The Ignore Feature

Posted by Mr Happy 
The Ignore Feature
November 02, 2010 01:37PM
Ok for those of you having difficulites with the ignore button this should fix that. Go into the Control Center (right next to your Private Messages). Once there go to Forum Settings and make sure these settings are set to Default.

Message list display options: Default
Message reading display options: Default

I heartily advocate the use of this option for the sake of a peaceful forum.
Re: The Ignore Feature
November 03, 2010 01:36AM
Mine were set to those and after even hitting submit, the option still doesn't appear. I don't need the option for the board, however, I thought I'd bring it up in case someone else runs into the same thing. It might be a browser issue for me, but I don't know what I would change to make it happen.
Re: The Ignore Feature
November 04, 2010 03:11PM
Mine is right there.

Has done wonders in dealing with DeadSidekick.

Joe Solarte stats, background. []
Re: The Ignore Feature
November 04, 2010 06:21PM
I'd love to know what Mr. Happy said. Unfortunatley, I've clicked the ignore
button on every single member of the board.
tongue sticking out smiley

> I'm the third or fourth best at what I do, but what I do isn't very interesting.
--- Small-town newspaper reporter (and comics fan) Mark Newman

> Thank you, SkyCutter, Dusky and Auntie P. for giving us a cool place to hang out: and
Re: The Ignore Feature
November 05, 2010 06:09AM
Oh, so then Mark can't see me make movie whiplash trip over his own feet by sticking my foot out.
Re: The Ignore Feature
November 05, 2010 01:31PM
I can’t believe all you guys put me on ignore…..

I mean seriously….. None of you knew about the ‘Pull my Finger’ joke???

Geez, I only had a spicy burrito….


Tanker's MSH Characters
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Re: The Ignore Feature
November 08, 2010 01:55PM
Mark Wrote:
> I'd love to know what Mr. Happy said.
> Unfortunatley, I've clicked the ignore
> button on every single member of the board.
> tongue sticking out smiley

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Id ignore you but that was too funny!

RileyV, thanks for the input, I'll see what can be done about that.
Re: The Ignore Feature
November 10, 2010 08:13PM
Mr Happy Wrote:
> Mark Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I'd love to know what Mr. Happy said.
> > Unfortunatley, I've clicked the ignore
> > button on every single member of the board.
> > tongue sticking out smiley
> ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Id ignore you but that
> was too funny!
> RileyV, thanks for the input, I'll see what can be
> done about that.

I knew someone named Mr. Happy could take a joke! smileys with beer
Re: The Ignore Feature
November 10, 2010 09:08PM
How right you are.
Re: The Ignore Feature
December 18, 2010 07:38AM
Who needs an ignore feature? Just skip over a post.
Re: The Ignore Feature
December 18, 2010 09:22AM
Because some of us are easier to taunt into responding to a personal attack or insult than others, so if you can't see their posts you aren't tempted to respond to them.

"A shared universe, like any fictional construct, hinges on suspension of disbelief. When continuity is tossed away, it tatters the construct. Undermines it."

-- Peter David

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'Reality is very disappointing.' - Jonathan Switcher from Mannequin

Be Courteous: Remember to quote who you're replying to so everyone knows who and what you were responding to.
Re: The Ignore Feature
January 24, 2011 07:58AM
I have a question...Once ignored, can you later go back and un-ignore someone? Say to give you time to calm
down at someone and not want to crush their brainless little skulls.

Formerly YourHumbleServant

2 things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity and I'm not sure about the universe ~Albert Einstein

People who advocate foolish or dangerous ideas should not be forcibly silenced, but only as a testament to the greatness of the principle of liberty, NOT because the ideas they advocate have any merit whatsoever. ~Thomas Jefferson

Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level then beat you with experience ~ Mark Twain

Lady Gaga makes Miley Cyrus look like John Lennon ~ Chris Titus

Government that is big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have..History shows that as government grows..liberty decreases. ~ Thomas Jefferson
Re: The Ignore Feature
January 24, 2011 08:10AM
From what I can tell the Ignore feature isn't that strong anyway, posts by someone who's ignored just report how you're ignoring the person and that if you want to view what they posted anyway you can click on it and still view something by someone you wanted to ignore. It doesn't render you incapable of seeing any posts of said target as if they didn't exist.

"A shared universe, like any fictional construct, hinges on suspension of disbelief. When continuity is tossed away, it tatters the construct. Undermines it."

-- Peter David

[] - Nightmask Character Sheet

[] - Paragon Character Sheet

[] - The Gospel of Uncle Ben

[] - Website of Marvel Comics Artist Rusty Haller. R.I.P

'Reality is very disappointing.' - Jonathan Switcher from Mannequin

Be Courteous: Remember to quote who you're replying to so everyone knows who and what you were responding to.
Re: The Ignore Feature
January 26, 2011 06:15PM
I been ignoring everyone for 2 years now....but I am just now deciding to say a few things. But I will try to be a fun as always! Hey Mr Happy, been a while!!

Oh, ignoring anyone is not personal. Only 5 people on here are important to me. And you know who you are! drinking smiley

"Power Without Perception is Virtually Useless and Therefore of No True Value!" -Ryuken
Re: The Ignore Feature
January 28, 2011 03:57AM
I love the ignore feature. Works beautifully IMO!

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"You just decided *all by yourselves* that you are the Earth's protectors. And that you, and *only* you, not your teammates or family, are trustworthy enough to include in the process..."

T'Challa, The New Avengers: Illuminati 1
Re: The Ignore Feature
January 28, 2011 06:26AM

I am really beginning to appreciate it as well.

Formerly YourHumbleServant

2 things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity and I'm not sure about the universe ~Albert Einstein

People who advocate foolish or dangerous ideas should not be forcibly silenced, but only as a testament to the greatness of the principle of liberty, NOT because the ideas they advocate have any merit whatsoever. ~Thomas Jefferson

Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level then beat you with experience ~ Mark Twain

Lady Gaga makes Miley Cyrus look like John Lennon ~ Chris Titus

Government that is big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have..History shows that as government grows..liberty decreases. ~ Thomas Jefferson
Re: The Ignore Feature
January 28, 2011 11:19AM
Powersurge Wrote:
> I love the ignore feature. Works beautifully IMO!

Eh, people seem to overuse things like ignore features way too often. Rather than using it to deal with harassment they use it in the grand tradition of putting ones fingers in ones ears and chanting 'lalalalala' over and over so as to not see anything that disagrees with them and instead only hear one side; the side they're on. Sadly people have gotten more and more thin-skinned since the proliferation of the idea of political correctness (which is really just censorship and harassment packaged in a different form) and many can't handle anyone saying anything that disagrees with them.

"A shared universe, like any fictional construct, hinges on suspension of disbelief. When continuity is tossed away, it tatters the construct. Undermines it."

-- Peter David

[] - Nightmask Character Sheet

[] - Paragon Character Sheet

[] - The Gospel of Uncle Ben

[] - Website of Marvel Comics Artist Rusty Haller. R.I.P

'Reality is very disappointing.' - Jonathan Switcher from Mannequin

Be Courteous: Remember to quote who you're replying to so everyone knows who and what you were responding to.
Re: The Ignore Feature
February 11, 2011 09:42AM
Nightmask Wrote:
> Powersurge Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I love the ignore feature. Works beautifully
> IMO!
> Eh, people seem to overuse things like ignore
> features way too often. Rather than using it to
> deal with harassment they use it in the grand
> tradition of putting ones fingers in ones ears and
> chanting 'lalalalala' over and over so as to not
> see anything that disagrees with them and instead
> only hear one side; the side they're on. Sadly
> people have gotten more and more thin-skinned
> since the proliferation of the idea of political
> correctness (which is really just censorship and
> harassment packaged in a different form) and many
> can't handle anyone saying anything that disagrees
> with them.

After looking over a large majority of the disagreements recently, I find that I agree with you NM. Dare I say the Cap vs Batman topic is a wonderful example. Still, the ignore feature is most apropos when used to transcend attempts to lure one into ill-mannered confrontations.

"Power Without Perception is Virtually Useless and Therefore of No True Value!" -Ryuken
Re: The Ignore Feature
February 11, 2011 10:43AM
Daikumanoken Wrote:
> After looking over a large majority of the
> disagreements recently, I find that I agree with
> you NM. Dare I say the Cap vs Batman topic is a
> wonderful example. Still, the ignore feature is
> most apropos when used to transcend attempts to
> lure one into ill-mannered confrontations.

True, it is good for that although seems like those inclined to do that left once they knew they couldn't continue to draw myself at least into more of those traps. :p

"A shared universe, like any fictional construct, hinges on suspension of disbelief. When continuity is tossed away, it tatters the construct. Undermines it."

-- Peter David

[] - Nightmask Character Sheet

[] - Paragon Character Sheet

[] - The Gospel of Uncle Ben

[] - Website of Marvel Comics Artist Rusty Haller. R.I.P

'Reality is very disappointing.' - Jonathan Switcher from Mannequin

Be Courteous: Remember to quote who you're replying to so everyone knows who and what you were responding to.
Re: The Ignore Feature
April 21, 2011 05:06AM
I wonder if I can Ignore myself.

I'm afraid to try it.

Re: The Ignore Feature
May 11, 2011 05:40PM
Hmm, I believe that we ignore ourselves at our own peril. However if you have ignored me then you have no idea what I have just written....... *sigh*

Forge yourself into the hero that others fear to be.
Ascend and demonstrate a better Ethos
Negotiate when you can and pound when you have no other option.
Go forward when others fear the darkness
Strive for the greatness that lies within you

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Re: The Ignore Feature
May 11, 2011 06:26PM
Fangs Wrote:
> Hmm, I believe that we ignore ourselves at our own
> peril. However if you have ignored me then you
> have no idea what I have just written.......
> *sigh*

Other than a few spats everyone's been getting along fairly well since late January, which is good. Much better everyone get along than escalate things to the point of using the Ignore feature to deal with things. But then again ignoring one's capable of being wrong sometimes and the silliness in holding onto grudges over such silly things is a trap we all have to watch out for. ;-)

"A shared universe, like any fictional construct, hinges on suspension of disbelief. When continuity is tossed away, it tatters the construct. Undermines it."

-- Peter David

[] - Nightmask Character Sheet

[] - Paragon Character Sheet

[] - The Gospel of Uncle Ben

[] - Website of Marvel Comics Artist Rusty Haller. R.I.P

'Reality is very disappointing.' - Jonathan Switcher from Mannequin

Be Courteous: Remember to quote who you're replying to so everyone knows who and what you were responding to.
Re: The Ignore Feature
January 30, 2012 10:07PM
good info
Re: The Ignore Feature
January 30, 2012 11:16PM
Lt. Kaffee: I want the truth!

Major Steel: You can't handle the truth!

Son, we live in a world with dreams and imagination. We have views and opinions that form in our minds by our life experiences. They will differ from one individual to the next. You don't have to agree, infact you can disagree. Disagree is not hate or being blind, it just means you see it differently.

That what make this country so great, nay, the world, Cause of those different views, people have progress, technology has progress, we grow and strive to be better and we learn. To use an adage of the Marines, we adapt, improvise and overcome obstacles in our path and we achieve greater things.

The world isn't going to end, on who right or wrong on fictional beings, worlds or art, so there no need to argue, just be happy.

Lt. Kaffee: Did you order the Code Red?

Major Steel: You damn right I did!! And it MINE!! Get your own Code Red MT Dew!

Writer Note: Just a bit of humor!
Re: The Ignore Feature
January 30, 2012 11:32PM
MajorSteel Wrote:
> Lt. Kaffee: I want the truth!
> Major Steel: You can't handle the truth!
> Son, we live in a world with dreams and
> imagination. We have views and opinions that form
> in our minds by our life experiences. They will
> differ from one individual to the next. You don't
> have to agree, infact you can disagree. Disagree
> is not hate or being blind, it just means you see
> it differently.
> That what make this country so great, nay, the
> world, Cause of those different views, people have
> progress, technology has progress, we grow and
> strive to be better and we learn. To use an adage
> of the Marines, we adapt, improvise and overcome
> obstacles in our path and we achieve greater
> things.
> The world isn't going to end, on who right or
> wrong on fictional beings, worlds or art, so there
> no need to argue, just be happy.
> Lt. Kaffee: Did you order the Code Red?
> Major Steel: You damn right I did!! And it MINE!!
> Get your own Code Red MT Dew!
> Writer Note: Just a bit of humor!

And we've got it a lot better than many sites, I've seen things show up on the Palladium forums even worse than have happened here. They've had to lock almost a dozen threads in the last few weeks alone because people were getting repeatedly rude and violating the rules of conduct regarding no personal attacks and general bad behavior.

"A shared universe, like any fictional construct, hinges on suspension of disbelief. When continuity is tossed away, it tatters the construct. Undermines it."

-- Peter David

[] - Nightmask Character Sheet

[] - Paragon Character Sheet

[] - The Gospel of Uncle Ben

[] - Website of Marvel Comics Artist Rusty Haller. R.I.P

'Reality is very disappointing.' - Jonathan Switcher from Mannequin

Be Courteous: Remember to quote who you're replying to so everyone knows who and what you were responding to.
Re: The Ignore Feature
February 07, 2012 10:24PM
shinomi40 Wrote:
> good info

Show in คาสิโนออนไลน์ that there will be musical performances and magic shows, and Flora was present in all. คาสิโนออนไลน์ as well.
Re: The Ignore Feature
October 23, 2012 03:00PM
smiling smiley
I just re read my post and started laugjing, I'm so goofy at times.

Life goes on
Re: The Ignore Feature
October 24, 2012 06:27PM
I didn't read it. I'm ignoring you. tongue sticking out smiley

A high post count is indicative of little more than one having the time to post frequently.
It does not mean a person is more knowledgeable on any given topic than anyone else.
Re: The Ignore Feature
October 24, 2012 07:37PM
That ok make me feel popular LOL
Re: The Ignore Feature
October 25, 2012 06:36AM
You are popular. thumbs up

I'm just ignoring you because I'm not.

A high post count is indicative of little more than one having the time to post frequently.
It does not mean a person is more knowledgeable on any given topic than anyone else.
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