A few characters cool smiley

Posted by FTJ 
A few characters cool smiley
December 05, 2010 01:49PM
So... I finally got some character sheets cooked up for public consumption. Not sure what to do with them yet, they're still awaiting their first adventure. smiling smiley Wildstar is an old character who's been touched up a bit, but is basically the same concept. Kid Marvel is a boy genius who was working on a school science project when ye olde lab accident made him an altered human. Alatus was retconned as an Inhuman and given a suitable Inhuman sounding name (it's Latin for "winged"), but he's pretty straightforward.

My original idea was for a group called Girl Patrol which would be all female and every character of a different origin (mutant, altered human, alien, etc.) These characters follow the different origin concept but the all female concept somehow went by the wayside.

Anyway, I present their character sheets below...
open | download - alatusstats1.jpg (114.7 KB)
open | download - kidmarvelstats1.jpg (143.8 KB)
Re: A few characters cool smiley
December 05, 2010 01:50PM
Wildstar gets her own post. grinning smiley
open | download - wildstarstats1.jpg (116 KB)
Re: A few characters cool smiley
December 21, 2010 12:51PM
New character, a modern day mortal son of Zeus. He hasn't achieved epic, deification worthy feats yet, but perhaps someday... smiling smiley
open | download - varosstats1.jpg (79.8 KB)
Re: A few characters cool smiley
December 21, 2010 03:02PM
Thank you for sharing your homebrew characters, FTJ!

It's always nice to see what others have come up with. smiling smiley

Re: A few characters cool smiley
December 21, 2010 05:29PM

I like them..A nice bunch of mid ranged characters. Only problem I have with any of them is a character
being able to "potentially" call on a GOD (Zeus) but that can be controlled and worked well into a storyline.

Formerly YourHumbleServant

2 things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity and I'm not sure about the universe ~Albert Einstein

People who advocate foolish or dangerous ideas should not be forcibly silenced, but only as a testament to the greatness of the principle of liberty, NOT because the ideas they advocate have any merit whatsoever. ~Thomas Jefferson

Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level then beat you with experience ~ Mark Twain

Lady Gaga makes Miley Cyrus look like John Lennon ~ Chris Titus

Government that is big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have..History shows that as government grows..liberty decreases. ~ Thomas Jefferson
Re: A few characters cool smiley
December 22, 2010 10:01AM
Thanks guys! I hope I'll be able to add something about thier adventures at some point.

As far as having an Olympian as a contact, my feeling is that if the gods help you out (which is no guarantee) they will usually give you the minimum amount of help that you need. Zeus isn't going to show up personally and solve all your problems for you, but he might do something to help you help yourself, like giving you a useful item that disappears when it's no longer needed, stuff like that.

Plus, having a "protector" god usually comes with the automatic drawback of having a "hunter" god, a rival deity who frequently causes trouble for you. In Varos' case he had a rivalry with a son of Ares, so Ares intensely dislikes Varos. smiling smiley

Anyway, thanks again for looking at the characters. They're not all mine, but I do the stat sheets. smiling smiley
Re: A few characters cool smiley
June 06, 2011 12:27PM
Well, suffice to say that having a baby set me back in my gamer plans more than I had anticipated. smiling smiley But I finally got to have an adventure with my group, which as I mentioned in another thread, was moved to MC2. Updated stat sheets can be seen below, as well as a pic that serves as inspiration for their HQ.

Kid Marvel, Varos and Wildstar comprise the Future Force, which operates out of SoCal (as this area seems to be pretty much barren of super heroes in MC2). In their first adventure, Kid Marvel had been asked by Reed Richards/Big Brain to help fine tune a new geothermal reactor, which was being built as a government project on the grounds of the Hickman army base. smiling smiley The whole group is there when the base is attacked by the Mole Twins (brother and sister, children of the Mole Man and Kala).

The Mole Twins attack several military bases, stealing caches of weapons. But the heroes of the Future Force discover that the Mole Twins are not the real threat. They're only stealing weapons to defend their territory against an enemy from Subterranea. It turns out that the Lava Men have a new leader, Dommitor, who plans to conquer the rest of Subterranea and then the surface world.

The Future Force teams up with the Mole Twins as unlikely allies, and it looks like they're going to drive back Dommitor's Lava Men soldiers, until Dommitor absorbs the rest of the Lava Men into himself and transforms into a gigantic, practically invulnerable Lava Man. The heroes can't defeat him, in fact they can barely scratch him, but finally they realize that they can drain his power with the geothermal reactor Kid Marvel was working on. Varos and Wildstar keep Dommitor's attention on them while Kid Marvel starts up the experimental reactor, and Dommitor is absorbed and dissipates as the reactor sucks up all his thermal energy. smiling smiley

All in all it was a fun adventure, and I hope more to come!
open | download - kidmarvelstats2.jpg (143.1 KB)
open | download - varosstats2.jpg (99.5 KB)
Re: A few characters cool smiley
June 06, 2011 12:30PM
And here's the rest of the stats and the HQ...

(The finished stat sheets are designed to be printed off and written on as a character sheets, that's why there are blanks for Karma and Popularity since those change most frequently.)
open | download - wildstarstats2.jpg (116.9 KB)
open | download - garfieldheightsoctober2003.jpg (76.1 KB)
Re: A few characters cool smiley
June 06, 2011 03:14PM
It always great to see what other envisions and get a feel of your style.
Thanks for sharing your stories, personas and fun.
Re: A few characters cool smiley
January 17, 2012 05:24PM
Been awhile, but this time we have a villainous update, true believers. smiling smiley

Albert Humberkrupp was a fringe scientist who claimed to have invented the ultimate electric battery, one which could hold unlimited power and free mankind from the evils of fossil fuels. He pitched his invention to several tech firms, who called in boy genius Kid Marvel to evaluate Humberkrupp's work. Kid Marvel declared the specs dangerously flawed, and no one invested in Humberkrupp's invention. Furious, he vowed revenge against Kid Marvel, and used his scientific accumen to become the villain known as... Zap Daddy! (Think Dr. Light from the Teen Titans cartoon. grinning smiley )

Albert Humberkrupp

F: GD(10)
A: Ex(20)
S: TY(6)
E: TY(6)
R: RM(30)
I: TY(6)
P: PR(4)

Health: 42
Karma: 40
Resources: Ex(20)
Popularity: 0


Power Suit: Zap Daddy's powers all derive from his power suit, a combination of high tech fibers, batteries and emitters which provides him with Excellent protection against physical damage and Incredible resistance to fire and heat. The suit allows him to absorb and channel electricity at Class 1000 level. Earth's ambient electromagnetism affords him Flight at Typical speed (6 areas/round) and the ability to project Remarkable energy blasts. The suit also generates a personal force field of Remarkable strength, which absorbs the first 30 points of physical and energy damage directed against Zap Daddy in any given round (the rest gets through to his body armor). If he absorbs electricity from more powerful sources, he can produce correspondingly greater effects.

WEAKNESS: As Kid Marvel once predicted, Zap Daddy's technology is not without its drawbacks. The intense electromagnetic charge surrounding the user can damage his mental abilities. Anyone wearing the charged suit on a regular basis will suffer a -2CS reduction in Psyche as a result. This has already happened to Zap Daddy and is represented in his stats.

TALENTS: Albert Humberkrupp has the Engineering and Physics skills.

CONTACTS: None. Humberkrupp has burned all his bridges, and is considered dangerously unstable by every reputable scientist.


And once again, the final (?) Wildstar stat revision...

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/18/2012 02:58PM by FTJ.
open | download - wildstarstats9.jpg (113.3 KB)
Re: A few characters cool smiley
January 23, 2012 12:01PM
Hard to believe the first couple of sessions were June 2011. Sheesh! Well, the Future Force finally got back to work after the adventure with the Mole Twins and lava men. Temporarily headquartered at Hickman army base, Kid Marvel and Varos help clear up the mess and work on their own projects, while Wildstar does a bit of publicity for the team, traveling to Hollywood where she appears as a guest on the Daniella Darby show.

Despite the fact that Daniella Darby is a typical obnoxious diva, the interview goes fairly well, until Zap Daddy crashes the party, announcing himself to the world and swearing vengeance on his personal nemesis Kid Marvel and the whole Future Force team. Wildstar battles Zap Daddy on live TV, finally appearing to get the upper hand for a moment, until Zap Daddy pulls the time honored trick of endangering innocents to cover his own escape.

Kid Marvel and Varos arrive on the scene, and the trio decide to track down Zap Daddy even though the public challenge is almost certainly a trap. They find Zap Daddy's HQ in an abandoned factory, and indeed, despite their best efforts, Zap Daddy manages to capture Kid Marvel in his latest gizmo, designed to transfer the victim's consciousness into an electronic matrix. Things get even more comlicated when, to everyone's surprise, the factory is attacked by AIM henchmen intent on stealing Zap Daddy's new device for themselves. Varos takes care of the AIM flunkies and Wildstar goes after Zap Daddy. Kida Marvel is rescued and the AIM flunkies captured and handed over to the authorities, but Zap Daddy once again makes a getaway and remains at large.

So... to date there have been four issues (sessions) of the Future Force, as follows:

Future Force #1: "Comes the Future"
Future Force #2: "And Now Dommitor!"
Future Force #3: "Shocking Developments!" (basically a solo Wildstar issue by necessity)
Future Force #4: "Target: Zap Daddy"

Coming up in Future Force #5: "Legacy" the remnants of the Inhumans ask the Future Force to help them recover part of their ancient past... cool smiley
Re: A few characters cool smiley
January 23, 2012 09:06PM
Nothing to say but, Awwesooome! Sounds like a fun and memorable campaign underway. Love the mid-ranged, colorful characters too; they seem to complement each other well. When you get a chance, definitely stat-out the "Mole Twins" on here. I've a been running a mid-lvl campaign for some years now which just hit episode 20 a few weeks ago... I could definitely see those Mole kids tunneling their way up to the SF bay area someday!

FASERIPPED! A play-by-post Marvel adventure

Write-ups: Rottweiler, Hardknox, The Outcasts, Kaela, Magua, The Human Fly

"Don't over think any weapons or powers too much. Try to keep it simple and implement House Rules where you think situations don't make sense, or if the Books don't provide enough details" - TankerAce

"Some rules are just very bad, very poorly thought out, and should simply be discarded because of how completely illogical they are." - Nightmask
Re: A few characters cool smiley
January 24, 2012 04:03PM

It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be to find the Mole Twins' stats, so here they are. smiling smiley


F: Ty(6)
A: Ex(20)
S: Ty(6)
E: Gd(10)
R: Gd(10)
I: Gd(10)
P: Ex(20)

Health: 42
Karma: 40
Resources: Rm(30)
Popularity: 0


Terra-Staff: All of Mole Girl's powers derive from her staff, which grants her access to Earth Control powers at Amazing rank. She can use her power to create weapons and shields of material strength effectiveness, and entrap others in earth/stone with Incredible ability. She can also use the Digging power, tunneling with ease through material of up to Incredible strength, and moving at Excellent speed (5 areas/round).


CONTACTS: Her brother, Mole Boy, and the denizens of Subterranea.



F: Pr(4)
A: Ty(6)
S: Ty(6)
E: Rm(30)
R: Rm(30)
I: Ty(6)
P: Ex(20)

Health: 46
Karma: 56
Resources: Rm(30)
Popularity: 0


Animal Communication/Control: Mole Boy possesses this power at Monstrous rank, though it is effective only on subterranean animals.


CONTACTS: His sister, Mole Girl, and the denizens of Subterranea. Both the Mole Twins are considered to be neutral toward members of the Future Force, leaning more towards friendly than unfriendly, and they are unfriendly at best toward the Lava Men with whom they have been in conflict.
Re: A few characters cool smiley
January 24, 2012 05:01PM
Future Force #5: "Legacy: Part I"
Future Force #6: "Legacy: Part II"

First a little background. At least for the purposes of this campaign, we're assuming that the MC2 version of Attilan was located on the moon, and therefore destroyed in the events of "Last Planet Standing". The Inhumans had long had a contingency plan to deal with an extinction event (with such a small and isolated population, any disaster could wipe out the entire race, so it made sense for them to plan ahead). They carved out a hidden base in the Himalayas, not too far removed from the former location of Attilan, and in this base they stored the genetic seeds to rebuild the species, along with ten "breeding females" in stasis pods, who would be the new queen mothers of the Inhuman race should the need ever arise.

As the energy wave from Dominas approached the moon, the contingency plan was set in motion, and the genetics council was teleported to Earth. The rest of the Inhumans prepared to defend their city, but it was futile. They were obliterated by Galactus' herald.

Since the loss of the moon would have played havoc on Earth's climate, I'm assuming the silver Anti-Galactus (that's why I call him, anyway) restored the moon on his way out of the solar system, like he restored Manhattan. Attilan was also restored, but it was now a lunar ghost town, as the new Anti-Galactus could only restore the structures not the lives of its former inhabitants.

The surviving genetics council of the Inhumans was given asylum in Canada, and it's here that the Future Force enters the story, asked to lead a mission to the Himalayas to retrieve the genetic legacy of the species and help the Inhumans start to rebuild. Along the way our heroes stop off for a short rest in Japan, where Wildstar has scheduled an appearance at a charity event. She's likes raising their public image, unlike the sometimes pouty Kid Marvel who would rather tinker with gadgets behind the scene. smiling smiley So Kid Marvel stays behind while Wildstar and Varos do the charity event. Wildstar uses her solid energy powers to create giant robots and Varos smashes them up in mock fights, which goes over well with the anime/mecha loving crowd. cool smiley

When the trio finally reaches the Inhuman base in the Himalayas, they have to do battle with another survivor of the Inhumans, an exiled scientist named Craxus who was banished decades earlier for his militant views. He also wants the genetic seeds from the base, and followed the heroes to its secret location. Craxus is a huge, super-muscled genius, but in practice he really turns out to be a bit of a wuss. He and his henchmen, who resemble combat trained Alpha Primitives, are defeated by the Future Force, and Craxus ends up being imprisoned in one of the stasis pods which held the new Inhuman queen mothers.

The story now shifts back to the moon, where Kid Marvel helps move Attilan to its new location in the Canadian rockies. The heroes then become involved in the negotiations over New Attilan, which needs outside assistance to sustain itself for the forseeable future. A tentative agreement is reached whereby New Attilan would officially become the eleventh province of Canada. An American-Canadian consortium leases part of the city to establish their own research facilities there, where their scientists will work with the Inhuman genetics council, the lease to be paid for out of revenue generated by this enterprise.

It's not a perfect agreement, the Inhuman genetics council being forced to accept much more openness with the humans than they would like. But in the end, the talks come to a successful conclusion. smiling smiley
Re: A few characters cool smiley
January 24, 2012 08:19PM
Thx for the Mole Twins! Definitely can see them making their way up through precarious earthquake territory and into my Nor Cal-based campaign (can you say "The Big One" Cometh?)

And damn! Legacy I & II... insta-classic! Reminds me of simpler days of comics; entertaining storytelling like you might find right outta Avengers or Defenders Essentials - good stuff thumbs up

FASERIPPED! A play-by-post Marvel adventure

Write-ups: Rottweiler, Hardknox, The Outcasts, Kaela, Magua, The Human Fly

"Don't over think any weapons or powers too much. Try to keep it simple and implement House Rules where you think situations don't make sense, or if the Books don't provide enough details" - TankerAce

"Some rules are just very bad, very poorly thought out, and should simply be discarded because of how completely illogical they are." - Nightmask
Re: A few characters cool smiley
January 25, 2012 11:24AM
Thanks for the high praise!

The Mole Twins are bound to cause mischief. But then again, that's what super heroes are for. smiling smiley

Thanks for reading and good luck with your game!
Re: A few characters cool smiley
January 29, 2012 11:22AM
FTJ Wrote:
> Thanks for the high praise!
> The Mole Twins are bound to cause mischief. But
> then again, that's what super heroes are for. smiling smiley
> Thanks for reading and good luck with your game!


I can dig it!the finger smiley
Re: A few characters cool smiley
February 04, 2012 05:38PM
In the next adventure, we try to breathe some life into an old cliché... smiling smiley

Future Force #7: "Friendly Competition: Part I"
Future Force #8: "Friendly Competition: Part II"

Varos has gotten himself into trouble with a little too much drinking and wenching, and he has to do community service. The judge assigns him to help with a neighborhood beautification project in south-central Los Angeles, where Varos sticks out like a sore thumb. grinning smiley

Meanwhile, Kid Marvel wants to build a defense system for the team's HQ, and he and Wildstar travel up to UCSB, where a friend of Kid Marvel has gotten him an invite to an experimental physics lab. While they're there looking at a new cooling system for laser generators, the lab is attacked by AIM. The villains are intent on kidnapping the scientists and stealing their work, and they catch the heroes off guard, seriously wounding Wildstar and putting Kid Marvel out of action as well. Suddenly three more heroes burst onto the scene and save the day - Quick Draw (an archer), Falcon II, and Mountain Man (nephew of the Blob who shares his uncle's powers). This new trio calls themselves the Honor Guard, and apparently they've been recruited by an anonymous businessman to be the city's newest crime fighting team, and media darlings.

Varos is mad that he missed a good fight, and Kid Marvel is suspicious of the Honor Guard and their true motives. He also wonders why AIM went to so much trouble to steal technology that they already possess. The captured AIM flunkies reveal that they thought the lab was working on an experimental teleportation device.

With Wildstar in the hospital, Varos and Kid Marvel follow a lead to an arms shipment that the local Maggia family is expecting. They discover that it's really a set up, just like the earlier AIM robbery. The Maggia hoods were being set up to be taken down by the Honor Guard, and the trail leads to the Honor Guard's mysterious sponsor, who is none other than Varos' "nephew" and childhood rival, Arax son of Ares.

Arax is a conniving sleaze ball who wants to take over the underworld, and he's been secretly funding the Honor Guard (who are innocent dupes in all this) in order to take out the opposition. He also plans to have a little insurance, so he hires Zap Daddy to kidnap Wildstar from the hospital, and places her in a death trap in the Future Force's own HQ. Kid Marvel and Varos team up with the Honor Guard to take down the villains. Kid Marvel, Quick Draw and Falcon capture Zap Daddy, while Varos steals the show with an epic butt kicking laid on Arax. The latter calls upon his father to save him, and Ares intervenes, teleporting Arax away to fight another day.

In the meantime, Mountain Man rescues Wildstar from the death trap, a glass cylinder which is filling with sand, but also wired to pressure sensors that will trigger explosives throughout the house if the glass is broken. Wildstar breaks through the glass into the waiting arms of Mountain Man, who protects her from the explosion in his rolls of body fat. grinning smiley

With the Honor Guard no longer having a sponsor, the former teammates go their separate ways, Mountain Man returning back east to work with the X-People, and Quick Draw and Falcon embarking on solo careers. The Future Force has to rebuild their HQ, and get to work on that while Wildstar recovers from her ordeals...

I miss Gene.

All-New Future Force (BASH! UE)
Marvel MC2 builds for BASH! Ultimate Edition

"Now, before I slay you all, behold my master plan!" — The Mole Man, Fantastic Four #1
Re: A few characters cool smiley
February 05, 2012 04:51AM
Sounds like more great adventuring for the Future Force, though too bad their HQ went up in smoke (hope they've got insurance, or at least some solid Resource rankings lol). The members of former Honor Guard sound like some good contacts to stay in touch with too; hopefully the heroes swapped info since you can never know when you'll need an extra hand!

FASERIPPED! A play-by-post Marvel adventure

Write-ups: Rottweiler, Hardknox, The Outcasts, Kaela, Magua, The Human Fly

"Don't over think any weapons or powers too much. Try to keep it simple and implement House Rules where you think situations don't make sense, or if the Books don't provide enough details" - TankerAce

"Some rules are just very bad, very poorly thought out, and should simply be discarded because of how completely illogical they are." - Nightmask
Re: A few characters cool smiley
February 06, 2012 08:30PM
Future Force #9: "Law of the Jungle"

A short adventure during which the Future Force travels to Mexico City, site of a recent earthquake, where they help with disaster relief. Afterwards they are contacted by Emilio Rios, a geologist who asks for their help in uncovering the cause of the recent quake, which did not originate from any known fault system. He accompanies the heroes deep into the Mexican jungle, where they locate the epicenter of the quake and discover a long-buried Kree science outpost. The shielding of the base's reactor has decayed to the point that it's sending off waves of energy, which triggered the quake and caused some mutations among the local plant and animal life. Wildstar and Varos deal with a couple of mutated jaguars while Kid Marvel attempts to shut down the ancient Kree reactor. He succeeds, but not before a burst of energy arcs around Dr. Rios. The heroes rush Rios to a hospital, and Kid Marvel is able to jury-rig a device to siphon off the excess energy, saving Rios' life and stabalizing his mutation. He later goes on to become Mexico's newest super hero...

Dr. Emilio Rios

F: Rm(30)
A: Rm(30)
S: Rm(30)
E: In(40)
R: Ex(20)
I: Ex(20)
P: Gd(10)

Health: 130
Karma: 50
Resources: Gd(10)
Popularity: 10 (30 in Mexico)


Flight: El Guarda can fly at Remarkable air speed (15 areas/round) and can hover in place.

Body Armor: El Guarda has Typical protection against physical damage.

TALENTS: Dr. Rios is considered to have Remarkable Reason in the field of geology.

I miss Gene.

All-New Future Force (BASH! UE)
Marvel MC2 builds for BASH! Ultimate Edition

"Now, before I slay you all, behold my master plan!" — The Mole Man, Fantastic Four #1
Re: A few characters cool smiley
February 11, 2012 07:47PM
Future Force #10: "Freak Show"

Another Wildstar solo adventure basically, with Kid Marvel and Varos in Canada, where the government has decided to resurrect the Alpha Flight program, and the heroes are helping create a training program for new recruits using tech from Attilan.

Meanwhile Wildstar is back in L.A. doing some shopping, when she gets involved in a fight between Quick Draw (formerly of the Honor Guard) and a mutated orangutan with an advanced sonic blaster. The orangutan was robbing a jewelry store; Wildstar and Quick Draw manage to recover the stolen goods, but the orangutan escapes. Quick Draw uses his contacts and the two investigate a circus, which the orangutan had apparently used to smuggle himself into the country. His real identity is Lord Balfour, one of Wundagore's new men, who set out to become a criminal kingpin. Balfour definitely has a screw loose, and he isn't the only New Man on the premises. Wildstar and Quick Draw encounter two others, a lion-man named Sir Perceval, and a bear-woman named Lady Brunhilde. They fight Percy and Brunhilde initially, thinking they're allies of Balfour, but in fact they've been sent by the High Evolutionary to retrieve Balfour. The renegade orangutan tries to take advantage of the chaos to make another escape, but the heroes capture him this time, and he is returned to Wundagore by the two knights.

As an addendum, I present the stats for Quick Draw:

Blake Stanton

F: Ex(20)
A: Ex(20)
S: Gd(10)
E: Ex(20)
R: Gd(10)
I: Ex(20)
P: Ty(6)

Health: 70
Karma: 36
Resources: Ty(6)
Popularity: 11


Archery Specialist: Quick Draw carries a hand-crafted bow of Good material strength. It has an effective range of 6 areas, and Quick Draw fires it with Incredible skill. He can fire multiple arrows in a round with a power rank FEAT, inflicting Excellent edged damage, and he is an expert trick shot artist. He takes no penalty when shooting at moving targets whose speed is less than 10 areas/round, or when shooting into melee.

TALENTS: In addition to his talent with a bow, Quick Draw is trained in the Acrobatics skill.

CONTACTS: Blake Stanton is a former circus performer, and still has friends among various traveling side shows.

I miss Gene.

All-New Future Force (BASH! UE)
Marvel MC2 builds for BASH! Ultimate Edition

"Now, before I slay you all, behold my master plan!" — The Mole Man, Fantastic Four #1
Re: A few characters cool smiley
February 11, 2012 09:48PM
QuickDraw's awesome (so is "El Guarda Volador" for that matter). I'm jealous, not only of the apparent fun-factor of your game sessions and stories, but also the frequency with which you're able to game. Rounding my Marvelites is a once-a-month thing - at best - due to the many facets of 'real life' that always have final say in the matter sad smiley

At least I can live vicariously through summaries like yours... so keep 'em coming smiling smiley

FASERIPPED! A play-by-post Marvel adventure

Write-ups: Rottweiler, Hardknox, The Outcasts, Kaela, Magua, The Human Fly

"Don't over think any weapons or powers too much. Try to keep it simple and implement House Rules where you think situations don't make sense, or if the Books don't provide enough details" - TankerAce

"Some rules are just very bad, very poorly thought out, and should simply be discarded because of how completely illogical they are." - Nightmask
Re: A few characters cool smiley
February 12, 2012 08:19PM
I hope I can keep them coming! It seems like years since we've had a regular game of any kind. It's nice for me to have fun without leaving the house. Every time I go to a movie or something and leave my 11-month-old at home, I feel like a bad mom. I'm still going to see Star Wars on Valentine's Day though. smiling smiley

But as for Future Force, I'm sure something good is in the works, so keep an eye out. winking smiley

Oh, and I found a great pic for the team's new HQ (see attached)

I miss Gene.

All-New Future Force (BASH! UE)
Marvel MC2 builds for BASH! Ultimate Edition

"Now, before I slay you all, behold my master plan!" — The Mole Man, Fantastic Four #1

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/12/2012 08:24PM by FTJ.
open | download - picture-modern-futuristic-hiil-house-design-architecture.jpg (91.8 KB)
Re: A few characters cool smiley
February 12, 2012 10:06PM
FTJ Wrote:
> I hope I can keep them coming! It seems like years
> since we've had a regular game of any kind. It's
> nice for me to have fun without leaving the house.

Can I ask how you're playing? I mean do you have a regular get-together-in-person group or internet as I've heard/read about (never tried) Play-by-post stuff but think it just wouldn't be quite the same for me personally

> Every time I go to a movie or something and leave
> my 11-month-old at home, I feel like a bad mom.

Having two sisters, 5 nieces and nephews of all ages, shapes and sizes, you're about as normal as moms get if you've got that 'bad mom' feeling winking smiley

> I'm still going to see Star Wars on Valentine's
> Day though. smiling smiley

I'll wait til the real Star Wars comes out in theaters again (the one they renamed Episode IV heheh)

> But as for Future Force, I'm sure something good
> is in the works, so keep an eye out. winking smiley
> Oh, and I found a great pic for the team's new HQ
> (see attached)

Looks great, but also a bit mmm how should i say... breaky? As in, "BAH! Hulk huff, and Hulk puff and..."

FASERIPPED! A play-by-post Marvel adventure

Write-ups: Rottweiler, Hardknox, The Outcasts, Kaela, Magua, The Human Fly

"Don't over think any weapons or powers too much. Try to keep it simple and implement House Rules where you think situations don't make sense, or if the Books don't provide enough details" - TankerAce

"Some rules are just very bad, very poorly thought out, and should simply be discarded because of how completely illogical they are." - Nightmask

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/12/2012 10:08PM by Relic.
Re: A few characters cool smiley
February 13, 2012 11:49AM
Relic Wrote:
> Can I ask how you're playing? I mean do you have a
> regular get-together-in-person group or internet
> as I've heard/read about (never tried)
> Play-by-post stuff but think it just wouldn't be
> quite the same for me personally

I've never done a play-by-post, although I was going to join one a couple of years ago. But then I found out I was pregnant and didn't think I could promise to post enough, so I dropped out before it started.

> Looks great, but also a bit mmm how should i
> say... breaky? As in, "BAH! Hulk huff, and Hulk
> puff and..."

Well, the Future Force version is reinforced with a bullet-proof glass and stuff like that. But it's definitely not designed to be Hulk-proof. They don't have that kind of budget. smiling smiley

I miss Gene.

All-New Future Force (BASH! UE)
Marvel MC2 builds for BASH! Ultimate Edition

"Now, before I slay you all, behold my master plan!" — The Mole Man, Fantastic Four #1
Re: A few characters cool smiley
February 14, 2012 07:22AM
FTJ Wrote:
> Well, the Future Force version is reinforced with
> a bullet-proof glass and stuff like that. But it's
> definitely not designed to be Hulk-proof. They
> don't have that kind of budget. smiling smiley

Sounds a lot like the group who's in my current campaign. Right now their HQ is the lower section of a brownstone building on the border of Lake Merritt in Oakland, CA. It's "front" last I remember was that of a walk-in pharmaceuticals distributor and their "Danger Room" was a simple weight room with a few machines, free-weights and mats to spar on lol. Being connected to a bunch of apartments, there was even a point one of the characters a bit down on his luck in Resources, took a job as the maintenance person and had to fix stuff in the building hahah! Didn't last very long though as the character was an alien, got a visit from some Men in Black and hasn't been seen since lol

FASERIPPED! A play-by-post Marvel adventure

Write-ups: Rottweiler, Hardknox, The Outcasts, Kaela, Magua, The Human Fly

"Don't over think any weapons or powers too much. Try to keep it simple and implement House Rules where you think situations don't make sense, or if the Books don't provide enough details" - TankerAce

"Some rules are just very bad, very poorly thought out, and should simply be discarded because of how completely illogical they are." - Nightmask
Re: A few characters cool smiley
February 20, 2012 11:16AM
So, I ammended Quick Draw's archery description as follows:

Archery Specialist: Quick Draw carries a hand-crafted bow of Good material strength. It has an effective range of 6 areas, and Quick Draw fires it with Incredible skill. He can fire multiple arrows in a round with a power rank FEAT, inflicting Excellent edged damage, and he is an expert trick shot artist. He takes no penalty when shooting at moving targets whose speed is less than 6 areas/round, or at small targets of at least one inch in size.

Also, I decided MC2 was in need of a Brother Voodoo type character, so I created...

George Philippe Toussaint (aka Papa George)

F: Gd(10)
A: Ty(6)
S: Ty(6)
E: Ex(20)
R: Gd(10)
I: Rm(30)
P: In(40)

Health: 42
Karma: 80
Resources: Gd(10)
Popularity: 10


Magic: Houngan is trained in the arts of Voodoo and is proficient with the following spells:

Strength of the Righteous (P) – By summoning the spirits of his slave ancestors who fought for their freedom, Houngan can increase his Strength to Incredible rank, though this does not increase his Health. He also gains an aura of protection which provides Excellent resistance to physical and energy damage, and Amazing resistance to magic.

Summon Smoke (U) – Fills one area with smoke and the sound of Voodoo drums. Those affected are at -1CS on all FEATS, and are also subject to the effects of Emotion Control: Fear at Good rank.

Healing (U) – Remarkable rank

TALENTS: Houngan has the Business/Finance skill. He is fluent in English, French and Creole.

CONTACTS: Houngan's family owns a successful shipping business.

BACKGROUND: George Philippe Toussaint was the heir to his family's business when he was the victim of an attempted kidnapping in his native Haiti. After his injuries were healed by a local Voodoo shaman, Toussaint vowed to learn the magic arts and carry on the tradition of helping others. He now resides in New York, where he owns a small shop in Harlem, site of the healing rituals he often performs for members of the local Haitian community. He also uses his powers to fight crime, harboring an intense animosity toward those who prey on the helpless and innocent.

I miss Gene.

All-New Future Force (BASH! UE)
Marvel MC2 builds for BASH! Ultimate Edition

"Now, before I slay you all, behold my master plan!" — The Mole Man, Fantastic Four #1
Re: A few characters cool smiley
February 26, 2012 04:28PM
Future Force #11: "No Good Deed..."
Future Force #12: "The Terror From Beyond Time!"

There are wildfires in the southwest, and Kid Marvel creates a weather control device to help bring some rain to the area. The team deploys the gadget successfully, which brings them some good press, but all that is interrupted when Daniella Darby broadcasts a jailhouse interview with a (seemingly) remorseful Zap Daddy. Darby wants Wildstar to come on the show for a moment of forgiveness and catharsis, but Wildstar is not in the mood. Instead, Darby broadcasts an interview with Wildstar's younger brother, who spins a story about how she walked out on the family to become a superhero and TV star (far cry from what she remembers of her mutant-hating family kicking her out).

But it turns out that Daniella Darby's hatchet job is not the story she expected, as her camerman had actually been replaced by the shapeshifting villain Dead Ringer, who used the jailhouse interview to smuggle equipment into Zap Daddy, which he uses to escape from custody. Arax, son of Ares, has formed a new villain group, the Warmongers, and together the villains force Darby and her real kidnapped camerman to broadcast their first act of vengeance. Arax opens a portal to a pocket dimension where the Olympians once imprisoned a terrifying ancient beast, which he now releases to rampage through the city.

The Future Force gets back to their monster fighting roots, but this creature is more powerful than anything they've faced before. Kid Marvel gets the idea to realign his weather control device to focus the energy used to open the portal, so he can reopen it, and the team can hopefully return the monster whence it came. Wildstar combines her powers with Varos' strength, and they are able to restrain the creature, then Kid Marvel opens the portal, and with extreme exertion Varos is able to fling the monster through the portal and save the city.

I miss Gene.

All-New Future Force (BASH! UE)
Marvel MC2 builds for BASH! Ultimate Edition

"Now, before I slay you all, behold my master plan!" — The Mole Man, Fantastic Four #1
Re: A few characters cool smiley
February 29, 2012 06:41AM
Good, clean fun! You know you're on your way with a great campaign when everything starts to read and feel like a comic book thumbs up

FASERIPPED! A play-by-post Marvel adventure

Write-ups: Rottweiler, Hardknox, The Outcasts, Kaela, Magua, The Human Fly

"Don't over think any weapons or powers too much. Try to keep it simple and implement House Rules where you think situations don't make sense, or if the Books don't provide enough details" - TankerAce

"Some rules are just very bad, very poorly thought out, and should simply be discarded because of how completely illogical they are." - Nightmask
Re: A few characters cool smiley
March 07, 2012 08:42AM
Thanks much! On a short hiatus now. Other things need my attention, including my son's first birthday party this weekend. Yea, Hayden! grinning smiley

I miss Gene.

All-New Future Force (BASH! UE)
Marvel MC2 builds for BASH! Ultimate Edition

"Now, before I slay you all, behold my master plan!" — The Mole Man, Fantastic Four #1
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