Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread

Posted by The Last Duskblade 
Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
April 19, 2008 06:28PM
This is where you can post something about yourself if you like. Just to get to know the members, new and old, a little bit better.

Here's mine:


I've been going by The Last Duskblade for about two years now. But I'll answer to Peter if addressed as such. I'm currently living in the Los Angeles area, but am originally from Portland, Oregon. My interest in Role Playing Games began sometime in the 80's with Top Secret, TMNT, D&D and Marvel. Nothing stuck with me the way that Marvel did. It was from my interest in the Marvel RPG that I became interested in comics. But I've never been a real collector of comic books at any time in my life. Never had more than 100 or so comics in my personal collection. At this point I have zero, because I've given my remaining 20 or so comics to my little brother. Although I do stay current on the story arcs by virtue of reading graphic novels at the book store, or comics on-line.

After taking a about six years off from gaming, I have recently gotten back into the swing of things. Including taking the time to share some of the basics of the game with my brother, and registering with, in order to converse with those who are as removed from reality as I am. Both of which have been fun and successful ventures. I'm now part of The Rook's campaign and am enjoying that more than can be explained in short order. It is nice to be active in the game again and I'm looking forward to continuing to be part of the, still splintered, but forever intact Classic Marvel community.

The Last Duskblade
Q-Class of Earth-009

"We are not so alone in our uniqueness, I am coming to understand. Perhaps though every drop is individual, we all become the rain?"

--Ariadne Oikonomedes

"...whether or not a character is too powerful or not is entirely relative to the power level the capmpaign was designed to accommodate."

Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
April 20, 2008 09:34AM
I'm still floating around here, since the beginning, practically. I started out with the online
Classic MSH community with Joe Hogan's Marvel Mail list back in the mid-90s, and I've
been a part of it pretty much ever since--though my familiarity with Vlemming's site goes
back to a couple of years before that...roughly 1992...when the internet was still Bitnet....
and I found his site thru Lynx.

I've played many things from AD&D 2e to FASA's Star Trek and DC Heroes 2e & 3e.
even some HERO/Champions, Palladium Heroes Unltd. and the original Traveller....I
once played a Bastet in a Whitewolf game, but found I didn't care for the sort of gamer
that system tended to attract. I also think there was maybe an instance or two I tried out
GURPS in college...but I always seem to come back to the one system that's the least
maths and tweak intensive: Classic MSH. So, I've been gaming for about 28 years and
doing PBeM for about's all good.

I don't buy comics any more, but like TLD, I try to keep up with the generalities of the
comics universes.



Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
April 21, 2008 11:00AM
Call me AsthmaThug I guess. I'm relativlly new to comics and Roleplaying. I just found out about the Marvel RPG about a month ago and I have to say I like it better than Dnd. umm... Thats about it.
Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
April 22, 2008 12:12AM

I'm here since a few months ago, by that time we play Marvel with my friends. I'm RPGing since 1993, when i bought my 1st rpg rulebook, a hungarian made game, so-called MAGUS. Later I've tried several hungarian developed system, AD&D - Dragonlance, DnD 3E - Forgotten Realms, Ars Magica, Earthdawn, Vampire, and one-shot parties in Shadowrun, CP2020, Rifts, and I know that i don't remember some of them now.

Mostly I owned the rule of the GM, but a few months ago I put down the MAGUS rulebook, and told them I want to play smiling smiley
by that time I rule the Marvel, and play in DnD...

i'm a man who dislikes the "too powerful" characters, and has problems with the overcreative players, who got not-too-low powers but wants more and more and has great resources to gather them... not only in MSH, but in every other game. smiling smiley

I don't read comics, except a few net-comics (Bruno, the Bandit, Goblins, Zap!, Sorcery101, and the all-time favourit: Looking for group).

i watch cartoons in huge amounts smiling smiley

i think thats all, folks smiling smiley
Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
April 22, 2008 09:58AM

I've played/ran Marvel Superheroes and several other games for almost 18 years. My friends and I got out of MSH about 7-8 years ago, but we find ourselves again lured by the FASERIP's siren song. grinning smiley

We played mostly original characters back in the day, one of my favorites was The Revenant. Currently I find myself wanting to explore playing some of the established Marvel/DC characters with my own twists on them.

I had been lurking on Classic Marvel for a few weeks prior to the shutdown and was jazzed to see that it's back up and running.

I read comics and am working on writing one with a friend of mine (who's also a Marvel Player/Judge).

I'm looking to discuss House Rules and other things involving the MSHRPG.
Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
May 04, 2008 03:06AM
Heya All

Im a long time roleplayer first time MSH user ^^ In fact im running my first game next week.

Im a massive comic fan however I stop collecting aany time they bring out "Infinte war" or "Civil crisis" I begrudge buying comics about characters I dont like.

My games are going to be very much street leve (Im a massive moon knight fan!)

Im looking forward to drawing on all the experienced jusges we have here ^^
Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
May 04, 2008 01:27PM
I've been behind the scenes as a lurker since the beginning of this site. I started playing Marvel Heroes about 24 years ago back in 1984 with the first boxed set. When the Advanced boxed set came out, I switched to that (I really liked the upgraded Universal Table). Six years later ammassed a BINDERFUL of newly created original characters and me and my friends had built an excellent stable of very interesting main character heroes and a full stable of interesting villains. The more we played, the more defined those characters and their world became until at last, they came to life.
It was my love of the Marvel RPG that got me and my friends into comic collecting and I still collect today. My wife even collects comics ! Yes. We're a couple of nerds, but another cool thing is, me and my wife are constantly coming up with stories about those characters. We've gotten to love them almost like family. I've been plugging away slowly at making a sourcebook for our characters and out world, but since these characters are alive in our heads, we know EVERYTHING about them, and everything is so detailed, not to mention the enormous timeline, a sourcebook will take some time to make.
Apart from Marvel Heroes, I am also an avid boardgame collector, especially for wargames. I've fallen in love with modern naval wargames. as of late and have been struggleing to learn how to play Harpoon4, Command at Sea, and Fear God and Dread Nought.
For Computer games, I play City of Heroes (of course), Dangerous Waters, Silent Hunter III, 688i Hunterkiller, Sub Command, Harpoon 3 Advanced Naval Warfare, Freedom Force, The Operational Art of War III, Fighting Steel, and Orbiter on pretty much a daily basis.
Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
May 04, 2008 03:47PM
Welcome, Blacklight and Crimson Dynamo! smiling smiley
Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
May 04, 2008 05:20PM
Yes, welcome, Blacklight and Crimson Dynamo.

Blacklight, which server do you play on in CoH? I'm on virtue myself.
Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
May 04, 2008 06:32PM
Blacklight, which server do you play on in CoH? I'm on virtue myself.

I play on Guardian and Virtue. On Virtue, I have a STABLE of characters (Coincidentally.. they're all characters that I created for my old Marvel campagn. It's so cool to see the characters you spent years fleshing out breathing right in front of you. Most are slightly comical takes on the characters).

I'm an UBER mature Role Player there. I don't break character for anything. I believe that my role playing helps others with the immersion factor... although some non-role players have gotten ticked at me for RP'ing too much. I see RP'ing there more like a puppet show. I'm using my "puppets" to tell a story, amuse, and entertain the other players. It takes a LOT of practice to get your characters there as expressive as I have (Took me a LONG time to master).

My wife who's also a Marvel gamer also plays with some characters on Guardian and Virtue.
Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
May 05, 2008 03:48AM
I am new and have never posted in these forums before.

I also lie alot.

I am a former Alaskan fishing guide and current...I don't know what. Have played just about every RPing game ever made at some point or another. Been a couple of years since I played any tho. Currently trying to get my stable of 100+ original Marvel RPG characters off my old computer. At one point I had a complete set of every Marvel Rule Book, Campaign Module, etc. with the exception of 2-3, but gave them all to my cousin who used to post on here as Tormain.

Marvel > DC
hot smiley
Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
May 05, 2008 05:39AM
Tormain was your cousin? Nifty.

I've been here off and on for about... what, six years? Seven? Longer? I remember WolfSpyder.

As I said in another thread, I've recently gotten married (after an engagement period of about fifteen months), and recently graduated from college (finally getting my BA in English after twelve years, though six of those years were spent taking one course a semester while working full-time in the university library's acquisitions department). I enjoy writing, and have had a few things published by Cracked Mirror, an RPG company (primarily for the M&M system, though usable with any superhero RPG with very little tweaking needed); now that I've finally put college behind me* I can focus more on my writing.

I've played a lot of games. AD&D was my first (got the AD&D Monster Manual at a book sale at the Catholic school I was attending; how they got it has always been a mystery to me). I've played all the editions of D&D (though probably won't be playing 4E), most of the Palladium stuff (Rifts and Heroes Unlimited), and most of the White Wolf games (old World of Darkness -- Mage: the Ascension, Vampire: the Masquerade, and Werewolf: the Apocalypse -- and the Adventure!/Aberrant/Aeon trilogy of games). I've played the MSH RPG (basic & advanced), and the Marvel Adventure Game (the card-based one put out by WotC), and even the stone-based Marvel Universe RPG (which was painful), and the DC RPGS (Mayfair's DC Heroes and WEG's DC Universe), and Silver Age Sentinels (same mechanics as Big Eyes, Small Mouth), and played with the HERO System (though not in the Champions universe, it was all homebrew worlds). My current superhero RPG of choice, though, is Green Ronin's Mutants & Masterminds.

As for computer/video games, I never got into the MMO thing (was on dial-up for the longest time, but now I've got the connection but not the time), and haven't owned a console in over a decade. I am very fond of Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, though, and Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura and Freedom Force. I really want to play Mass Effect and Too Human, though I know my current PC cannot handle them. (I also want to play Stubbs the Zombie: Rebel Without A Pulse, but the installer seems to be incompatible with Vista.)

* for now; I'm toying with the idea of going back and getting an MLS (Master's of Library Science).
Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
May 05, 2008 06:38AM
I am 38 and from Grand Rapids, MI. I have been collecting comics religiously since 1976 and have, at this point, easily into the 100's of thousands of back issues which (to my wife's great displeasure) fills an entire bedroom in my house. I have always been predominantly a Marvel fan (especially thru the 80's and 90's when I had no family responsibilities (i.e. children), I collected every title that Marvel published, with the exception of a few of the goofy titles such as Groo, Peter Porker, Rocket Racoon, and anything related to Howard the Duck), with select titles here and there from other publishers. I am an extreme adherent to continuity and have a vast depth of knowledge regarding the Marvel Universe as it is a subject that I am very passionate about and am often called the "Encyclopedia" by my comic collecting friends due to my knowledge.

I have been gaming since 1981 and I can still remember the day that an issue of Marvel Age magazine came out describing the coming release of TSR's Marvel Super Heroes Role-Playing Game. My best friend and I were at the book store before it opened on the day that it was released and had pooled the money from our paper routes to purchase the game. It was rather simplistic, but we were still in heaven. The scenario was repeated several years later with the release of the Advanced Set. Over time I had managed to purchase all of the accessories with the exception of a few of the later boxed sets. Our group played pretty consistently thru the 80's and early 90's but then life and it's many responsibilities greatly impacted my amount of free time and the game was set to the side. In 2002, life had eased up a little and I found that I had the time once again to enter the world of the MSHRPG once again.

I have been a lurker on this site for quite a while, but finally registered and began to contribute to the forums about a month before the transition. Seeing that the community is still thriving in any capacity is quite exciting and this site has inspired me to take on my own project on the side. Although the game is definitely my favorite RPG, I have still always felt (as someone who is as I said above, a sticker to continuity and has a passion for pseudo-realism and scale that is a true representation of the comics medium) that the game had a very limiting ability to describe accurately the differences between characters (as an example most of the "fighter" type characters tend to look like a cookie cutter set of stats were applied to their creation since the number of ranks available to them were so few at the above average yet not superhuman levels or at the other end of the spectrum all of the cosmic type characters suffer from this same phenomenon). I also have always felt that when the game originally was released the characters available in the first several modules and accessories were much closer to what those characters would be when described with the stats available, as if the original contributors, especially Jeff Grubb, truly loved the characters and actually read the comics, but once the Advanced Set was released and all the Gamers Handbooks shortly after, looking at many of the stats it honestly did not seem (as someone who has seen virtually every appearance of the characters included) that the people assigning the rankings at that point even knew who the characters were, much less were they fans of the comics medium. I do like the expanded Universal Table that is available on this site as it helps with character diversity and more accurate representation quite a bit. Along those lines, I have begun a my own personal project to rewrite the game in it's entirety (including accompanying stats), to bring the game a greater depth of diversity and realism, expanding the Universal Table even more, and stream lining and updating other rules, all the while keeping the known game mechanics, enjoyment and ease of use which is what this game has always excelled at.
Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
May 05, 2008 08:10AM
You've missed out if you skipped on the Groo comics, he has some excellent social and political commentary woven through his stories and quite the interesting looks on life. The issue regarding illiteracy was extremely potent after Groo finally learned to read and realized the importance of literature.

"A shared universe, like any fictional construct, hinges on suspension of disbelief. When continuity is tossed away, it tatters the construct. Undermines it."

-- Peter David

[] - Nightmask Character Sheet

[] - Paragon Character Sheet

[] - The Gospel of Uncle Ben

[] - Website of Marvel Comics Artist Rusty Haller. R.I.P

'Reality is very disappointing.' - Jonathan Switcher from Mannequin

Be Courteous: Remember to quote who you're replying to so everyone knows who and what you were responding to.
Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
May 05, 2008 08:41AM
The friend that I described above, that went in on the first purchase of the MSHRPG Basic Edition with me, actually used to collect Groo and Peter Porker and I had read most of his issues, I just never spent any of my own money on them. There were indeed many incidents in them that I did actually find humorous, but in general they were just OK as reading material goes, at least for me. I am not really someone that goes much for comedy in any variety through media. I joke around and laugh almost constantly with friends and co-workers, but when reading or watching something on TV or the movies, even if something is funny, I really don't get much of a sense of satisfaction from that comedic material when presented in those formats. I in fact have NEVER paid to go see a comedy at the theater in my life, and on TV about the only comedy programming that I actually REALLY like is the old Seinfeld and I love the Family Guy, but I usually look at reading material and video outlets as escapism from the hum-drum world we live in and so look for genres that give me that sense of being in a another place or world. It's just my personal preference, not really meaning anything against those that do enjoy the comedic forms of expression.
Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
May 09, 2008 08:04AM
Hello, my MSH family.

I am Surge, also known as James. I'm 40, which makes me one of the oldest gamers and otaku on the site. (Still can't believe that, tho. There must be an accounting error somewhere). I'm one of the plethora of Arizona Marvel gamers, living in Tucson, and it was my pleasure and privilege to be able to game at AZCON '08, hosted by Ragnarok. I had something of a weird childhood - my dad was an undercover FBI agent (really!) - so it's no surprise that I ended up being a little weird myself, gravitating towards Sci-Fi, Fantasy, et. al. I was introduced to gaming by one of my friends in high school, one of them whose parents didn't consider RPGs to be a portal to the Beastmaster himself. We started out in AD&D, but then switched to the MSH system. All these years later, it still remains my favorite system, and I've played a lot. Traveler, Whispering Vault, Gurps, various White Wolf "Oh-I-am-so-f*cking-cool" world of darkness, the new Marvel system, Call of C'thulhu (ties w/ MSH for best RPG ever). But I came back to the elegant, simple, and fun FASERIP system, which we found online after all these years. I was also blessed to marry a woman who was a gamer and a geek like myself, and I doubt we'll ever stop. Perhaps someday we'll all get sent to the same nursing home and spend our twilight years yelling "karma!" and rolling 10-siders. I also have a BFA in Theatre, and sadly, haven't been near a stage since college, so to me, a good gaming session satisfies the acting beastie. I love to draw as you can tell by some of my posts, too bad I don't get to do it as much as I would like. I also love to italicise! And I don't keep up on what's current in the comix too much, so a lot of my perceptions of the Marvel universe are really dated. Oh, well, the beauty of RPing is that it's your game, have fun with it! So, greetings to all the familiar faces, and to you noobs, welcome, yer gonna love this site! There's tons of good info and the people around here are by and large the best you're going to find online! Cheers!

Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
May 11, 2008 10:49AM
I'm from the old list and was part of the marvel mailing list community back in the day.

I live in the fighting city of Los Angeles, California, and an aspiring comic book writer/publisher.
Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
May 11, 2008 11:49AM
I started reading comics at the young age of 7, and pretty much collected most Marvel titles until age 16. At that age I sold off my entire comic book collection, save a few special issues for $500. Although I still liked comic books, other interests at the time such as girls, cars, and being a teenager trumped reading and talking about comic books with a crowd that seemed to be mocked.

I played the initial marvel role-playing game since the mid 1980’s. We wore down some dice, and created our own campaigns. We also had draft mock battles. Although I enjoyed the game mechanics and descriptions, looking back, I wish the universal chart were at least twice as wide and more descriptive than it was. In addition, I wish they would tweak the agility to hit columns.

I would like to thank Stan Lee for his vision and story telling. I was not much of a reading fan as a youth save for Marvel Comics. Without Lee, I might not have read much at all.

I have not read a comic book cover to cover in at least 15 years ( Save Torment and Triumph, the graphic novel with Doctor Strange and Doctor Doom just because I missed out on it many moons ago and there was thread on it here )

These days, I only have one gamer friends left, but I do have plenty of friends interested in the Marvel Movies. To compensate I sometimes play MMO on line games.
Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
May 11, 2008 03:45PM
Welcome back, Capo.
Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
May 11, 2008 07:11PM
Thanks. For a while the forums were down and i figured that was all she wrote. Clicked on the Forum link on a whim.
Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
May 11, 2008 09:16PM
Also glad to see you back Capo. I'd been commenting to someone just last week that I wondered if you'd be back since even though we disagreed alot you did contribute alot of good to the forums as well.

"A shared universe, like any fictional construct, hinges on suspension of disbelief. When continuity is tossed away, it tatters the construct. Undermines it."

-- Peter David

[] - Nightmask Character Sheet

[] - Paragon Character Sheet

[] - The Gospel of Uncle Ben

[] - Website of Marvel Comics Artist Rusty Haller. R.I.P

'Reality is very disappointing.' - Jonathan Switcher from Mannequin

Be Courteous: Remember to quote who you're replying to so everyone knows who and what you were responding to.
Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
May 12, 2008 04:18AM
It's fun to be back, and I'm glad the forum survived.
Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
May 12, 2008 05:49AM
Welcome back Capo, it's very good to see you again my friend. You can definately thank Skycutter for forums return, isn't that right Nightmask?
Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
May 12, 2008 01:15PM
There are many to credit with the forums and site in general returning but yes Skycutter certainly deserves a great deal of thanks taking up the reins and contributing as he has with the return, as he certainly didn't have to shoulder all that responsibility and cost in time and money but did so for the sake of all of us.

"A shared universe, like any fictional construct, hinges on suspension of disbelief. When continuity is tossed away, it tatters the construct. Undermines it."

-- Peter David

[] - Nightmask Character Sheet

[] - Paragon Character Sheet

[] - The Gospel of Uncle Ben

[] - Website of Marvel Comics Artist Rusty Haller. R.I.P

'Reality is very disappointing.' - Jonathan Switcher from Mannequin

Be Courteous: Remember to quote who you're replying to so everyone knows who and what you were responding to.
Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
May 12, 2008 01:33PM
As am I, although I have to repost all the character write-ups I did as they vanished in the old forums so having to sort things out and get them all reposted where they belong. But at least it gives me time to review them and clean up mistakes in the original postings like formatting problems and finding pronoun errors and such.

"A shared universe, like any fictional construct, hinges on suspension of disbelief. When continuity is tossed away, it tatters the construct. Undermines it."

-- Peter David

[] - Nightmask Character Sheet

[] - Paragon Character Sheet

[] - The Gospel of Uncle Ben

[] - Website of Marvel Comics Artist Rusty Haller. R.I.P

'Reality is very disappointing.' - Jonathan Switcher from Mannequin

Be Courteous: Remember to quote who you're replying to so everyone knows who and what you were responding to.
A Thank You and Some Change cool smiley
May 12, 2008 01:51PM
If I may interject my two cents...

...99.99% of the effort put into the revival of this website and forum, was Skycutter's. Kevin has been paid for his work out of Skycutter's wallet, and has done a fantastic job working for this community. For my part, I simply watch over the forums as a Moderator/Administrator at this point, and talk shop with Skycutter on the weekends.

As a member here, I'd like to send out a special thank you to Skycutter for his work for this community. the finger smiley

The Last Duskblade
Q-Class of Earth-009

"We are not so alone in our uniqueness, I am coming to understand. Perhaps though every drop is individual, we all become the rain?"

--Ariadne Oikonomedes

"...whether or not a character is too powerful or not is entirely relative to the power level the capmpaign was designed to accommodate."

Re: A Thank You and Some Change cool smiley
May 12, 2008 02:01PM
Hear hear. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Skycutter has done so much and the point is that he didn't have to. He did it because he cares so much about this community and didn't want to see it go down like a cheerleader on prom night. So here's another thank you, Skycutter. For going above and beyond.

Thanks also goes out to TLD, Kevin and everyone else who helped make these new boards possible.
Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
May 12, 2008 05:48PM
Yeah, welcome back Capo! And it's good to see everyone esle too! smiling bouncing smiley

"Power Without Perception is Virtually Useless and Therefore of No True Value!" -Ryuken
Re: Greeting and Salutations - The Official Introduction Thread
May 13, 2008 07:42PM
Indeed, I have never had the chance to interact with Skycutter, so he is a total unknown to me, but many thanks are due him for keeping this alive for the sake of the community. Thank You.
Mr. Wolf
May 21, 2008 10:11AM
I'm originally from Portland, Oregon. I didn't know a lot about Marvel (I was a deprived child, I know) until I moved to LA area and my brother gave me the lowdown a few years back. After he explained Marvel to me, he took me on missions with the characters I made. I got to kill that prick Captain America (hate that guy). Eventually my brother started taking me to comic shops and showed me everything. I got really into that character Spawn from Image comics and I've always been a fan of the Hulk and Nightcrawler, and of course Spider-man. My brother threw this sight at me a couple months ago and it's pretty sick I must say
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