Team Building Concepts: The Official Create-A-Team Thread

Posted by The Last Duskblade 
Re: Team Building Concepts: The Official Create-A-Team Thread
September 29, 2015 07:12AM
Rick Jones
Cypher (ninja'd!)
Topaz (they're gonna need someone to patch them up...)
Captain Universe
Re: Team Building Concepts: The Official Create-A-Team Thread
September 29, 2015 07:32PM
geekgirl Wrote:
> Moon Knight
> Volstagg
> Spiderman 2099
> Satana
> Storm

Nice. Moon Knight is clearly the Black Widow of the team and Volstagg makes an excellent Hercules substitution (god for a god), and he's pretty awesome. Satana is a perfect substitution for Ghost Rider (one hellspawn for another). Interesting choice with Spider-Man 2099... I guess he'd be the Iceman of the team, his webs filling in for ice entrapment attacks. And Storm is excellent on any team, easily taking over Angel's spot as the flyer plus bringing a whole lot more with her weather powers and combat skills.

thejackolantern Wrote:
> 1. Troll (From the recent Thunderbolts series)
> 2. Cypher (Doug Ramsey)
> 3. Ravage 2099
> 4. Sunturion
> 5. Clea

Not familiar with Troll... my bad. Cypher as a ninja could be interesting. Maybe he got his hands on some ancient magic ninja scrolls and unlocked their secrets which bestowed kickass skills and powers on him. I liked Ravage in the 2099 line up at first, but I kind of lost interest when they had his physical form mutate into something kind grotesque. Sunturion... nice pick. The guy wanted to be a hero but really just ended up a pawn and a villain. It'd be nice to see him redeemed. And as for Clea, yeah, I could see that. Any good team needs someone with mystic skills on it, and she's not exactly welcome home in the Dark Dimension these days. I like it.

thorr-kan Wrote:
> Rick Jones
> Cypher (ninja'd!)
> Frog-Man
> Vagabond
> Topaz (they're gonna need someone to patch them
> up...)
> Captain Universe

What? No, no, no! Horrible! Just awful. Just kidding!

Any team can benefit from Rick's years of sidekick experience... not to mention he can always call on one of his numerous longtime superhero friends for backup if his team needs the help. And these days, Rick goes by A-Bomb, the big blue Abomination substitute. Frog-Man is an inspired choice... because I can't imagine anyone would want to take him seriously, so he needs a home and I commend you trying to find him one. Vagabond, trained a little with Captain America (who hasn't, right?) and would be the Black Widow of the team. Personally, I think she's your weak link, but like Frog-Man, everyone needs a place where they can prove themselves... and besides, more on her in a moment. Topaz, good choice, as I said previously, every good team needs a mystic... and she's a healer, which Frog-Man and Vagabond might need often. And finally, Captain Universe. Wow, talk about pairing up Superman with a bunch of minor league powered Justice Leaguers... but hey, he can carry the team and let Frog-Man, Vagabond, and even unpowered Rick Jones feel like they're doing something important just by helping out.

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Re: Team Building Concepts: The Official Create-A-Team Thread
November 23, 2015 02:25PM
I had a campaign start once with everyone who had been thrown into the local jail, fairly or not, waking up the morning of an all-out Deadite attack on the unsuspecting town where the jail was located.

The jail characters were the player character prisoners and a handful of soon to be dead guards who left the prisoners trapped inside the lockup (one big cell).

The twist - no one got any powers unless they got out of the jail and lived* through the initial adventure. The powers were waiting for them on the outside if they could make it.

Origins became like the origin issue of a comic for each of them- pick up magic weapon, learn and say magic word, hit by weird magic blast, puberty meant the onset of previously unknown mutant powers, bitten by an enchanted river turtle and character is a halfbreed merman-human who has never bothered to embrace either heritage.

Anyone not making the team through death or not liking what they rolled up had to play a more standard kind of character sort of like a medieval fantasy version of a SHIELD agent or a random hedge wizard or thief.

It worked.

*One of them didn't live but became a player character Deadite


Using a similar motif, how about Morgan Conquesting a team of eg Guardians of the Galaxy into fantasy RPG space or a team of anti-Deadite standard heroes when the Deadites attack a Marvel Earth?
Re: Team Building Concepts: The Official Create-A-Team Thread
December 14, 2015 10:31AM
The High-Tech Wonder team!

Mister Fantastic
Iron Man

Rather dysfunctional, but smart.

"To defend: this is the pact. But when life loses its meaning and is taken for naught... then the pact is to avenge."
Re: Team Building Concepts: The Official Create-A-Team Thread
April 15, 2016 04:27AM
I've always dug some of the international heroes, so maybe a Global Avengers which would include:

Captain Britain - The Team Leader
Collective Man - The team muscle
Shamrock - Team Buffer and hot chick (Why didn't Marvel do more with her!)
Crimson Dynamo - Gadget armor guy
Sabra - General bad ass and government agent type
Black Panther - Stealth
Sunfire - Energy blaster

I know I've left South America and North America unrepresented but really can't think of many South American heroes and too many North American ones. Perhaps adding a Middle Eastern character might make for some interesting tension, esp with Sabra.
Re: Team Building Concepts: The Official Create-A-Team Thread
April 15, 2016 04:39AM
that's a really strong team!

Sunspot would fit right in as south America representtive... as for nother American continent - you could always revisit the Canadians - then you have all of Alpha Flight to pick from (are they still around?)
Re: Team Building Concepts: The Official Create-A-Team Thread
April 15, 2016 08:10AM
Sunspot!!! Thats a good call, I could also dip into the 80s and get Defensor or the Conquistador for S. America.

I see the Alpha Flight characters pop up from time to time and I have a huge soft spot for them due to the X-Men connection and that amazing Byrne run. But it was a title that crashed and burned HARD after Byrne left. I've often wondered if there was some bullpen drama behind that as several of the key characters either died or had really bad turns. From them though, my favorite was always Snowbird who I thought had such a cool look to her or Puck who was just fun.
Re: Team Building Concepts: The Official Create-A-Team Thread
April 22, 2016 05:04PM
New Challenge: build a team --hero or villain-- of classic storybook characters using comics characters as their stand-ins.

For example, here's a Wizard of Oz-themed villain team:
  • Dorothy: Black Mamba
  • Scarecrow Scarecrow
  • Cowardly Lion: Sabretooth
  • Tin Man: Dreadnought
  • and Toto, too: Mad-Dog
  • the Wizard: M.O.D.O.K. as the mind-controlling force bringing the others together for some sinister plan.

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Re: Team Building Concepts: The Official Create-A-Team Thread
October 04, 2016 02:17PM
Alice: Emma Frost
The Cheshire Cat: Tigra
The Red Queen: Thundra
The Mad Hatter: The Ringmaster
The White Rabbit: Nightcrawler
The Caterpillar: Madame Web
Re: Team Building Concepts: The Official Create-A-Team Thread
October 04, 2016 02:18PM
Here is one for Halloween:

Build a Midnight Sons team, using any comic character that is supernatural or similar that has not been associated with the Midnight Sons previously in any incarnations.
Re: Team Building Concepts: The Official Create-A-Team Thread
October 04, 2016 04:13PM

Cloak & Dagger
Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes)
Strong Guy

Be Ex/20 to each other.
Re: Team Building Concepts: The Official Create-A-Team Thread
October 13, 2016 01:34PM
Midnight Sons

Devil Slayer
Rachel Van Helsing
The Frankenstein Monster
Abdul Alhazred

*Jack did say any character

One world of adventure is never enough.
Re: Team Building Concepts: The Official Create-A-Team Thread
March 16, 2017 01:43PM
Rick Jones
Cypher (ninja'd!)
Topaz (they're gonna need someone to patch them up...)
Captain Universe
Watch exactly is Rick Jones going to do? Are you using the version that had powers from the Beyonder?
Re: Team Building Concepts: The Official Create-A-Team Thread
March 20, 2017 04:30PM
Screaming Dean
Rick Jones
Cypher (ninja'd!)
Topaz (they're gonna need someone to patch them up...)
Captain Universe
Watch exactly is Rick Jones going to do? Are you using the version that had powers from the Beyonder?
He's *Rick Jones!* What *isn't* he going to do?
Science familiarity.
Latent psi powers.
Latent gamma powers.

For that matter, enemies. He's a walking plot device.
Re: Team Building Concepts: The Official Create-A-Team Thread
May 14, 2017 10:18AM
After watching Justice League Dark with it's magic-specific threats and a team of magic-oriented heroes, how would you build a "Dark" team suited for magic threats... what characters & why, and what main team would they be a branch of? You get five characters max.

I'm thinking of a team of Avengers Dark ( not to be confused with Norman Osborn's Dark Avengers), including...
  • Valkyrie as the muscle
  • Ian McNee as the team's spellcaster
  • Hellcat as the stealthy tracker/scrapper
  • Devil-Slayer as the team's multi-purpose hero
  • and Moon Knight as the not-especially-magic guy who's had more than a little experience with supernatural stuff.

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Re: Team Building Concepts: The Official Create-A-Team Thread
May 14, 2017 10:23AM
After watching Justice League Dark with it's magic-specific threats and a team of magic-oriented heroes, how would you build a "Dark" team suited for magic threats... what characters & why, and what main team would they be a branch of? You get five characters max.

I'm thinking of a team of Avengers Dark ( not to be confused with Norman Osborn's Dark Avengers), including...
  • Valkyrie as the muscle
  • Ian McNee as the team's spellcaster
  • Hellcat as the stealthy tracker/scrapper
  • Devil-Slayer as the team's multi-purpose hero
  • and Moon Knight as the not-especially-magic guy who's had more than a little experience with supernatural stuff.

I feel like Marvel did this a LONG time ago with Dr. Strange and the Midnight Sons......
I would probably do a close variation of the list I added to Jack's previous question above.

One world of adventure is never enough.
Re: Team Building Concepts: The Official Create-A-Team Thread
May 20, 2017 10:47AM
Red Norville
The Puma
The Enforcer
John Steele
Re: Team Building Concepts: The Official Create-A-Team Thread
April 01, 2018 11:29AM
Let's do DC's Crime Syndicate idea with The Avengers. Assuming everyone's moralities are flipped and the classic hero Avengers are the major villains, which classic villains band together as a team to oppose them? Marvel characters only.

Bonus points for also putting together any other villain counterpart teams to replace evil X-Men, New Warriors, Champions, Defenders, Midnight Sons, or whatever.

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Re: Team Building Concepts: The Official Create-A-Team Thread
May 20, 2018 12:05PM
Here are some team's I've been tinkering with for games.

The Marvel Knights
Pulled together to fight the world's secret wrongs, this group was put together by a repentant clone of REDACTED.

Hawkeye (Clint Barton) - The World's Best Marksman
Elektra (Elektra Natchios)- The World's Best Assassin
The Cavalry (Melinda May) - The World's Best Spook
Moon Knight (Marc Spector) - The World's Best Detective
Patriot (Elijah Bradley) - Super Soldier

Agents of S.W.O.R.D.
Tasked with finding and stopping threats of an extraterrestrial nature on Earth, Abigail Brand collected young heroes with ties to alien cultures. The Agents are a scalpel, not a hammer.

Gee (Alex Power) - Empowered by a dying Kymellian
Lucy In The Sky (Carolina Dean) - A Majesdanian celebrity
Turbo (Mickey Musashi) - Wears Dire Wraith power armor
Nova (Sam Alexander) - Xandar-powered peacekeeper
Ultragirl (Suzy Sherman) - messianic Unifier of the Kree

A lower-powered version of the team of supervillains doing black ops missions to work off their prison sentences.

Batroc the Leaper
Ana Kravinoff
Silver Samurai
Re: Team Building Concepts: The Official Create-A-Team Thread
November 28, 2018 03:53AM
My Xmen team:

Jean Grey
Re: Team Building Concepts: The Official Create-A-Team Thread
December 07, 2020 06:18PM
Here's how I would have done it had I been in Xavier's shoes:

Jean Grey.
Re: Team Building Concepts: The Official Create-A-Team Thread
December 21, 2020 09:42AM
For my 7 person Avengers (take it a few years into the future...)

American Dream (daughter of Captain America and Ms. Marvel)
Dire Wolf (son of Wolverine and Wolfsbane)
Thunderhammer (son of Thorgirl and ?)
Dreadnought (son of Juggernaught and She-Hulk)
Lady Night (daughter of Moon Knight and Darkstar)
Wych (daughter of Doctor Doom and Scarlet Witch)
Predator (son of Sabretooth and Mystique)

Interesting combinations, I'd like to see the stats on these
Re: Team Building Concepts: The Official Create-A-Team Thread
April 14, 2021 10:14PM
The Exiles are no more. To take over the task of patrolling (and dispatching threats from) other realities, an unlikely team has been assembled. The common factor among its members: they've all broken the "Fourth Wall". They are:

The Sensational She-Hulk
Squirrel Girl
and Howard the Duck, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

They are... THE OFFENDERS.
Re: Team Building Concepts: The Official Create-A-Team Thread
April 24, 2021 06:45PM
I know Marvel characters are prefered, but if Disney owns the rights to them as well as just about everything else, I say screw it.

Avengers of the Multiverse.

Luke Skywalker
Iron Man
Darkwing Duck
Buzz Lightyear
Indiana Jones
and Homer Simpson.
Re: Team Building Concepts: The Official Create-A-Team Thread
April 30, 2021 04:46AM
I know Marvel characters are prefered, but if Disney owns the rights to them as well as just about everything else, I say screw it.

Avengers of the Multiverse.

Luke Skywalker
Iron Man
Darkwing Duck
Buzz Lightyear
Indiana Jones
and Homer Simpson.

There's another franchise you're ignoring: The Incredibles. I'd nominate Frozone rather than break up the family team dynamic of The Incredibles themselves. Besides, Frozone is probably on outs with his wife after all that arguing about his super suit and "the greater good."

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