Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread

Posted by The Last Duskblade 
Greetings, Maglock
April 20, 2010 11:30AM
Welcome to the Forums. Hope you have a long and enjoyable stay with us. smiling smiley
Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
April 27, 2010 05:41AM
I just stummbled onto this intro forum and was thinking I'd like to share a little bit about myself with you guys. I'll be honest, from what I read about most of you, I feel like a newb. I'm 23 years old and from Harbor Springs Michigan, I currently live outside Mt. Pleasant and attend Central Michigan University studying religion. Ive been into comic books for as long as I can remember (early to mid 90's) or at least since I started reading Iron Man, X-men and the Secret Defenders comics my grandparents bought for me along with a pretty sweet Sabretooth action figure when I was about six or seven. I collect only rare comics now that the prices have become outrageous but I read comics online like a madman and I try to keep up with mostly whats happening in the Marvel Universe at least (never been much for DC although I have my favorites from their universe too). I joined this site about a year or so ago but really havent been serious about it until my friend "Bellereeve" (I think thats the spelling) and our gaming group decided to start making some fun Ideas and pooling resources with you guys. I love the website and it as well as some of the links (especially Ben Reilly's page) have been extremely useful in making the best of our game sessions so mad props to the creators.

Anyways, I started gaming in about 1999 or 2000 when Dungeons and Dragon's third edition hit shelves and soon after I heard of Marvel RPG from some of my co-workers at a grocery store who had apparently been playing around with it for years (they were quite a bit older than me obviously). Since then Ive fallen in love with role-playing and especially game-mastering because I love making up stories and not revealing them to the players but letting them play it out and decide what to do. Marvel is probably my favorite RPG only because the combat works so well and games dont consist of people sitting around becoming bored while not being involved in the game itself, everybody can do something at the same time and that makes for a superb role-playing experience, followed closely only by larping (just kidding).
Greetings, Rastaman
April 27, 2010 02:05PM
Glad to hear you're enjoying the boards and the associated links. It does make for one of the better, most interconnected, sources of material for Classic MSH.
Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
April 27, 2010 05:15PM
yeah welcome to the site, hope to see a lot of ya grinning smiley

"See what we learned today Mr. Scruffy? Solve a man's problems with violence help him for a day. TEACH a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a life time!" - Belkar Bitterleaf to Mr. Scruffy the cat

"Just because you post a lot doesn't mean you know what the hell you're talking about" - Me

"I say a lot of things sometimes that don't come out right, And I act like I don't know why I guess a reaction is all I was looking for. You looked through me, you really knew me like no one has EVER looked before. Baby on your own you take a cautious step, Do you wanna give it up?" Shine - Mr. Big

"Nothing's forgotten. Nothing's ever Forgotten" Robin of Locksley

Snake Eyes is Batman if Batman used an Uzi and Trench Knives when he wanted to be LESS dangerous. - Brotherless One
Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
April 27, 2010 07:34PM
A young person, interested in what we are interested in? Fantastic!
Welcome, Rasta. We're glad to have you here.
Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
June 13, 2010 09:22AM
Hello all I live in western New York. i have been playing and running RPG's for meany years. Dating back to the early 90's.everything from marvel and the White Wolf line to D&D. for me it all started with a D20 module called "The Haunt". Now i actively play marvel classic and City of Heroes (were i am global name Dark-Light) I am also working on running a D&D 3.5 Ed. game. my e-mail is feel free to message me.

Oh yeah and you may call me Don.
Greetings, Captain White Star
June 13, 2010 07:06PM
Welcome to the boards. Hope you find a lot of fun topics and material to keep you visiting us for a long time. smiling smiley
Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
June 23, 2010 07:27PM
Hello everyone. I stumbled upon this site looking for resources so that I could run adventures between me and my roommate for MSH. I have lots of experience doing forum rps, several years worth and can write fairly well, and although I've had virtually zero opportunity to do pen and paper rpgs, it hasn't stopped me from trying. I would love very much to get involved in a game with a group of players instead of having to try being GM for once only because I'm the only one who wants to play bad enough to read all the rules. I'm still trying to figure things out around here, so any assistance to get me involved in a group is appreciated.
Greetings, Goblinoid
June 23, 2010 08:26PM
Welcome to the boards smiling smiley
Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
July 20, 2010 06:00AM
Hello everybody.

I'm from the UK and old enough that I bought MSH when it was first published, so I'm no spring chicken. Have got just about everything that was published and have kept it all in perfect condition - the most treasured of all my game systems. Haven't played MSH for years but have been looking at this fantastic site on & off for a couple of years. My thanks to everyone who has put so much effort into keeping this brilliant game alive. Amazing that people are bang up to date with characters - new stats already for the latest Avengers line-ups! Ben Reilly's site is great for character updates.

I'm interested to know what rules people are using - are the original Advanced considered the standard? Do people use the 4C rules? I like the combat options on the site that address that age-old question of how Spidey could beat Firelord (by rolling a lot of '00's and getting extra damage!). I used a variation last time I ran a campaign which meant damage & defences were never a fixed total to represent glancing blows & sucker punches but I like the options presented on this site.

Have new Powers been created on the site? I ask this because I looked at Wolverine's stats and he now has Recovery as well as Regeneration. I can't find Recovery in my Ultimate Powers book but as I said, I haven't played for years so I'm a bit rusty and may be forgetting something. This is a massive site so any pointers to where to look for new rules would be much appreciated.

Once again, thanks to everyone who puts effort into this site and provides us with all these great resources.
Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
July 20, 2010 07:13AM
Welcome to CMF Union Jack, glad to have you here!

In regards to your questions, there is a thread for new powers people have created and if you check the Advanced Player's Book you'll find Recovery listed under Solar Regeneration. It basically improves the rate at which you recover lost Endurance Ranks. I myself tend to think in terms of the Advanced Player's Book with the Ultimate Powers Book expansion rather than the Basic set or other versions that are out and about.

"A shared universe, like any fictional construct, hinges on suspension of disbelief. When continuity is tossed away, it tatters the construct. Undermines it."

-- Peter David

[] - Nightmask Character Sheet

[] - Paragon Character Sheet

[] - The Gospel of Uncle Ben

[] - Website of Marvel Comics Artist Rusty Haller. R.I.P

'Reality is very disappointing.' - Jonathan Switcher from Mannequin

Be Courteous: Remember to quote who you're replying to so everyone knows who and what you were responding to.
Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
July 20, 2010 09:54AM
Thanks very much Nightmask - for the welcome and the info.

Would never have thought to look at Solar Regeneration for the Recovery ability. Will have to get the books out and start re-familiarizing myself with everything.

Due to work clashing with the only times my mates are free for gaming, I've done none this year!sad smiley We've been doing stuff such as Savage Worlds of Solomon Kane, Spycraft, Deadlands but no Superheroics, which is my favourite genre.

Had a hankering to play MSH again though for a long time as it's such a great game. I do think, however, that the rules have been in need of some tweaks and fortunately there's a few tweakers on the boards to get new ideas from!
Greetings, UNION JACK
July 20, 2010 11:46AM
Welcome to the Forums. Glad to have you here. smiling smiley
Re: Greetings, UNION JACK
August 01, 2010 11:00AM
I, the Reaper of 666, shall declare his presence to all of his followers!(Also known as acquaintances).

Nothing much to say about me. I am a PnP freak (D&D and WhiteWolf FTW) and I spend a lot of time doing computer stuff. I live in the hottest state of the US of A, known to many as Hell or Arizona.

I found out this AWESOME game from a friend who was around when it came out and knew the game inside out. I've played once or twice with the basic ideas of how the game is run, and created a couple characters to see how this and that works. Not THE BEST, but sicne I play lotsa other PnP RPGs, I figure I have the wits to deal with this game.

That tis all.

Reaper out.
Re: Greetings, UNION JACK
August 01, 2010 11:15AM
Welcome to the CMF forums then Reaper and glad to have you here! Jump right in and let us know what you think about anything you feel like, either from the existing threads or questions/thoughts of your own you'd like to get feedback on.

"A shared universe, like any fictional construct, hinges on suspension of disbelief. When continuity is tossed away, it tatters the construct. Undermines it."

-- Peter David

[] - Nightmask Character Sheet

[] - Paragon Character Sheet

[] - The Gospel of Uncle Ben

[] - Website of Marvel Comics Artist Rusty Haller. R.I.P

'Reality is very disappointing.' - Jonathan Switcher from Mannequin

Be Courteous: Remember to quote who you're replying to so everyone knows who and what you were responding to.
Greetings, reaperof666
August 01, 2010 05:05PM
Welcome to the forums. Hope you have a long and fun stay with us. smiling smiley
Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
August 12, 2010 05:10PM
Ok so I can't believe this site exists. Excellent. I first played AMSH as a teenager and took stabs at playing it over the years in between other roleplaying ventures. I love Marvel and the setting of the AMSH set (1980s Marvel has a unique and vibrant feel) and I love the idea of being able to create characters and play in that well-known and loved universe. There is a richness and nostalgia that fuels the need to participate.

BUT, I have to admit that despite a long history with other rpg systems (all the D&Ds, Palladium/Rifts/Heroes Unlimited, Star Wars d6 and d20, Call of Cthulhu and Ubiquity) I was never able to successfully run or play in a Marvel campaign, largely because of the rule system. It's frustrating because the FASERIP system should be workable, but with so many tables, vague rules on actions during a turn, initiative, and movement, and the sheer complexity and lack of uniformity of power rules, it always fell under the weight of the cumbersome system. Character creation is wonderful, but campaign play just doesn't pan out. anyone actively playing a campaign? Is anyone aware of a good example of play? I have fallen back in love with comics again and I would love to revisit AMSH...but I am worried that my group will reject the system as archaic and slow.

Any ideas?


Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
August 12, 2010 05:33PM
Welcome, fooboyx.

I'm in a campaign that's actually working out rather well. It's a matter of houseruling what doesn't work for you, honestly imo.

Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
August 12, 2010 06:29PM
I can see that. There are basic issues in the rulebooks that seem unanswerable. I suppose you have to have an enthused and patient game group that is willing to work through the rougher aspects.
Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
December 01, 2010 07:17AM
Hey!, I'm 24 and I'm from Santiago, Chile, in south america. I've been following this page for a long time, but just registered today, hope that everyone is okay and well .... thanx!
Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
December 01, 2010 07:54AM
Welcome to CMF Powerafro, glad to have you here! I hope you have a long and happy stay here!

"A shared universe, like any fictional construct, hinges on suspension of disbelief. When continuity is tossed away, it tatters the construct. Undermines it."

-- Peter David

[] - Nightmask Character Sheet

[] - Paragon Character Sheet

[] - The Gospel of Uncle Ben

[] - Website of Marvel Comics Artist Rusty Haller. R.I.P

'Reality is very disappointing.' - Jonathan Switcher from Mannequin

Be Courteous: Remember to quote who you're replying to so everyone knows who and what you were responding to.
Greetings, Powerafro
December 01, 2010 02:05PM
Welcome indeed, Powerafro! smiling smiley Always good to see more fans of MSH and comics around here. smiling smiley
Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
December 19, 2010 12:55PM
Hi, all. I'm a long time lurker to this great site and a long time MSH RPG and comics fan (mainly Marvel and DC, but I also love quality alternative comics)

I've been tinkering with my own stats and campaign for years online but haven't as of yet gotten a campaign underway. (It's sort of my "ideal" Marvel Universe. I haven't gotten all that creative like many of you with your homebrew settings.)

The thing I've always liked about this rpg is how easy it is to create and model character stats and the basic "feel" of the system. Sure, it's not balanced like modern games, but in many ways I think it's superior. The Silver Surfer and Thor should always trump Daredevil and Black Panther anyway! winking smiley
Greetings, Jade Jaws
December 19, 2010 01:28PM
Welcome to the forums. Hope you enjoy a long and fun stay here. smiling smiley
Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
December 21, 2010 12:02PM
Hi everyone my name is Amy.Im 18yrs old I live in Missouri, i just moved in with my uncle until I can get my own place. I found this site on his favorite list. He is Dacat75 on this forum. He got me into comics and made me the geek i am today. I think it was an evil plot of his to turn me into a geek to keep guys from hitting on I love anything to do with Jean Grey mostly cause im a redhead and the guys at the comic store tell me i look like her. I may look like a girly girl but im not, besides comics and rpgs my other geek interest are Scifi shows (love Merlin and Buffy the Vampire Slayer) and Movies. Im a little shy and I probably dont know half as much about comics or rpgs as most people on this site so forgive me if i say something stupid but im always interested in reading about them and learning new things. Um dont know what else to I like what i have seen of this forum and hope i can add my two cents from time to time.

Amy aka Geekgirl
Greetings, Geekgirl
December 21, 2010 12:18PM
Welcome, Amy. We look forward to your opinions on anything you feel like chiming in on, and we hope you find lots to enjoy here. smiling smiley

And +10 Karma to dacat75, the wonderful uncle, for bringing new blood to the rpg community. winking smiley
Re: Greetings, Geekgirl
December 21, 2010 12:24PM
Thank you Redman I willsmiling smiley
Re: Greetings, Geekgirl
December 21, 2010 12:49PM
Hello and welcome to Jade and Amy. smiling smiley
Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
December 21, 2010 01:50PM
Greetings to all newcomers and many years of enjoyment with our hobby/obsession

Formerly YourHumbleServant

2 things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity and I'm not sure about the universe ~Albert Einstein

People who advocate foolish or dangerous ideas should not be forcibly silenced, but only as a testament to the greatness of the principle of liberty, NOT because the ideas they advocate have any merit whatsoever. ~Thomas Jefferson

Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level then beat you with experience ~ Mark Twain

Lady Gaga makes Miley Cyrus look like John Lennon ~ Chris Titus

Government that is big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have..History shows that as government grows..liberty decreases. ~ Thomas Jefferson
Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
December 22, 2010 09:00AM
Welcome Powerafro, Jade Jaws, and Amy!

It is always nice to see someone new here.

@ Amy - love your Uncle's bookmark!

I will say his plan to protect you from boys by making you a geek probably will not work.

....assuming they can get the courage to speak to you face to face, heh.

....Sorry, with the redhead comment that especially came to mind.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/22/2010 09:02AM by majortomsawyer.
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