (62)
A- In (45)
S- Ex (25)
E- Ex (25)
R- In (45)
I- In (45)
P- Am (62)

H- 157
K- 152

Resources – Feeble (2): Galahad has no interest in the material World
Popularity (-1): No one can measure up to Galahad. To be in his presence is to know how much better you could be. You can’t really hate him for it though, he is such a nice guy after all

Talents: Weapons master (+1CS to all weapons), Weapon specialist Sword (+3CS). Weapon specialist Lance (+3cs). Horsemanship, Etiquette, Diplomacy, Theology

Armour of Honor and Faith – As the perfect knight Galahad gains true invulnerability at Ex (20)

Multiple attacks –the perfection of Galahads fighting technique is such he is considered to have two actions per round

The Power of Faith – Galahad can add his Psych stat (on a point for point basis) to his other FASE or Intuition stats as needed. He can do this for 1d10 rounds, and must then pause for a combat round for a moment of quiet prayer before he can reassign the points. Typically he will split it to boost all FASE and I by +1CS and then spend the remaining 57 points in whatever way is optimum for the opponents he faces.

Grail Champion – Galahad is worthy of the grail, was allowed to find it, and was granted access to heaven by its power. The abilities of the grail are almost limitless, with resurrection, fertility for the undead, curing vampirism and unlimited healing ability attributed to it. Entire planets could be ‘cured’ of plagues of undead for example. If Galahad returns to our realm at any time assume he is now an embodiment of the Grail in some way.


Unique weapon – The sword of Strange Hangings (also known as the Sword of David, the Sword of Solomon and Goisa) limitation, if anyone other than a perfect knight draws the sword, upon its return to a scabbard it will inflict a crippling injury and/or death on the one foolish enough to wield it. The sword is adorned with gems and jewels but it cannot conceal the strange nature of the two bones that makes up its hilt, a great serpent and a fish like fiend provided the raw materials and grants the following powers to whoever wields the blade

Material Strength Shift X (150), Damage Am (+50)
Bones and scales of Ertanax - Can not fatigue Unearthly (100): the sword provides an endurance boost – add 100 points to your endurance stat whilst you wield the sword, and it heals ten point of injury every combat round. You also gain Iron will at Unearthly (100)
Bones and scales of Papagustes - Resistance Unearthly (100): Unearthly protection from Flames, heat, energy attacks, poisons and disease whilst wielding the blade
The Jewels of Solomon – King Solomon decorated the hilt of the sword (and improved its balance) with a dazzling array of Gems. These glittering stones are so cunningly wrought that anyone fighting against the Sword of Strange Hangings must make a reason roll at the start of combat to avoid being beguiled or blinded by the distracting flashes of light they create (automatically lose initiative if reason role failed), also grants +1CS to anyone using the sword in combat

Unique item – Memory of Blood – the scabbard of the sword made from the bark of the tree of life, and serpents skin. The exact powers at this time are unclear, primarily as it acts as if has a limited form of mind control (Inc 40) – Incredible intensity psyche roll to notice the sword when it is in its scabbard. Once out of sight, if you managed to see it in the first place, you must make another incredible intensity psyche feat to remember seeing it, and third psyche roll to recall where you noticed it! It may have other powers, but if it does no one remembers, and Galahad is not telling (Galahad is of course immune to the effect).

There is a beautiful girdle of human hair and golden thread to hang the sword from, but Galahad usually uses a piece of old rope to do the job (it seems odd to him that such pretty thing, that so many others consider valuable or important, would be put at risk in battle by using it when a rope is perfectly well suited to the task).

Unique item – shield of Joseph of Arimathea - a kite shield with a red cross on a white background. Material strength Unearthly (100), provides remarkable (30) points of protection from all forms of attack. Healing Monstrous 75 – using the shield you can cure any injury or illness at once per day. This will completely regrow lost limbs and cure any disease or injury no matter what the source. It cannot bring the dead back to life

Leather and chain armour Gd (10) protection from Physical attack

Weakness: Chaste and Pure - Galahad is almost inhuman in his lack of vice, but if you could somehow get him to break a promise, have sex or in some other way act like a normal human, his powers would all be permanently lost, and he would no longer be able to wield the Sword of Strange Hangings
Re: Arthur, Excalibur, and the Round Table
June 10, 2016 12:58PM
Sir Percival – The Innocent Knight

F-Inc (40)
A- Inc (40)
S- Gd (10)
E- Ex (20)
R-Pr (4) - he is an innocent, with limited understanding of human society
I- Inc (40)
P- Am (50)

H- 110
K- 96

Resources – Feeble (2): whilst Arthur provides all he needs – Percival's wilderness upbringing has left him with little interest in material goods
Popularity Rem (+/-30): He is a bumpkin, and lacking in manners, but there is something sweet about his openness and honesty that everyone finds either attractive, or maddening.

Talents: Weapons master (+1CS to all weapons), Weapon specialist Sword (+3CS). Weapon specialist Lance (+3CS). Weapon Specialist Spear (+3CS), Marksmen (+1cs to all range attacks), Horsemanship, wilderness survival, tracking, Fairy Lore, repair and tinker

Grail Champion – Percival is worthy of the grail, was allowed to come near to it. If needed he could find it again. In all likelihood there are other abilities linked to this; But Percival has not bothered to try and apply this knowledge in any way

The Power of Love – Percival can add his Psych stat (on a point for point basis) to his other FASE or Intuition stats as needed. He can do this for 1d10 rounds, and must then pause for a combat round for a moment of quiet reflection upon the beauty of lady Blanchefluer before he can reassign the points. Typically he will split it down the middle and put 25 points on his strength, and 25 points on his Fighting


Unique Item – Ring of Undying. Percival has a magic ring that grants him amazing (50) protection from all attacks and makes him immortal (Am 50). If ‘killed’ he will be back on his feet and tearing off to get even with whoever killed him (or ask them forgiveness of he was in the wrong) in 1d10 rounds.

Armour of the Red Knight Rem (30) protection from Physical attack
Sword - Rem (30) materials strength, +10 damage
Willow Javelins (Typical material strength, + 5 damage) - Percival crafts these himself and is a crack-shot with these flint tipped spears
Re: Arthur, Excalibur, and the Round Table
June 10, 2016 10:58PM
Sir Bors the Younger – The Chivalrous

Whenever Lancelot was away, it was often Sir Bors who acted as the royal Champion

F-In (40)
A- Ex(20)
S- Ex (20)
E- Ex (20)
R - Rm (30)
I- In (40)
P- Am (50)

H- 110
K- 96

Resources – Inc (40): Sir Bors is the rightful king of Constantinople and Brittany (long story)
Popularity Rem (+30): He is courteous, modest, honest, kind to all and an utterly nice chap. Has a reputation for being a little standoffish with the ladies but is always polite about it. He is firmly against all forms of self-indulgence, and is not fun at parties.

Talents: Weapons master (+1CS to all weapons), Weapon specialist Sword (+3cs). Weapon specialist Lance (+3cs). Horsemanship, Fairy Lore, Etiquette, Diplomacy, Leadership, Military Tactics, Multiple languages, Martial Arts C, D, E,

Grail Champion – Sir Bors is worthy of the grail, was allowed to come near to it. If needed he could find it again. Having been in the presence of the Grail, though not actually looked fully upon it, Bors could very well have multiple powers and abilities related to this, though if he does, he has yet to use them in public.
The Power of Temperance – Bors can add his Psych stat (on a point for point basis) to his other FASE or Intuition stats as needed. He can do this for 1d10 rounds, and must then pause for a combat round for a moment of quiet reflection upon the knights Chivalric Code before he can reassign the points. He will assign the points in whatever way is most likely to grant him victory

Leather and Chain Armour Gd (10) protection from physical attack
Sword (Materials strength Rem 30) +10 damage
Shield (Materials strength Rem 30) +10 protection from physical attack
Lance (Materials strength Inc 40) +10 damage (uses horse’s physical strength on a successful lance attack)
Re: Arthur, Excalibur, and the Round Table
June 10, 2016 11:42PM
Sir Lancelot DuLac

The Greatest of Knights (until his son Galahad came of age… oh and Percival and Bors as well, but other than them; he is the greatest!)

F-Am (50)
A- RM (30)
S- Ex (20)
E- Ex (20)
R - Ex (20)
I- In (40)
P- Ex (20)

H- 120
K- 80

Resources – Inc (40): Sir Lancelot is the rightful king of Benoic (long story)
Popularity Am (+50): He is so cool! Everyone loves Lance, I mean even just the name right?

Talents: Weapons master (+1CS to all weapons), Weapon specialist Sword (+3CS). Weapon specialist Lance (+3CS). Horsemanship, Fairy Lore, Etiquette, Diplomacy, Dancing, Leadership, Military Tactics, Latin, Greek, Martial Arts A,B,C, D, E,

Multiple attacks – Lancelot is such a consummate fighter he can face multiple foes at once with no penalties, and his fighting techniques is so perfect he is considered to have two actions per combat round

Berserk - Lancelot goes into fearsome berserk fury, blood drips from his cheeks, he snorts like an enraged stallion and becomes almost uncontrollable. Berserk Ex (20)


Unique Weapon ‘Sacace’, The Sword of Knighthood: Material Strength Mn (75) +25 Damage

Unique Item – Shield of Strength - Mn (75) Material Strength, 25 points of protection from physical attacks, increases the wielders strength up to Incredible (40).

Leather and Chain Armour Gd (10) protection from physical attack
Lance (Materials strength Inc 40) +10 damage (uses horse’s physical strength on a successful lance attack)
Re: Arthur, Excalibur, and the Round Table
June 11, 2016 01:07PM
These are great, NikMak!

Re: Arthur, Excalibur, and the Round Table
June 11, 2016 01:34PM
here is one more - think i will stop now unless someone wants a particular knight for some reason

Sir Gawain – The Hawk of May, Knight of the Surcoat

With a golden pentagram on his red surcoat, and a distinctive green girdle around his waist, Sir Gawain strikes a distinctive figure

F-Inc (40)
A- Ex (20)
S- Ex (20) (up to In 40 around noonish)
E- Ex (20)
R-Inc (40) - Gawain is a renowned diplomat, and studied theology in Rome
I- Ex (20)
P- Ex (20)

H- 100 (up to 120 )
K- 80

Resources – Inc (40): He is the rightful king of Lothian and the Orkneys
Popularity Rem (+30): Renowned for his courage, his wisdom and his pragmatism. Also for his protection of women, in atonement for his abhorrent behavior towards women in his younger days. The green girdle he wears is a constant reminder to face the world as it really is, not as you want it to be, and green strings are worn by other knights as a show of respect for Gawain, as was the adoption of the surcoat (he invented the idea)

Talents: Weapon specialist Sword (+3CS). Weapon specialist Lance (+3CS), Horsemanship, Theology, Occultism, Fairy Lore, Resist Domination, Leadership, Martial arts C, Etiquette, Diplomacy, Latin, Fashion.

Hyper strength – Gawain’s strength is linked to the position of the sun. At noon his strength is greatest going up to Incredible (40), and when the sun is set his strength returns to its base line (Ex 20).

Unique Item – Galatine – the sword of the sun. Gifted to Gawain by the lady of the lake this sword was famous for its ability to pierce any armour, cleave stones in two and generally cause bloody havoc. Material strength Un (100) + 10 Damage, Magical armour piercing (-3CS to any form of protection used to stop its blow). It has also been attributed with being even more dangerous when in full sunlight – double all damage dealt when using Galatine in full sunlight

Unique Item the Shield of Judas Macabbee – a red kite shield emblazoned with a bird of prey Am (50) material Strength, Rem (30) protection from all forms of attack

Leather and Chain armour Gd (10) protection from physical attack
Re: Arthur, Excalibur, and the Round Table
June 11, 2016 01:39PM
RealmJumper Wrote:
> These are great, NikMak!
> Thanks!

glad you like them; there are so many versions of this stuff its hard to pick things out, but these feel about right to me. I enjoyed doing it. Galahad is a terrifying force with that sword of his though - watch out evil; the G-man is coming!

there is a whole lot of stuff about the Pendragon-Force and the Green-knight/Green-Man that needs writing up as well (whoever gets to channel the Pen-D force gets enhanced senses etc) - i may do that next i think smiling smiley
Re: Arthur, Excalibur, and the Round Table
June 12, 2016 09:17PM
Sir Kay the Seneschel

Arthur's older brother, and keeper of the royal finances

F-Ex (20)
A- Gd (10)
S- Gd (10)
E- Ex (20)
R-In (40)
I- In (40)
P- Rem (30)

H- 60
K- 110

Resources – Am (50): Sir kay is the keeper of the purse of Logres, he sets his own wages and is very well paid!
Popularity (-10): He is an arrogant, insensitive jerk, who is convinced he is clever (and therefore better than almost everyone else), with a bully's cruel sense of humor.

Talents: Medieval weapons (+1CS to all knightly weapons), specialist Lance (+3CS), Horsemanship, Etiquette, mathematics, accounting, logistics, military tactics, Multiple languages, espionage, codes and cypher's, witty insults

Leather and chain armour Gd (10) protection from Physical attack
Kite shield - Rem (30) material strength, Ex (20) protection from physical attack
Sword Rem (30) material strength, +10 damage
Lance, Inc (40) material strength, +10 damage, use horse strength on a successful use of the lance skill – Sir kay is justifiably proud of his skill with this weapon, and will happily square off to almost anyone in a joust

* role playing notes
Sir kay has a set of evil nick names he uses to needle those around him (he is a jerk), so when in the presence of the following people drop these one liners in at every opportunity

Arthur - 'Wart' - a child hood nickname that the King despises
Lancelot - 'the Anvil' - Kay often says Lancelot has a face like an anvil because its been hit so many times - Lance actually finds this quite funny, which annoys Kay. but it enrages the Queen so he keeps it up
Percival - 'Pretty hands' - Percival bites his nails and plays in the mud quite often. The first time he turned up at court, Kay thought he was a kitchen servant and when Percival refused to wash dishes Kay said he had no need to worry about damaging his pretty hands - Percival HATES this name and will need to be restrained whenever Kay uses it on him. Kay knows this and times it well so that he is never in any danger; Percival hates this even more!
Sir Bors - 'Gargoyle' - Sir Bors has a significant scar across his face, sir kay will often do things like scream in mock terror or encourage any nearby children to run around in mock fear of the 'hideous, monstrous gargoyle' that is trying to attack them! Sir Bors is indifferent to Kays antics
Sir Bedevier - Kay will look for any opportunity to call for a round of applause from the audience, or ask if sir Bedevier needs a hand with anything: Sir Bedevier lost his left hand in battle with the Saxons many years ago. Kay is a d*ck, don't be like Kay.
Re: Arthur, Excalibur, and the Round Table
June 12, 2016 11:01PM
Sir Bedevier of the fine sinew

Arthur's most loyal follower, also known as ‘the first to kneel’ in reference to being to being the first knight to recognize Arthur's authority

F-Rm (30)
A- Gd (10)
S- Gd (10)
E- Ex (20)
R-Ty (6)
I- Gd (10)
P- Ty (6)

H- 70
K- 22

Resources – Ex (20): Sir Bedevier is a landed knight and is able to maintain himself in a certain style
Popularity (+10): his loyalty to Arthur is beyond question, and he is really really really good looking. I mean, like, truly beautiful; like a young Marlon Brando or Michael Angelo’s ‘David’ come to life.

Mind control Gd (10): Bedevier is so ridiculously good looking even straight men find themselves unconsciously attracted to him! He can use this to King Arthur's benefit and often does. Even the loss of his left hand has only made him seem more attainable to your average person, making him even more attractive than he used to be. It’s hard to say no to the guy no matter what he asks for!

Talents: Medieval weapons (+1CS to all knightly weapons), , Horsemanship, Etiquette, military tactics, Multiple languages, Dancing, Hawking, Hunting, Romance, Diplomacy, espionage

Leather and chain armour Gd (10) protection from Physical attack
Kite shield - Rem (30) material strength, Ex (20) protection from physical attack – Note Bedevier's shield has been adapted so he can use it despite his missing hand.
Sword Rem (30) material strength, +10 damage
Re: Arthur, Excalibur, and the Round Table
June 14, 2016 03:51AM
this bit is included for anyone who wants to try and stay (sort of) up to date with the latest marvel universe craziness!

Green Man

The Green-Man is the embodiment of life and the living. It is a multi-reality being that exists so long as there is ‘life’ anywhere in the multiverse. It is the embodiment of growth, change, creation, fertility and the inter dependence of everything within an ecosystem: That ecosystem may be the internal Flora of a garden jelly fish, or the supernova generating the space dust required for complex life to evolve: At whatever scale the Green-man embodies these processes. In cases where direct intervention is required to protect the multi-verse ecosystem - typically to prevent incursion by Bane and its ‘Red-Knight’ minions; a chaotic force that is the antithesis of everything the green-man stands for - tne Green-Man will do so. The green man should not be thought of as wholly good or benign however. It protects the ecosystem of the multiverse, and if the need arose to ‘weed out’ two or three realities for the sake of the whole garden it would willingly do so. About the only thing ‘above’ the green man would have been the Living tribunal, and it would need to seek its permission before destroying a reality – but as the living tribunal no longer exists that limitation no longer applies…

In game term some general stats are –

life form control, Life form detection, reality control, Reason, Intuition and Psyche all at class 3,000 would be a starting point, with some sort of pan dimensional sensing power also active. Im not sure the green man has a physical body as such, as the only way to damage him is to damage all life in the multi-verse. Only Cosmic Entities such as Galactus or Death would expect to interact directly with the Green-Man. The Green-Man can interact directly with sentient life forms of lesser rank, but struggles to make itself understood. Therefore it will utilize several different tools for communicating with lower life forms (that's you and me folks!). First amongst these is the sword Excalibur. This weapon is a conduit for the direct utilization of the reality control power of the Green-Man. Bitter experience has taught the Green-Man to be extremely careful who it grants access to this power: Several other mechanisms have been set up to allow the green-Man to select likely worthy candidates for the wielding this power in defense of life in the multiverse. These include the Green-Knight, the Pendragon force and the Captain Britain Corps

Captain Britain Corps
The Captain Britain Corps is one such mechanism the green man utilizes to exert control over events in the multiverse. There is no direct evidence to support the theory but there is an increasing body of circumstantial evidence to suggest the Green-Man is the source of the power wielded by the captain Britain corps, or at the very least taught it taught Merlin how to utilize the inter-reality ‘frictional forces’ that are the source of power the corps is based on.

In order to limit damage to ecosystems, and the Green-man can also operate through a smaller consciousness called the Green-knight, and when required it will create one Green Knight per reality.

The Green-Knight

The green knight is an extension of the Green-Man, that exists as a separate physical entity. Consider it to have all FASERIP stats at class 1,000. Though it is often depicted as existing as a tree or vine covered castle. The Green Knight can move (very quickly) if required but if it is in its tree or castle form (or some variant thereof) consider it to have shift zero agility and fighting stats. In order to limit any collateral damage to a given ecosystem (i.e the reality in question) the Green Knight will communicate with denizens of that eco system, and provide them with the power to carry out its desires (usually defending life from extinction on whatever planet is suffering from such an incursion at the time). The Green-Knight does this through the use of the Pendragon Force (consider this to be reality control at class 1,000, but limited to the single reality the Green-Knight was created to protect).

When required the green knight will intervene directly through the use of another power known as the ‘Pendragon Force’. Following a similar model to its own creator, in order to limit possible contamination and damage to single eco systems (in this case a single reality) the green-knight will invest a portion of the Pendragon Force directly into life forms resident in the reality that requires intervention. This method has backfired in the past and so the green-knight has a catalogue of personalities that it has worked with successfully in the past that it will ‘download’ into the resident to be used. In the 616 continuum these personalities are the figures such as Herne the Hunter, King Arthur and the Knights of the round table, Robin hood and his Merry men, and more recently Dai Thomas, Kate McClellan , Brian Braddock, Peter Hunter, Adam Crown, Ben Gallagher, Breeze James, Cam McClellan, Jospeh Chapman and the awakened theme park robot ‘Sir Gawain’ have all recently hosted the Pendragon-force (with accompanying Arthurian consciousness).

The consciousness provided with the Pendragon Force can often domninate the resident consciousness for a short duration, and will often have a period of adjustment where it re-lives key events from its first life. So in one case Dai Thomas was killed by Captain Britain as they re-enacted the final battle of Gawain and Lancelot (thanks to the Pendragon Force Dai got better)

Any one of these personalities (or others yet to be recognised) could be ‘downloaded’ into the next recipient of the Pendragon Force.

The Pendragon Force

Recipient's of the Pendragon force will be granted all powers, skills and abilities of the downloaded personality, and will also grant a variety of benefits. The exact rank of these powers will vary over time as the new host gains skill in using them, and as the Green-Knight grows to trust the newest wielder of its power. Assume each power starts at Ex (20) and the increases at a rate of +1CS per month for as long as the Green-knight is happy with the performance of the tasks it wants completed, until the task is completed (at which point the Green-knight will take away the Pendraogn Force – and a copy of the new personality that has successfully carried out its orders)

NB – all powers start at Ex (20), +1CS per month, at GMs discretion, to one or more of the following:
  • Enhanced FASE & I stats (ie any FASE or ‘I’ stat boosted up to Ex(20) if not already at that level)
  • Enhanced senses
  • Life form detection
  • Bane detection
  • Precognition – limited to momentary flashes of other Pendragon force users when they will soon be facing danger
  • Pendragon fire - +3CS damage to Bane and its agents

Note – advanced use of Pendragon fire has been shown to perform power stunts of telekinesis, and has also shows great facility for the its ability to interface with techno-magical equipment from Otherworld and Albion, indicating ‘Pendragon fire’ may actually be uncontrolled ‘Pendragon-Force’ – i.e. reality control!
Re: Arthur, Excalibur, and the Round Table
June 14, 2016 03:52AM
Whew, that was all a lot of time and effort - time to concentrate on real life again for a while I think smiling smiley
Re: Arthur, Excalibur, and the Round Table
June 14, 2016 08:09AM
Good stuff. thumbs up cool smiley

A high post count is indicative of little more than one having the time to post frequently.
It does not mean a person is more knowledgeable on any given topic than anyone else.
Re: Arthur, Excalibur, and the Round Table
June 14, 2016 09:46AM
Glad you like it. I really like galahad - that sword of his is facinating, would be interesting to work out how high up the rankings he could go one-on-one. Thor and Hulk would flatten him, but many entities one step down? He could really be a contender
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